Basil and Kel

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The next day, I got up and got dressed. I had to wear my eye patch, it was uncomfortable, but I could tolerate it. When I left my house I went straight to Basil's house. I bumped into the hooligans on the way there. They made fun of my eye patch. It went on for a while but then I pulled out a steak knife I got before leaving my house. Aubrey looked at me with pistol eyes. I looked at her with the same eyes she looked at me with. She stopped eye contact as soon as I did that. The hooligans all scattered like cockroaches a few seconds after getting it out of my pocket. I knew I'd run into some trouble, that's the only reason I brought it. 

I arrived at Basil's house and we went out for a walk. We were chatting and went to our old hand out spot. We looked around and then spotted Kel sitting by the dock. He turned around. He saw us. How was he going to act? He got up, ran towards us and hugged us both, knocking us all onto the ground. " Sunny.. Basil.. I'm so sorry. We all didn't know what you guys were going through.. I'm so sorry. " Kel cried. Basil hugged him back and so did i. Kel got up and so did we. He whipped away his tears and laughed. " I'm sorry about Hero, maybe you could stop by my house and he could say sorry. " Kel added. Basil looked at me and I looked at him back not knowing why he looked at me. He smiled. " Sure! We would love to come by Kel.. " He stated. Kel got excited and grabbed Basil's hand and tried to get mine, but my hands were too sweaty. I was staring at the lake. Was it all just my imagination? It seemed so real- " Sunny, you coming? " Kel interrupted my thought. "Y-yeah.. " I turned around slowly and walked with them. 

We were close to arriving but we ran into the hooligans.. Again. Kel and Basil ignored them, and I tried to. The hooligans were looking at me with a scared, disturbed and a little scared look. I ignored them until Aubrey came. She had her Nail bat. Aubrey was calm until she noticed I was staring. She widened her eyes and swung her nail bat towards my stomach. It hit me and I scoffed. She smiled a bit but didn't look really happy about hitting me. Basil and Kel stopped. " Aubrey! Leave him alone will you? " Kel yelled. Aubrey kept walking. " He went through more than you have! You're so Selfish! " He kept yelling. Aubrey stopped walking. Turned around to look at the three of us. I was clenching my teeth and eye while hugging my stomach. I looked at her and her eyes started tearing up. The hooligans stopped and looked at her. " It's their fault she's gone. Don't you see that Kel? " She yelled. Basil checked on me. " It was an accident! And we were friends Aubrey, no matter what happened we were there for eachother.. But you all left them. And you should be ashamed. " Kel stated confidently. Aubrey's eyes widened and she turned to look at me and Basil. " She was your sister. She was our friend. He was selfish enough to lock himself in his room for 4 years and was too scared to tell his friends. " Aubrey yelled and swung her bat forward so the head would face me. " Thats cuz you acted like this! Like would it have made a difference if he told you sooner? " Kel Exclaimed. Aubrey's eyes widened and her mouth opened a little. She was shocked and looked at me. " Cmon guys. " Kel muttered. Basil held my hand and walked to Kels side. I looked at Aubrey with a im sorry but you are better than this eye. I turned around to face Basil and Kel again and we kept walking.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now