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"You absolute idiot!" Inez said as the first thing when she saw me. She slapped me on the forehead and I laughed hoarsely while Dove grabbed her arm to pull her back.

"How are you?" Dove asked with a smile.

I shrugged, but I didn't get to answer with words before Inez spoke again.

"We almost lost you."

A grin spread across my face.

"But you didn't."

Inez stared at me as if she was considering finishing the job that the Pneumonia failed to do.

"Where's Fred?" George asked, looking between Inez and Dove.

"He's talking to Henry and Nadine." Dove said. "They arrived just as we were allowed in."

"Henry and Nadine are here?" I asked. "Why?"

"Because their sister is in the hospital after almost being killed by a virus and some bacteria and I thought that maybe they'd want to know." Inez answered.

She seemed annoyed with me.

"Do you have a stick up your arse or something?" I asked. "Why are you mad at me?"

"I'm not mad." She shrugged, folding her arms over her chest. "I'm just slightly annoyed that because you decided to ignore your symptoms, you almost died."

"Inez." George earned her attention and shook his head to tell her to drop it.

"What?" Inez laughed. "It's true, isn't it? That's what the doctor said. She's had this for months and it's just been building up to the point where it's severe. Your wife could've died. Your children could've lost a mother."

"And they didn't." George said, his tone tough. "We didn't lose her. You know what the doctor also said? That she must've confused some of the symptoms with the pregnancy."

"Keyword; some." Inez said before she looked at me, tearing up. "You had a cough the last time I saw you, and the time before that. You've been ignoring that."

"A cough can be many things. How was I supposed to know it would end up putting me in the hospital?" I asked. "Inez, c'mon. I would've done something if I thought it was deadly."

She wiped her cheeks and took one look at me before she turned on her heels and walked out of the hospital room.

"She's not angry with you." Dove assured me. "She's just upset. We thought we lost you. I'll go check on her."

She sent me a smile and I nodded before she followed Inez out of the room.

I turned my head to look at George who was watching me, his eyes soft.

"I'm sorry I scared you." I said as George held my hand, brushing his thumb over my skin. "I feel better now. I think it's the drugs they're giving me."

George chuckled and leaned down to kiss my hand.

"Isn't it weird how muggles operate?" I asked. "They use drugs to cure things. We use potions."

I placed my fingers over the oxygen tube in my nose.

"And this? Apparently it's supposed to help me breathe but if I was at St. Mungo's right now, they'd fix that in the split of a second."

"Yeah, we'll the healer from St. Mungo's gave you the wrong diagnosis, didn't she?" He said. "Mum told me to bring you to a muggle hospital. They don't cure muggle illnesses at St. Mungo's."

"They should." I mumbled as the door to the room opened.

I turned my head to see Fred walk in with Henry and Nadine.

"Hey princess." Fred smiled. "Feeling better?"

Nadine was the first one at my side, brushing my hair back while she looked at me.

"What happened? Fred said pneumonia? What's that? Some kind of lung disease?"

"It's—" I sighed. "...I've got a virus and some bacteria that is making the tissue in my lungs swell. It's curable."

"And it's contagious." George said which caused Nadine to straighten up. "I mean... the virus is and the bacteria is too. Everyone who's been in close contact with her for a longer period of time over the past few months, needs testing."

Henry sighed as he brushed his hand through his hair, looking at me.

"Your lips are blue."

I shrugged.

"My fingernails too." I said and lifted my hand to show him. "Apparently it's a symptom."

They couldn't stay long. After we all talked for abut ten minutes, doctor Reece came back to inform everyone that while I was in the hospital, the only person allowed to see me was my husband if he wore a mask.

I couldn't even see my children.

Over the next week, George spend every single day in the room with me after having tested negative. He hasn't caught anything which was odd as I had most definitely snogged him a lot.

He informed me when the kids had been tested as well. They had been pulled out of school for a couple of days but they too didn't have anything.

It sucked not being able to see anyone but George, especially my children. I wanted them to know that I was alright, and they did know that but maybe they'd find comfort in seeing it with their own eyes.

George told me that Leah hadn't believed it when he said I had almost died. She said she hadn't had a vision about it so therefore it couldn't be true. She claimed that he was lying and manipulating her.

That was the day before she went back to Hogwarts along with Elsie and Roxanne.

George also told me every story about what the twins had been up to at home. He was making me laugh with stories of Liam playing warrior and Amelia spilling apple juice over her dress, then breaking into tears because the apple juice hates her.

The worst thing about this was that when Freddie had to leave home, I couldn't even say goodbye.

I was sick for weeks, being hospitalised and no one but George could see me. We tried to talk to the doctors but they wouldn't allow Fred to see me.

I didn't get to say goodbye when he left to play quidditch with his friends. I wouldn't get to see him until next summer.

"I've missed you." I said as George came to visit like he had every single day since I was hospitalised.

"You saw me yesterday." He chuckled and sat down on the chair he always sat in.

I couldn't even kiss him. Not until I was well. Not until I was no longer carrying a virus or bacteria.

"That means I can't miss you?" I asked, grinning at him.

George brushed his hand over my hair before dropping it to my arm, tapping his fingers against my skin for a moment.

Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out the daily letter from Freddie, handing it to me.

I chuckled.

"He hates being away from home, don't he?"

I could sense that George smiled behind his mask. His eyes told me everything.

"He's a family person. He's got that from me."

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