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I'm traumatised.

Alright, so I've got arachnophobia (extreme fear of spiders), I can see a spider and I start crying and my whole body reacts to it...

Last night at four in the morning, I woke up to something crawling on my face.

It was a spider.

I screamed and killed it and I just couldn't fall asleep again for such a long time because I was so anxious.


Being pregnant and in labour was getting boring.

I spent more hours having to wait. I wasn't in pain anymore due to the epidural but I did feel a little pressure.

I slept for two hours before I had some lunch, the five of us talking while the television was on.

At one point, George and I had Inez, Fred and Lee leave for a few hours so we could get some sleep, seeing as we were about to be parents to a baby again.

After another two hours, we had them come back.

I was missing my twins, seeing their little faces and hearing them giggle over the smallest things.

George and I got to FaceTime them for a bit which was something Molly set up, but when I suddenly started feeling a sharp pain in my back, I had George take the phone.

I didn't want the twins to see me in pain.

I tried to push Meg for another epidural because now it felt like I was back in labour without an epidural, but she wouldn't approve it, scared that it would numb me to the point where I wouldn't be able to push.

She tried to assure me that it was fine, that the epidural isn't supposed to take away all of the pain, but I knew something was wrong and it wasn't working properly anymore.

At one point, I had cried to the point where I couldn't breath, because the pain got so intense and everyone around me tried to comfort me and get me to focus on my breathing.

Hours and hours went by of me being in pain and at around five in the afternoon, I was finally ten centimetres dilated.

I only pushed for two to three minutes before I felt a huge release of relief and then baby cries filled the room.

She was placed on my chest and the second I held her and looked at her, I felt so much love towards her that it made me cry.

George had an arm resting on the pillow I laid against and he too smiled down at the newly born baby.

My youngest daughter was born at six-forty-six in the evening.

She cried, her eyes closed and her fingers stretched out against my skin.

"Look at her." I smiled. "She's so beautiful."

George brushed his index finger over her cheek.

"Hi little one." He whispered while I rubbed her arm to keep her arm warm while a nurse came over with a blanket, wrapping it around her while she stayed on my chest.

When I brushed a finger over her hand, she closed her tiny fingers around it and I felt my heart melt.

I could stare at her forever, but I wasn't feeling well.

I was getting more tired by the second.

Something wasn't right.

"Her blood pressure is dropping." I heard Meg tell one from the team as they stared up at the screen.

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