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Sorry that it's taken me 3 days to come out with a new chapter, but I've had to give my cat a new home so that he's with someone who has time and energy for him so I wasn't really in the mood to write a smut chapter, but here you go.


Mature content

I got bored waiting for George.

I sat in my underwear, spinning around in the chair until I heard the sound of the door handle.

I stopped spinning in the chair and my eyes landed on George who watched me from the doorway where he stood.

A smile spread across my face.

"I've been expecting you." I said with a movie villain voice.

George cocked an eyebrow, closing the door behind him.

"What did Fred want?" I asked as he slowly approached me while undoing the buttons in his shirt.

"He needed me to confirm a new order for the shop in Hogsmeade."

George let his shirt slid off his shoulders and hit the floor before he leaned down over me, placing a hand on the back of my chair.

I laughed as I slid my hand to the nape of his neck. I brushed my nose over his before kissing him gently.

"Why are you laughing?" He whispered, repaying the kiss.

"I don't know." I shook my head and kissed him again.

I ran my free hand down his bare chest until it reached his trousers. I palmed his bulge through the material and he let out a small groan against my lips.

"Did you like that?" I whispered with a cocky grin, kissing him again.

"Shut up."

"Make me."

He raised his eyebrows as if saying 'challenge accepted', then ran his hand up, his fingers wrapping around my throat, and at the same time, a shriek made George stand up quickly.

Our attention turned to Fred who stood there, mortified.

"Fred!" George exclaimed as he stepped in front of me to hide me and my half-naked body.

"Why is your wife naked?!"

"Get out!"

I ran a hand over my mouth to hide my laugh.

The door closed quickly and I let out my laugh while George turned around to look at me.

"You should probably go and lock the door." I told him.

He smiled weakly as he leaned down to kiss me before he walked over to the door, turning the lock.

He walked back over, his walk full of confidence.

He grabbed my hand, urging me to stand up, but instead I waited until he pulled me out of the chair himself.

As he went to kiss me, the door opened again and the first thing George did, was summon his shirt and place it over my shoulders to cover me up, then he wrapped his arms around my shoulders as we looked at Fred.

He used magic to open the door, didn't he...

"Alright, you two can't be having sex in here!" He said and I simply smiled as I slid my arms around George's back.

"No ones having sex." I shrugged.

"Well, you are only wearing your underwear... and George's shirt." He said. "This is a workplace. There are children out here and you, George, have work to do."

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