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"Would you like me to stay home?"

George was looking at me as he buttoned his shirt, getting ready for work.

Me on the other hand, I had called in sick. I wasn't feeling well. It wasn't really mental, it was more physical.

I was in bed, the duvet pulled up to my chin. My eyes were focused on George. He looked good.

I always enjoyed mornings where we got ready together, but today I was feeling sick so I wasn't going to work.

"No, it's fine." I said. "They need you at the shop."

George left the top buttons open as he walked over to me on the bed, crawled up behind me. He placed a hand on my hip and leaned down to kiss my cheek.

"I'm sure they can manage one day without me." He whispered as he pressed the back of his hand to my forehead. "You're burning up."

"No... it's probably nothing. Go to work." I said, turning away from him.

"Dahlia." He said, brushing my hair behind my ear. "I'm staying home. I'll call Fred and let him and Ron know and then I'm taking the twins to school."

He pressed a kiss to my shoulder before getting off the bed, doing the last buttons in his shirt as he walked over to grab his phone.

"Don't call him." I said, pushing myself up to sit, but I felt faint and my breathing fastened just by me sitting up. "George, I'm fine."

Immediately I broke into a coughing fit.

"Completely fine." George said, his tone full of sarcasm. "Lay back down, Dia. You need rest."

"What I need is for you to stop bothering me. Go to work, George. It's fine."

"Would you stop saying that?" He asked and walked back over. He helped me back under the duvet, guiding me to lie down. "Stay in bed or I'll have to tie you up."

"You act like I wouldn't like that." I said, causing George to laugh and shake his head at me.

"Leah was right you know." I said after a moment of silence.

George raised an eyebrow at me, obviously confused as to what I referred to.

"She made Slytherin." I breathed. "She can see the future. Those dreams she talks about... they're visions."

"I know." He said as he sat down on the edge of the bed.

"What if she saw my death?"

He looked at me quickly, then shook his head.

"She would have told you."

"George, she said she hopes I die."

"She said hope. Leah may see the future but she can't decide what's going to happen." He said. "Plus, she didn't mean it. She loves you."

I didn't answer. I stared at the ceiling while George brushed his fingers through the front of my hair.

"I'm gonna call Fred." He told me softly, and I nodded before he got to his feet and left the room like he always did when he was on the phone with someone.

I rolled onto my side and pulled the duvet up to my chin again while I looked out of the window.

I ended up falling asleep while George was on the phone out in the hallway, and I didn't wake up until I felt a hand brush over my arm.

It was such a faint touch that it made goosebumps rise on my skin.

I turned over and offered a weak smile to George who sat there. He brushed his hand over my hair, smiling back at me.

"What did Fred say?"


"You called Fred."

"Oh, yeah but that was a while ago." He said. "I thought I'd let you sleep. I just got back from taking Mia and Liam to school."

"Oh..." I muttered. " how long have I been asleep for?"

George shrugged.

"About an hour." He said. "Listen, I called Meg."

"No." I groaned, running a hand over my face. "George."

"I told her you can barely get out of bed. You've got a fever, you're faint, you're coughing and your voice is hoarse." He said. "I booked an appointment for a home visit. Not by Meg but by a healer over from St. Mungo's. You might have the virus."

I sighed, shaking my head.

"We all took the potion that makes us immune." I said. "It's probably the flu but it isn't covid."

The wizarding world had made a potion that promised one-hundred percent immunity towards this virus that started spreading a few years ago.

"It's just to be on the safe side." George said. "If you've somehow got it, we all need to be tested and isolated."


George smiled at me before he stood up.

"I'll make you some breakfast and some tea with honey, yeah?"

"So I have to be stuck up here all on my own?" I yawned. "I'm already bored."

George leaned down and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"I'll be up as soon as it's made." He told me. "It won't take long."

I hummed in response, watching him walk over to the door where he turned around to look at me again.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that Freddie left as I got home. He's got practice with his team before they leave for tour in two weeks."

I nodded, smiling weakly at him before he left the room. With a sigh, I looked up at the ceiling, then pulled myself up to sit.

I took a deep breath, then pulled the duvet away and forced myself out of bed.

Standing up made me feel lightheaded. I had to support my weight on the bed before forcing myself out into the bathroom.

I pushed the door shut behind me before leaning on the sink. By now I was breathing heavily. It felt like my lungs weren't getting enough oxygen.

I clutched my chest, closing my eyes when my vision started blackening with spots.

I ended up sitting on the floor right in front of the sink, leaning back against the cupboard underneath it.

I let out a small laugh through my breath, leaning my head back.

I couldn't get off the floor. I wasn't even going to try because I knew it wasn't possible.

I was twenty-one weeks pregnant and now also ill so I didn't want to risk me falling or fainting if I tried to get up.

I had to wait for George.

Tapping my fingers against the cold floor, I looked around, noticing George's hoodie that hung over the shower glass door.

That's a ridiculous place to put your hoodie.

"Dia?!" I heard George call from the bedroom.

I didn't get to respond before there was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Are you in there, love?"

"You can open the door."

The door opened and George's eyes landed on me as I sat on the floor.

"I have to pee." I said. "But I'm dizzy every time I stand. I need your help."

George laughed as he closed the door behind me.

"I have to help you pee?" He asked. "We certainly aren't newly married anymore, huh."

"Shut up." I laughed. "Help me up you idiot."

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