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I just accepted my mothers birthday invitation for the weekend because I've missed her a lot lately and that sucks because I know how manipulative she is but at the same time, I've never felt as lonely as I did after cutting her out of my life.

I don't even know how to tell my older sister that my mum is back in my life because this shit is so embarrassing.

It's also just that I haven't seen my little sister more than two times since cutting my mum out of my life and I feel so guilty because I know she sees me as her only and best friend and she doesn't even get to see me.

I'm gonna stop ranting lmao.

Enjoy the chapter.


In the living room, there stood a box on the middle of the floor, kittens inside of it.

Some of them stood up with their paws on the edge of the box and as I laid eyes on them, I gasped.

They were so small, so fluffy and in three different colours. All were meowing, trying to get in contact and my eyes moved to George as he walked over to them, his face lit up like a child Christmas morning.

"Look." He picked one up with each hand, showing them to me.

One was grey and the other was a cream colour.

"These are the only boys in the litter." He said. "Aren't they adorable?"

I stepped into the room and closed the door behind me as he put them down on the floor and the two kittens started smelling their way around the room while George picked the rest up and got them out of the box.

There was one cream coloured, two greys and three light gingers.

Seeing the happiness on George's face, made me realise that I really couldn't be angry here.

Seeing him giggle as he joined the kittens on the floor, caused me to already make the decision to keep them.

He was so happy when multiple of them crawled onto him to get cuddles. They were all very affectionate.

I could feel something against my leg and I looked down to see one of the grey cats rub her tail against me.

I knew this was the girl, as the boy was grey with a white chest and white paws, and this one was fully grey.

"You say that they're healthy?" I asked and looked at George who was cuddling the cream coloured kitten while looking up at me.

"Yeah." He smiled. "Don't worry. I wouldn't have brought them home if they were a risk for you and the baby. You just have to stay away from the litter box."

I walked over to sit on the edge of the sofa before sliding down to sit on the floor and immediately I was attacked by a very playful ginger cat.

I laughed, picking her up to place her in my lap.

"They need names, don't they?" I asked. "Unless you've already given them that."

"I wanted to pick them out with you." He said. "And the twins."

The rest of our kids went back to Hogwarts yesterday and George was working every day but I was on maternity leave so I was at home.

"So what do you think?" George asked and I looked at him to see that he was already staring at me, a faint smile smeared across his face.

"I think... I think that they're cute." I nodded slowly. "And we can keep them."

"Yeah?" He grinned.

"Yeah." I shrugged. "Why not? It's just... six cats and we already have a dog. Who cares? Maybe you'll come home with a cow or a llama next week."

George laughed before picking one of the kittens up, looking up at him.

"Did you hear that? You've got yourself a home."

I stared at him.

"I just realised that I am technically married to a teenager."

"Oi!" He exclaimed. "No you're not!"

I tilted my head, smiling at him as the kitten in my lap stood up with her paws against my belly, blue eyes looking at me.

"Mango." I muttered, narrowing my eyes as I looked down at the orange cat.

"Huh?" George asked.

"She looks like a Mango." I said. "I mean... she doesn't look like the fruit but she looks like her name could be Mango."

"Hey! Don't name them yet!" George scolded and I brought a hand up to my face, running my fingers over my lips.

I stared at George as I let my middle finger slip into my mouth and when I slid it back out, I held it up in the direction of George.

"This is Mango." I said. "And you can't change that."

"I'm gonna take her from you, Dia." He said with raised eyebrows, though a faint smile showed on his lips.

"If you do, I'll castrate you myself." I said. "Then you won't have to get it done by professionals."

George made a face, imagining the pain that would cause.

I heard a gasp and I turned my head to see the twins in the doorway with Lee standing between them.

The gasp had come from Amelia.

"Oh, right... I asked Lee to pick them up from school." George said and I glanced at him before my eyes landed on the twins again.

"Kittens!" Mia shrieked before she started jumping in place, then ran over and threw herself on the floor, continuing to crawl onto the female grey cat. "Hi kitty... how are you?"

I smiled as Mia petted the cat.

"Liam, why don't you come say hi to the kittens?" George asked.

"Are they ours?" He asked as he carefully walked over and sat next to George.

"They are." My husband smiled proudly. "Do you want to hold one?"

Liam looked at him.

"Don't they scratch?"

"No. These are harmless, I promise you." George said and handed Liam the cream coloured cat.

"I don't think I've ever seen this many cats at once." Lee said, closing the door to the living room behind him. "Where the hell did you get them, George?"

"Someone abandoned them by some dumpsters." George explained. "I've taken them to a vet before I brought them home."

Lee said down on the sofa behind me, giving me a nudge.

"And you're okay with this?"

"They're cute." I shrugged and placed Mango in his lap. "That's Mango. I named her."


I simply smiled at him before I looked at the kittens again.

"My name is Amelia." Mia had a full on conversation with the grey cat. "What's your name?"

Then she gasped and looked at me.

"Mummy, is it a boy or a girl?"

"This one's a girl." I said as I petted the grey cat while it rubbed against Mia's legs.

"She told me her name is Kitty." Amelia told me. "Just like Hello Kitty."

"Yeah?" I asked. "Kitty's a great name."

"I think so too."


I've got group therapy tomorrow and a few hours after that, I am forced to attend this food arrangement for the young adults living in my neighbourhood.

Apparently you can't live here if you don't attend the meals they plan which sucks because I don't feel like spending three hours with young people I don't know when I've just been in therapy for two hours.

Also, I don't like eating in front of people I'm not comfortable around.

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