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Usually it would be wonderful but right now I couldn't think about anything but Leah.

I was hoping she was alright and didn't change her mind. I hoped she wasn't missing home. I didn't want her being homesick.

Today was Christmas Eve and we had arrived not long ago. So far, Molly hadn't made any sort of comment towards me.

When we first got here, Mia tripped and she started crying.

George picked her up and while she had now calmed down, he was still carrying her, walking back and forth while talking to her, his voice soft and gentle.

"What happened to her head?"

I looked to my side where Molly stood. She was looking towards George and Mia and I looked at them again, sighing.

"She fell off the swing at school last week." I said. "Split her forehead open."

I expected her to make some sharp comment about me being a terrible mother, but oddly mouth, she didn't.

"Poor baby." She said, shaking her head before she scanned the room that was filled with everyone who were going to spend Christmas here.

Elsie was having a discussion with Fred while Eloise watched.

Roxanne was helping Percy put presents under the tree.

Audrey was outside, playing in the snow with Georgia, Sebastian and Liam.

Percy and Audrey's girls Molly and Lucy were playing a game of wizard chess by the dining table.

Everyone were having fun with each other. This was what I loved about Christmas but I still couldn't get Leah out of my mind.

I had sent her a letter but I hadn't received one back.

I was just hoping that she was okay, having fun with her friends at Hogwarts.

"How long until your due date?" Molly asked, earning my attention again.

"Uh... six weeks."

"You must be excited." She said. "Have you been talking about names."

"Not yet." I said. "Though Fred has come with a lot of suggestions."

"I bet he has." She laughed softly and placed a comforting hand on my arm before walking into the kitchen and I looked after her with a frown.

Then I hurried towards George who still carried Mia and walked back and forth.

"George." I whispered, placing a hand on his arm to get his attention.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Your mother is being nice." I whispered and looked towards the kitchen. "If I drop dead tonight, it's because she's poisoned my food."

George laughed.

"Oh c'mon. Maybe she's finally realised that you are wonderful."

I looked at him.

"After almost ten years?" I asked. "Yeah... no. She's out to get me, I'm telling you."

"Dia, no she isn't." He chuckled, bringing a hand up to cup the side of my face while holding Mia with one arm.

"Alright... guess you'll regret not doing anything when you can't wake me up in the morning."

"You're being dramatic." He said, stroking my cheek with his thumb.

"Tell me that one more time." I said. "Go ahead, George. Tell your pregnant wife one more time that she's being dramatic."

He stared down at me and I let out a small chuckle, causing him to smile.

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