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I tried my best to stay far away from Molly.

I really did not feel like dealing with her bullshit today.

Right now, I was watching as she sat at the table with the twins.

When I was pregnant with them, I refused to let Molly know them in any way, but I ended up giving in.

She's their only chance of having a grandmother.

"You don't look like you're having fun."

I looked at Fleur who walked up to me, handing me a glass of wine.

"Thank you." I let out a breath of relief, moving the glass up to my lips, taking a sip, but as soon as I felt the liquid in my mouth, I realised that I shouldn't be drinking.

I stared down at the glass.

"Are you going to drink it?" Fleur asked. "Or is there a certain reason why you can't?"

I looked at her.

"Oh, just swallow it." She chuckled. "One sip won't hurt the baby."

I continued to look at her for a moment before I swallowed the wine, and she took the glass back.

She knew?

"How far along are you, then?" She asked me.

"I— wait... how do you know?" I asked. "Did my kids tell you?"

She shook her head, chuckling.

"You've got this natural glow around you." She told me. "Plus, you've been randomly holding your stomach all day and you not wanting to swallow the wine only confirmed my theory... so how far along are you?"

I sighed.

"Sixteen weeks." I said. "It's a girl."

Fleur smiled at me.


"Thank you." I breathed. "We aren't really announcing it yet. I don't know... I didn't want more kids so I'm feeling a bit—"

I shrugged, not knowing how to describe it.

"I see." Fleur nodded. "I felt the same when I was pregnant with Louis. Bill and I only wanted two but then Louis came along and we sat down, talked about it and decided to keep him. That pregnancy was hard. I felt no connection to him until I gave birth and I held him for the first time."

"That long?" I asked. "I can't imagine this feeling continuing until I give birth to her."

Fleur and I stood there and talked for a while which was probably the first time today that I truly felt calm — the first time I had fun since we got here.

"When Bill and I first started dating, Molly hated me." Fleur told me, and I looked at her.

"She did?"

Fleur nodded.

"Ginny did too. They thought I was with Bill for his looks and it took Bill getting hurt for them to realise that I loved him."

I took a deep breath.

"There is nothing worse than loving someone and not being accepted by their family." She said. "But honestly, the best thing you can do is just ignore it."

"I am trying." I nodded. "It's almost been a decade and— you know, Molly called me fat earlier. I've given birth to four of my children. I am not gonna look exactly like I did before I first got pregnant."

"Exactly." Fleur smiled. "And you look great, Dahlia. You really do. Molly is just trying to get a reaction out of you."

"What did she do now?" George walked up to us, apparently having heard some of the conversation.

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