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I had an appointment with Meg the very next week already.

I had made that call to Meg, telling her I wasn't going to go through with the abortion — not after seeing the baby on that screen, seeing her move like that, and knowing the sex.

"According to the information you've told me, and what we see on the screen, I'd say you are currently fourteen weeks and two days pregnant." Meg told me. "Which means you are in your second trimester."

I nodded and looked at the ultrasound pictures she had printed out, that George were holding.

"I would set your due date to February fifth." Meg said. "That's around the same time your twins were born, yeah?"

"A few days later." I nodded. "I actually meant to speak to you about something."

Meg tilted her head.


"When I give birth, I want my tubes tied." I said.

Meg moved to sit down in her chair.

"We can definitely do that. Is it something you've thought through?"

"It's something I've wanted for years." I said.

"Okay. Well, there are things you need to know about tubal ligation." She told me. "It has to be done through an incision and there are risks. There can be damage to the bowel, bladder or the major blood vessels. You might have a reaction to the anaesthesia, you might get an infection if the wound won't heal properly. There can be pelvic pain in the future and sometimes, the procedure fails and women end up with unwanted pregnancies in the future."

I took a deep breath.

"Even if the procedure works, there is the possibility of your eggs being fertilised outside of the womb." She said. "But those chances are slim. Loads of women decide to have their tubes tied over various of reasons and if that's what you want, I can definitely do that for you after you've given birth."

After the appointment, George and I walked back to the car in silence.

Once we got inside, he offered me the ultrasound pictures.

"Do you want to have a look at her?" He asked.

I hadn't looked at the screen during the ultrasound. I couldn't get myself to look at her.

"No." I shook my head. "I'm good."


"Not right now."

He hummed and reached for my hand, giving it a squeeze.

"Hey, what did the penis say to the condom?" He asked, causing me to look at him.

I cocked an eyebrow.

Is this a joke?

"Uh... I don't know?"

"Cover me. I'm going in."

I stared at him with no reaction. He was smiling, obviously finding it funny.

He looked at me.

"No?" He asked when he noticed I didn't laugh. "Alright then. Did I tell you the joke about my dick?"

I cocked an eyebrow again, waiting for him to tell the joke to me.

"Never mind." He smiled. "It's too long."

It took me a moment, but then I laughed as I covered my face with my hands.

"George!" I laughed. "That was—"

"True?" He asked and I looked at him, smiling.

"You've got too much confidence for your own good."

He smiled at me and leaned in, pressing a kiss to my lips.

"I'm just trying to cheer you up." He whispered. "Did it work?"

"Yes." I smiled, repaying his kiss.

He slid his hand into my hair and kept placing kissed against my lips, causing me to laugh.

"George, what are you doing?" I asked as he moved his lips to my cheek and then spread kisses all over my face.

I shoved him back, laughing.

"I'm showing you love." He smiled. "Now, how about we take a trip to the backseat, eh?"

I raised my eyebrows at him before I looked at the backseat which was full of toys and crumbs.

"You want to have sex back there?" I asked. "Yeah, no."

George looked at the backseat as well.

"Yeah alright. Doesn't seem ideal."

"You think?" I laughed. "Let's just get back to the house."

I pulled on my seatbelt before looking at George who was already watching me, smiling widely.


He shrugged.

"Nothing. You're just really beautiful."

I smiled, feeling my cheeks heat up. Even after all of this time, he could make me blush.

"Let's grab something to eat on our way home." George said as he pulled on his seatbelt. "I'm starving."

"So am I." I breathed.

"Yeah? What are you craving?"

"Frozen yogurt."

George looked at me.

"Well that isn't exactly lunch." He chuckled. "But okay. We'll go for frozen yoghurt."

He turned on the engine and the car started moving.

"I think driving is ridiculous when we can apparate." I said.

"Yeah? I personally love driving." He said. "When Fred and I turned seventeen, all we did was apparate from place to place when we weren't at Hogwarts. Now, I enjoy doing some things the muggle way."

We went and got frozen yoghurt and sat ourselves at a corner table in the shop.

"Can I ask you something?" George asked, causing me to glance at him.

"Of course."

"Why couldn't you look at the ultrasound?" He asked. "Do you still not feel a connection to her?"

I sighed.

"I just need time getting used to this." I said and looked at him. "I am three and a half months pregnant but I've only known for about a week. We'll be having a baby in seven months and I am not prepared whatsoever. I can't see myself with a newborn again."

George nodded.

"Okay." He said. "You know that'll change, right?"

I nodded.

"I know I'll feel different the closer we get, but right now it doesn't feel like the baby is mine." I said before I looked at him. "I don't want to talk about that right now."

"What do you want to talk about then?" He smiled and reached over to dip his spoon in my frozen yoghurt, to taste it.

I stared at his spoon as he moved it to his lips, and he chuckled once he saw my reaction.

"I know you hate sharing but—"

I cut him off by scooping some of his up, eating it.

Oh god...

"You don't like the chocolate one." He said, and I nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I don't." I said, swallowing even though it tasted like shit.

He laughed softly.

"Hey, you never told me what you ended up saying to McGonagall." He told me. "Did you say yes?"

I shook my head.

"No. I don't want to spend every second of the day away from the family. I would never get to see any of you." I said. "So no... I won't be the new head of Slytherin."

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