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George held Mia as she had a cut in her forehead stitched.

She cried and cried and George had to carefully hold her head secured against his chest so that the doctor could stitch her up.

Then afterwards, as we walked out into the waiting room where Fred was waiting, George carried Mia and she clung onto him with her arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

The doctor had given Mia a lolly which calmed her down.

"Is she okay?" Fred asked, his eyes mainly focused on me as George was busy carrying our daughter and making sure she was alright.

"She had to have ten stitches." I said. "And it's going to leave a scar but other than that, she's okay."

George carefully put Mia down and the second she laid eyes on Fred, she gasped, the lolly dropping to the floor.

"Uncle Freddie!" She shrieked and jumped into his arms. He laughed, picking her up while George picked the lolly up from the floor and threw it out.

"What a nasty cut you've got there, huh?" He brushed some hair out of her face.

"It didn't hurt!" She exclaimed. "I didn't even cry!"

George and I exchanged a glance, both of us smiling as it was still pretty obvious on Amelia's face that she had in fact been crying.

"Oh really?" Fred smiled. "I would've for sure cried if I split my forehead open."

"Well, I didn't." Amelia said proudly. "I'm a big girl."

When we got home and had said goodbye to Fred, George went to pick up Liam from school.

I gave Mia some ice cream that she ate in the kitchen while I put the presents away that George and I had bought for our family.

While I put the presents away, I felt the braxton hicks contractions hit me, and I groaned in pain.

I had been having them for a while now. That was also a part of pregnancy that I absolutely hated.

"Are you okay, mummy?" Mia asked and looked at me as she shoved a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth.

I smiled at her.

"I'm okay, baby." I assured her. "Is your head feeling okay? No headache or anything."

She shook her head.

"No headache."

"Good. You're clumsy, aren't you? Falling off the swing... and even on your last day of school before the holidays."

"I didn't do it on purpose!" She argued, and I chuckled.

"I know, sweetheart."

There was a tap on the window next to where Mia sat and I recognised it to be Freddie's owl that he had given to Roxanne when he graduated.

Mia dropped her spoon in her bowl of ice cream and hurried up to open the window, grabbing the letter.

"Thank you!" She said, petting the owl before she ran over to me with the letter. "Here mummy. Who is it from?"

I turned the envelope over in my hand, seeing my next youngest daughters handwriting.

"Leah..." I muttered, which was odd seeing as they were coming home tomorrow.

I looked at Mia.

"Can you give her some water and some food?" I asked and gestured towards the window where the owl still.

"Sure." Mia shrugged and ran over to grab it while I opened the envelope to read what Leah had written.

Hi mum,

I've decided to not come home for Christmas. Instead I want to spend it at Hogwarts with my friends.

I hope you don't mind.

- Leah

I sighed.

Great. She told me the day before she was supposed to be home.

I ran a hand over my forehead, shaking my head at the letter.

It was great that she wanted to spend Christmas with her friends at Hogwarts. I always spent Christmas at Hogwarts, but she could've given be a bigger notice.

I also know that she's only doing this because she hates me and doesn't want to be near me.

She sees me as the enemy and her father as a saint.

"Daddy!" Mia yelled, pulling me from my thoughts as George stepped into the kitchen.

She ran towards him and he picked her up to greet her. It hadn't been that long since she saw him but she was still very excited.

After a moment he put her back down so she could finish her ice cream.

"Can I have ice cream too?" Liam asked and stepped up onto the children's stool next to me so he could see onto the counter.

"What kind do you want?" I asked and brushed my fingers through his blonde hair.


George got the ice cream out of the freezer and once Liam was busy with eating it across from Mia, he decided to join me by the counter.

"What's that?" He asked and I handed him the letter.

"Leah doesn't want to come home for Christmas."

George read the letter through a few times before putting it down.

"It says she just wants to spend it with her friends."

I looked at him.

"We both know that isn't the case." I sighed. "Before all of this, she was so excited to spend Christmas at the Burrow and now that her and I are fighting, she doesn't want to anymore?"

As an intense contraction hit me, I groaned and my hands came in contact with the surface as I needed the support.

George hand went to my back, rubbing against it. He knew how bad these braxton hicks would get sometimes. I wasn't a person to cope well with pain which was ironic due to the fact that pain was all I felt during my childhood.

"Do you need to go lie down?" He asked softly, his other hand rubbing my arm gently.

"No." I breathed. "I'm fine."

"You don't look fine."

"I am." I assured him before I turned my head to look at him. "Do you know who else will be spending Christmas at your parents house?"

"I know that Percy, Audrey and their girls are." He said. "Fred and Eloise too. I think that's it."

I hummed.

"I don't think there's room for that many."

"I think mum'll set an extension charm on the kitchen and living room to make room for everybody." He said, continuing to rub my back and my arm. "Now are you sure you don't need to lie down?"

"When you ask me that, you make me feel like a ninety-year-old witch." I breathed. "Which I am not by the way."

"Thanks." He said with a flat expression. "This whole time I thought you were ninety years old."

I rolled my eyes at him.

"But you are pregnant and you are in pain so it wouldn't surprise me if you needed to lie down and maybe take a nap."

George pressed a kiss to my cheek and I turned my head so that when we went to repeat the action, he kissed my lips instead.

"I love you." I whispered and he kissed me again, then again and then again.

"I love you more." He said. "Now go lie down or I will drag you."

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