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George turned back around to look at me, his eyebrows in a frown.

"I'm sorry... what? Did you say he kissed you?"

"I was helping him up to bed and he kissed me before he passed out." I said. "He claims that I kissed him back but I didn't. I didn't even move at first but when I realised what was happening, I pulled away."

George ran a hand through his hair as he leaned back against the door.

After a moment of processing, he pushed himself away from the door and walked over to me.

"Is your head alright?" He asked softly and crouched down. "Do you have a headache? Do you need me to get you some pain relief for your head and your face?"

I shook my head.

"You're not mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you?" He asked. "Malcolm's the prick. He's the one who kissed you and you told me right away instead of keeping it from me. It's not even important right now. What's important is you. He knocked you unconscious, Dia."

"I said; I think. I don't remember it."

George hummed and stood up, pulling his phone out of his pocket, and I saw him type.

"What are you doing?"

"Just..." he sighed and shook his head. "...texting Inez."

"What's Inez gonna do?"

George looked at me when he sent the text, pushed his phone into his pocket before he summoned his wand.

"Hopefully give him some of his own medicine."

George placed his hand under my chin to tilt my head back.

"I'm gonna remove the pain, okay?" He asked, and I nodded.

He did the episkey spell on my headache and the pain in my face as well, then put the wand on the sink.

"I want you to relax for the rest of the day." He said. "Go to bed, take a nap... I'll talk to Elsie about what she saw just now."

"I don't want to take a nap." I said and stood up. "I—"

I stared at him, my voice dying. I had no excuse as to why I wanted to stay awake but I just didn't want to sleep.

"I really thought he was changing in some way." I shrugged. "He hasn't laid a hand on me since he pushed me when I was pregnant with the twins."

George brought his hands up to cup my face, looking at me as he rubbed his thumbs over my cheeks.

Then he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and hugged me tightly, resting his head against mine.

"I'm sorry, love. That's just the way he was raised. I don't believe he can change."


"You're lucky."

I looked up as Elsie entered the living room where I was watching tv.


She shrugged.

"Your dad isn't a raging alcoholic who hits your mum."

I frowned.

"I mean... he did hit mum once, don't you remember? He accidentally elbowed her in the face and when he turned around he accidentally slapped her."

Elsie looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Is mum okay?" I asked and sat up straight. "Did your dad hit her?"

"She's bleeding, but George is up there with her."

I nodded slowly.

"You didn't say if she was okay."

"I don't know if she is." She said with a shrug. "What are you watching?"

I looked at her for another moment before moving my eyes to the screen.


Elsie hummed and leaned back on the sofa.

"So when are you gonna tell them that you're gay?"

I kept staring at the screen while I could feel Elsie look at me and wait for an answer.

"Dunno what you're on about."

"Wait, let me ask you something else. When are you going to tell them that your girlfriend is threatening you, using your sexuality so you won't break up with her?"

I looked at her.

"You know, Jess is actually a very nice person. You'd know that if you made any effort in getting to know her."

Elsie rolled her eyes.

"The only reason she's with you, is because you compliment her." She said. "And she has a thing for black guys."


"She's only ever dated black guys." Elsie added. "One time, I heard her talk about how white boys just doesn't cut it. I mean... what about all the other races? It isn't just black and white."

I rolled my eyes at her and turned my attention back on the screen.

"She's my girlfriend. Respect her."

"Respect her?" She scoffed. "Like she respects you? By doing what... by threatening to out you if you leave her?"

"I'm not gay."

"You literally told me you're gay." She said. "Remember? In the library at school? Why are you ashamed."

"I'm not ashamed!"

"Then why can't you just be proud of it? You know they don't care."

"No, mum and dad might not, but have you met my friends?" He asked. "They constantly call guys gay if they seem a bit too feminine, they mock the community, they use the slur as if it is a fucking everyday slang for straight white boys to use. What do you think would happen if I came out?"

Elsie sighed.

"Your friends are terrible."

"I kind of agree with that." I chuckled. "But... they're my friend so I can't do much about it."

"You could always dump them." She suggested. "C'mon. They're not only homophobic but also racist. They literally say the n-word all the time and no one does anything because they're rich white boys."

I looked at her as she sat up straight.

"I'm telling you, if they do that one more time, I am telling mum." She said. "Just because they have a mixed friend, doesn't mean they're suddenly entitled to that word."

"So what exactly do you suggest I do?"

Elsie shrugged.

"First of all, stand your ground and throw your friends away. I know what that shit is like. I was bullied when I was little... and second of all, I can't tell you when to come out. That's a process you have to have on your own but I do suggest to do it so that you can break up with Jess without her having anything on you."

Elsie stood up and turned towards me.

"Or I can jump her. Just invite her over. I'll jump her. I'll be grounded for a week but it'll be worth it."

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