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I'm a tad nervous to have you read this one.

The chapter is ending with George's point of view.


The second George hung up, he looked at me, waiting for me to freak out on him.

I felt sick as I got to my knees, pointing a finger at George. He put his phone down and approached the bucket on the floor, seeming to understand my expression.

"If it wasn't for me about to throw up, I would curse at you." I said and George handed me the bucket just in time for me to throw up.

He brushed my hair back from my face. My hair wasn't long. It went to my jaw but it was long enough to get puke in it if it wasn't kept out of the way.

"That's it..." George said softly, keeping my hair brushed back with one hand while the other caressed my neck. "Good girl."

I could hear paws against the floor and I lifted my head to look at Charley who walked in, looking at us before he laid down at the end of the bed.

"Are you okay?" George asked and reached for the tissue box on the nightstand.

He gave me a few for me to wipe my mouth, before he threw them out for me.

"You told your mother I'm pregnant." I breathed. "I wasn't ready for her to know."

"Either way, she'd know the second she steps into this room."

"Yeah, well I didn't invite her to come over, did I?" I asked as Fred left the bathroom. "I don't want your mother to look at me and I definitely did not want her to know that I'm pregnant yet."

George sighed and brushed his hand through my hair but at the same time, I threw up again.

"I'll go get her a glass of water." Fred told George before making his way out of the room.

"You're okay." George said softly, his fingers holding my hair back until I lifted my head and motioned for him to remove the bucket from me.

I grabbed some more tissues to wipe my mouth and George took them, throwing them out.

"The second I feel better, I will kill you." I said, leaning back against the headboard of the bed.

"Threatening my son?" Molly stepped into the room and I immediately rolled my eyes. "How have you two been so dumb to fall pregnant again?"

"Well, it wasn't exactly on purpose." I said, my jaw clenched. "And even if it was, we are adults who are capable of making decisions like that. Plus, didn't you have seven children yourself?"

"I did." She nodded. "With one man."

"Oh, so it's because I've had two husbands?" I asked. "Well your son over here has had two wives. Why is that any different?"

Before she got to answer, I looked at George.

"I don't want her here."

"Dahlia, please—"

"No—" I was cut off as I started coughing into my hand while my other hand grasped at my chest due to the pain.

I coughed something into my hand and when I looked at it, I let out a laugh.

"I think I need to go to the hospital."

Molly hurried over to my side and grabbed my wrist.

"Oh dear." She looked at George. "It's blood."

Molly grabbed some tissues and wiped my hand clean before wiping my mouth as well as I probably had blood on my lips too.

She then placed her hand on my shoulders and guided me to lie back. She pulled the duvet up to cover me and then turned to George who was staring at me in complete fear of what was happening.

"It isn't... blood malediction?"

"The blood curse?" I asked, knowing he hadn't asked me.

"No." Molly shook her head. "If that was the case, it would've been inherited from her ancestors and she would most likely not have been able to give birth to four children."

I closed my eyes.

I was tired. I just needed to take a nap. I just needed rest.

"She's not losing the baby, is she?"

"I don't think that's it, no." Molly said. "There's been no abdominal pin, has there, Dahlia?"


"Then no. I really don't think this is a miscarriage." She said and as I felt her hand against my forehead, I flinched, trying to move away. "Stay still. Stop being such a brat."

"Fuck off."

"Dahlia." George said, his tone full of warning.

I decided to just shut up. I didn't like that Molly was here but even though she called me a brat, she was still trying to help me... or, help George by helping me.

"Her fever is high. I think a muggle hospital is best in this case." Molly said. "It isn't anything magical. It's muggle territory."

"I don't need a hospital." I muttered. "I just need some water and some sleep. I'll be fine."

"You are not fine." Molly said, her tone sharp as Fred entered the room with a glass of water. "You are already a lot weaker than when I arrived a few minutes ago. I believe you've got some kind of virus or bacteria in your lungs and unless you get treatment soon, they will shut down and you will die."

I didn't have enough energy to fight her on it. I started coughing again, into my hand, blood coming out again, then my head fell back.


"What happened?"

I rushed to Dahlia's side as her head fell back and no response came from her. I grabbed her face in my hands, tilting her head up to look at her.

"Mum, her lips are turning blue!"

My mum hurried to grab Dahlia's hand, looking at her fingers.

"How long has her fingernails been blue?" She asked and I looked at her, then looked at the nails.

They were indeed a faint shade of blue.

"I-I don't know. I haven't—"

"What's happening?" Fred asked. "Is she okay?"

"Do either of you know the number of an ambulance?" Mum asked, looking between Fred and I while I softly called out for Dahlia to get her to wake up. "The muggles have some sort of phone number to dial."

My heart was beating like crazy against my rib cage, as I stared at my unconscious wife.

She was so pale, her lips blue. She looked almost dead, but when I pressed my fingers to her neck, I could feel her pulse.

We needed to her her to the hospital as quick as possible.

I couldn't lose her.

"We don't have time for an ambulance!" I rushed, picking Dahlia up. "I'm apparating."

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