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Mature content (a little)

On a Saturday in mid February, George and I decided to have a day to ourselves. It was his first Saturday in a while where he didn't have to work so we asked Molly if she could watch our kids for the day, and she agreed.

We went over there with the twins and with Maggie and we were now back home, just the two of us.

"What would you do if the world ended?" I asked George as he made some tea for the both of us. "If today was your last day on earth?"

"Move to Mars." He joked and I rolled my eyes.

"Let me rephrase; if today was your last day alive."

George turned towards me and leaned his hip on the counter, his hand resting on the surface.

"I would... fuck you." He said, causing me to raise my eyebrows. "And I'd continue until I died."

I laughed.

"That would traumatise me... having sex with you and you just drop dead."

He smiled and leaned down to kiss me and when he straightened up again, I ran a finger up and down his arm.

"No but seriously... what would you do?"

"I told you." He chuckled. "I'd fuck you."

I looked up at him, my hand reaching his shoulder and I turned him towards me, before dragging my hand down his chest.

"Yeah?" I asked. "You were serious about that?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" He asked, his eyes following the action of my hand.

"Dunno." I shrugged.

"What would you do if it was you?" He asked as I dragged my hand down over his stomach and grabbed onto his shirt, pulling it out of his trousers.

I slid my hand under the material and George inhaled sharply when my fingers brushed over his bare stomach.

"I would... I'd spend the day with you and the kids." I said softly, tilting my head back, our eyes meeting. "Sit by the fire with you all, maybe watch a comedy to make us all laugh."

"A comedy?" George snickered. "You hate comedies."

I shrugged as my hands found the bottoms of his shirt and I slowly started undoing them, one by one while George watched my face.

"I like watching them with you." I just said.

George didn't answer. I could sense his breathing getting harder. His chest started rising and falling quicker the more buttons I undid.

I pushed the material off his shoulders and his shirt fell to the floor, leaving him shirtless.

I ran a hand up his chest, continuing to the nape of his neck. I pulled his head down a little, kissing him on the lips for a few seconds before I trailed my lips down his neck.

I sucked on his pulse point, flattening my tongue against it afterwards, and George whimpered.

One hand went to my waist and he pulled me closer, making sure I could feel how hard he already was against my lower abdomen.

"I would definitely fuck you." George breathed, rubbing his hand down to squeeze my arse.

"Then do." I whispered against his neck. "Fuck me like it's your last day on earth."

"Is that what you want?" He asked and I pulled my head away to look at him as his hands found the buttons of my jeans.

"Yes please." I pouted at him before smirking.

He rolled his eyes at me, pushing my jeans down and when he stood back up, he slid his hands under my t-shirt.

I raised my arms, letting him pull it off of me before he backed me up against the counter and as soon as my back hit the edge, he pressed his lips to mine, kissing me deeply.

His hands rested on either side of my body and I had a hand pressed to his abdomen.

His nose dug into my cheek, and mine brushed against his as we kissed quickly and deeply, both of us losing our breaths rather quickly.

His forehead rested against mine for a moment as we both took a break to get some air in, but then I tilted my chin up and our lips met again.

I ran my fingers into his hair, whimpering against his lips as he slid his hand between my legs.

My lips parted and hovered over his as I broke the kiss. I opened my eyes and stared down at his lips while his hand worked against me.

"Fuck." I whispered, seeing George's lips tug into a smirk.

"Bet you're fucking wet underneath, huh?" He whispered and I moaned in response.

I bit down on my lip, closing my eyes and George grabbed me by my hair, tugging my head back.

"Answer me."

I smirked, pressing my lips together to tell him that I wasn't going to.

"Oh, so you're in that mood right now?" He asked, his eyebrows raised.

"What mood?" I asked innocently. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"No?" He asked. "Alright..."

He looked into the room and I followed his eyes to where Charley stood, watching the us.


"Go upstairs." George looked at me again. "I want you on the bed, naked."

Smiling, I pushed myself away from the counter.

"Yes, sir."

I slid past him, out of the kitchen and hurried upstairs, into our room.

I crawled onto the bed, staring into the room as I brushed my fingers through my hair.

He told me to get naked but I thought he should have the honour of fully undressing me, so here I was, waiting for him to join me.

I leaned back on the bed and reached for my phone that rested on my nightstand.

I scrolled through social media until I could hear George's footsteps on the stairs.

When the footsteps stopped, I knew he stood in the doorway to the room.

I looked past my phone, seeing him stand there shirtless.

He looked pissed.

He was staring at me, his tongue pushed into his cheek.

He exhaled deeply, then stepped inside of the room and slowly closed the door behind him.

"You're not naked."

I scoffed.

"Well spotted."

George's hands went to the belt in his trousers, unbuckling it and pulling it off before making his way towards the bed.

"Are you done acting like a brat?" He asked calmly, placing himself right by the bed.

"Why?" I asked. "Will you tie me up if I'm not?"

He didn't answer, just gave me a challenging look and with a smirk, I dropped my phone and got to my knees, leaning closer to him.

"No. I'm not done being a brat."


Will be continued in the next chapter.

But for now, I'm going to bed.


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