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I turned Jeremy into a chicken.

Then I went home. George had already apparated with Leah and when I got home, she sat with a cup of tea on the sofa in the entrance hall with a blanket wrapped around her for comfort.

George was making a snack for her. The rest of the house was quiet. I had to shush Charley so that he didn't bark when I entered the house.

Leah glanced at me as I walked back into the entrance hall after having checked on George in the kitchen.

"It wasn't dads fault." She said as I walked over to sit next to her. "He tried to make him leave but he refused and then he threatened to hurt me."

I sighed.

"You told me on the phone that he wouldn't make him leave."

"He couldn't. That's what I meant to say. Dad tried to keep me in my room but he forced me to come and sit with him downstairs." She said and wiped the back of her hand on her nose. "He also tried to make dad drink but he didn't accept any of it."

I leaned my elbow in the back of the sofa as I looked at Leah while she took a sip of her tea.

"Why did you lie to me about staying at Hogwarts?" I asked softly.

"Would you have let me stay with dad if I had asked?"


"That's why."

"Leah, I'm trying to keep you safe."

She sighed and didn't answer. Instead she took another sip of her tea.

"I know you love your dad but I have a reason to not trust him. You're my daughter. I love you and I just don't want to see you get hurt and you obviously aren't safe there if Jeremy shows up and your dad can't get rid of him."

"I know." She sighed, looking out of the window. "I just don't understand why it has to be so hard."

"I know." I sighed, wrapping an arm around her before I pressed a kiss to her head. "Do I need to book a new appointment with your psychologist?"

Leah nodded.

"Yes, please."

"Okay." I said in a whisper. "It's a bad you weren't at Hogwarts. We sent our presents for you there."

She cracked a small smile as she stared down at her tea.

"Well, at least you'll have something to look forward to, going back." I added as George entered the living room with a turkey sandwich that he made her.

"Here you go, darling." He said and Leah put down the cup to take the plate.

"Thank you, George."

"Are you okay to go to bed when you've eaten that?" He asked her. "You've had a long night."

Leah nodded.

"I'm kind of tired."

"Yeah." I breathed, brushing her hair behind her ear. "And hey... tomorrow I'll call for an extra appointment with your psychologist before you go back to Hogwarts."

"Can I take this to my room?" She asked and looked at me, then at George and we both nodded.

"Sure." I said. "Eat that and then go to bed, yeah?"

"Okay." She stood up and grabbed her cup of tea in the other hand. "Goodnight mum. Night George."

"Night." George and I replied in unison, watching Leah make her way upstairs.

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