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That day, after work, I went home. I stepped through the fireplace in the entrance hall and dropped my bag on the sofa.

I put my shoes by the door and then made my way upstairs where I knew George was.

Or... where I thought he was.

Turned out he wasn't upstairs so after getting changed out of my cloak and my teachers uniform, I walked back downstairs, finding him in the kitchen.

I froze in the doorway, my eyes widening when I saw the kitchen island covered in so many different kind of biscuits.

"You've been... baking." I breathed, earning his attention.

He leaned on the counter with his hands and broke into a soft smile.

"I've been bored."

"I see..."

"These are your favourite." He said and pointed to a plate of strawberry custard creams.

Then he pointed to another plate.

"These are Liam's favourites." He said before pointing to a third. "Mia..."

I walked over to the kitchen island, looking out at all the different type of biscuits.

"Babe, we do not have room for all of this."

"I thought we could freeze some of it down." He said. "Put an extension charm on the freezer."

I nodded.

"Okay. We can do that."

He reached out and he grabbed one of the strawberry custard creams, handing it to me.

"Try it."

I looked at him as I took a bite and immediately I let out a moan at how good it tasted.

George chuckled softly but while he did, I could still see in his eyes that he was sad. It had only been two weeks since Angelina died and one day since the funeral.

He needed time.

"That's good." I said.


"Yeah. If you weren't running a joke shop, I'd suggest working at a bakery."

After I finished the biscuit, I helped George pack them all away, put an extension charm on the freezer and freeze most of them down.

As George picked up his wand to clean up the mess in the kitchen, his phone went off, and he sighed.

"Do you need me to answer it for you?" I asked, seeing the exhausted look on his face.

He shook his head.

"It's fine." He said, pulling his phone out of his pocket, answering it. "This is George."

I stepped closer to him, wrapping an arm around his back to rub my hand up and down in a soothing motion.

"What?" He asked. "Liam did that?"

I stopped rubbing his back, frowning at the mention of Liam. He and Mia were in school.

I swear if that boy said a bad word in school again...

"Okay." George breathed. "We will come and pick them up."

Another moment went by and the call ended. George put his phone down, brushed his fingers through his hair and then looked at me.

"Liam stabbed a teacher with a pencil."

"What?" I laughed, then clamped a hand over my mouth.

It's not funny.

"He called her a cunt and then stabbed her."

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