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I didn't remember falling asleep. I woke up later that day, completely confused.

I could hear chatter and laughter downstairs and after I sat on the bed confused for a moment, I decided to join everyone downstairs.

Though when I walked into the kitchen, everyone got quiet and looked at me.

"Did you punch back?" Fred asked as the first thing to break the silence and George sent him a look that shut him up.

"I think most of you— and by most I mean you Fred, Elsie, Roxi and Leah... are aware of what happened earlier." I said. "I just want to clarify that I am okay..."

"Is he going to Azkaban?" Leah asked, interrupting me.

"Uh... I don't know. Hopefully not."

"You're not gonna turn him in?" Elsie asked.

"I say lock him up." Roxanne shrugged, and George placed a hand over her mouth to keep her from talking.

"Listen... I told your dad that if he doesn't go to rehab for his alcohol issues, I'll turn him in for assault. I don't want you to go without a father but he's—"

"We won't." Elsie cut me off. "We have George."

I smiled weakly before I looked at George who looked at Elsie in surprise, then looked at me.

"George?" I asked. "Did you drug me?"

Everyone now looked at George but the twins sat in their own world... Liam playing with his food and Amelia simply eating.

"I gave you something to sleep." He said and nodded.

"Hmm..." I narrowed my eyes at him. "...we will talk about this later."

I walked over to sit on the chair between the twins and Amelia immediately grabbed some of her chips and placed on my plate.

"There you go, mummy."

"Thank you, darling." I smiled but then Liam leaned closer to grab the chips off my plate, stuffing them all into his mouth.

"No!" Amelia exclaimed. "That was for mummy!"

The room went quiet at her small outburst.

"Amelia..." George called softly to get her attention. "'s okay. We can give mummy some new chips."

"No!" She yelled and a second later, the crash of her plate hitting the floor, echoed through the room.

"Alright." George stood up while I sighed and moved a hand to my head which was still hurting. "Why don't we go and cool down?"

He lifted Amelia out of her seat and led her out of the kitchen.

"You should've listened to me." Fred said and got out of his chair to clean up the pieces of the plate.

"Don't worry about that." I told him. "I'll take care of it. Eat your food."

He looked at me and shook his head.

"It's fine. I can clean it up." He said. "But you really should have listened to me when I said to not have the twins."

I raised my eyebrows at him, then looked at Liam who hadn't heard him.

"It's been five years. You can admit that you love them." I said. "You told me once that you wanted a brother, and you got that."

He picked up the pieces and walked over to place them on the kitchen counter.

"I'll fix it later." I told him. "Just leave it there."

He nodded and walked back to his seat.

"I want to talk to you four." I said, looking between Fred, Elsie, Roxi and Leah. "Especially after today."

I sat up straight in the chair.

"I want to make sure that you know to come to me or George in case of any issues you may have." I said. "It doesn't matter what it is... if it's in a relationship—"

"Alright what did you tell her?" Fred snapped at Elsie, causing me to look between them.

"What?" Elsie frowned. "I didn't say shit."

"You obviously did! Why is mum suddenly talking about relationships the same day that I talked to you about mine?!"

"Have you seen me talk to mum at any point?!" Elsie yelled back. "She's been asleep and I've been down here!"

"Hey!" I snapped and slammed my hand down against the table to get their attention. "Can you two stop fighting for once? Why don't you try and tell me what's going on?"

"Tell her, Fred." Elsie said.

"Tell me what?" I asked. "Is this about Jess?"

"No!" Fred yelled. "Gosh. You always just assume that it's about Jess! You and dad don't even know her!"

"No, your dad don't, but you are forgetting that I've had Jess in my class for seven years." I said. "I've seen how she treats you..."

"Jesus fucking Christ." He cursed and stood up, pushing the chair back before storming out of the room, and when Roxanne snickered, I looked at her.

"See, he's always acting like a menstruating girl."

I chuckled as I stood up.

"I'm gonna make sure he's alright."

I left the kitchen and turned to walk up the back stairs in the room which was the only way to get up to Fred's room.

"Freddie?" I asked and knocked on his door, only for it to open a moment later.

"I'm gay."

I looked up at him with my lips parted as he had spoken before I got the chance to ask if he was okay.

"Oh thank god." I breathed. "I was right. I already knew but then you came to me one day and told me about Jess so I was a little confused..."

Fred frowned.

"You knew?"

"Well, it was quite obvious that you were into guys when you kept staring at that guys crotch last summer."

"Oh my god, mum!"

I laughed.

"Is this what Elsie was talking about?" I asked, and he nodded slowly. "But there's more than just your sexuality?"

Fred sighed.

"I mean... I don't know. You're right about Jess, I guess."

I hummed.

"Do you want to go downstairs and talk?"

Fred shook his head.


"Okay." I nodded. "Well, if you want to talk, I am here and I know your dad is too if you want to talk to him."

"I know." He nodded. "But you've got other shit to deal with. Especially with your psychopath ex-husband."

I let out a breath.

"Yeah, I may have some things going on but none of them are more important than you or your siblings." I said. "Oh... I also want you to rethink the whole quidditch thing."

Fred nodded.

"I'm not gonna quit on the team." He told me. "I'm getting my training schedule soon as well as the schedule over games."

"The World Cup is next year, right?" I asked. "Maybe you'll make the national team before then."

Fred snorted.

"I don't think I will."

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