Fresh air

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I woke up to be in.. the hospital.. Again. " He's awake Basil! " Yelled a familiar voice, aka Kel. I sat up. " Why am I here? " I was a bit annoyed. I didn't need to be here again, I was just sleeping. " O-oh.. you were still sleeping after many hours, you slept at about seven pm and now it's 3 pm the next day. Polly got worried and we brought you to the hospital to check if everything was okay.. Polly has never been with a kid that sleeps a lot.. So.. sorry about that Sunny. " Basil mumbled trying to smile. " Dont worry about it. I'm going to have to get used to sleeping less if I'm gonna stay at yours.. " I sighed. That meant I had to limit my time in white space if I didn't want to worry about Polly. " Oh no no, Polly just needs to worry less, I'll make sure to tell her not to worry if you sleep a lot.. " Basil spoke quietly. Kel patted his back. " Well glad you're fine! And not in another.. Weird coma? Was that what it was? " Kel asked loudly. " He was never diagnosed. " Basil replied. We were in a room pretty high up, not much walking to get to the balcony. " I, uh, I need some fresh air. I'm gonna go up to the balcony. " I excused myself. Kel nodded and started to chat with basil. I left the room and saw Aubrey when I left. " Sunny? Why are you here? " She asked. " Oh, it doesn't matter. " I replied and kept walking. ''Where are you going? " she asked. I didn't look back or say anything back. I had one clear goal. And that was to " get fresh air " 

I climbed up to the balcony and got close to the edge. I wouldnt of had to think of it again if I just did it the first time. But hey, I'm ready now. I started to count my steps to the edge, and my foot was just off the edge. I was about to step off when I heard Aubrey's voice. " Sunny, what are you doing up here? " I stopped in my tracks. If I was gonna jump,I didn't want anyone to see me do it, I wasn't gonna give someone my trauma. " I'm getting fresh air, what are you doing up here, Aubrey? " I stepped back. ''You were being weird. You didn't tell me what you were going to do and I found you up here close to the edge. " Aubrey stated in an annoyed tone. '' Like I said, fresh air. Don't worry Aubrey. " I forced a smile. " I'm not worried. You killed Mari, I don't care about what happens to you. " Aubrey said. She turned around and started to walk back to the door. She wouldn't notice if I fell, she would be too busy leaving. I walked forwards again and got distracted at the wrong time. " sunny- " Aubrey spoke. I looked back but I hadn't stopped walking. I fell.

" SUNNY! " Yelled Aubrey. She rushed to the edge to find me holding onto the railing. She grabbed my arm, risking falling down. " Aubrey, you can let go. ''I spoke calmly. " HOW ARE YOU SO CALM?! SUNNY IF I LET GO YOU WILL FALL O- " She stopped talking when she saw me smile. " Sunny.. Don't tell me.." She started to tear up. " You idiot! " Aubrey yelled while she pulled me back up. She hugged me just the way Mari did when she saved me from drowning. " Sunny.. " Aubrey spoke softly. I got up and left the balcony. 

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now