My thoughts will follow you into your dreams

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" ..Sunny. " I heard a voice say while someone shook my shoulder. I opened my eye and sat up. " Sorry for waking you Sunny, But the pizza is here! " Kel smiled. My vision was a bit blurry since i had just woken up but i could make out the faces. Then.. it happened again. " Sunny " a voice repeated over and over again less that a second after the past whisper. I saw something behind all of my friends as they enjoyed their pizza. I tried to keep it together and not make a scene in the restaurant or disturb my friends' peace but eventually I couldn't. " ..sorry.. " I quickly stood up and went to the Park without saying anything else and leaving my friends stranded and alone. I sat down on a swing and tried to breathe in and out to calm myself down, but it wouldn't work. I closed my eyes and curled up hugging my legs almost falling from the swing. I refused to open my eyes to see another disturbing image. Why does this keep happening?! I've forgiven myself, my friends have too... " Sunny. " A familiar voice spoke. I looked up. " Hey, You okay? " Hero spoke. I didn't nod. Hero sat down on the swing next to me. " I'm sorry for running off earlier today. " Hero apologized. I didn't react. " Sunny, if you still have something bothering you, you can talk to me or the others about it. You've seen how unhealthy it is to bottle everything up until it overflows. " Hero looked at me with a serious expression. " If you don't want to talk to any of us about it then... Maybe you would want to talk to Mari... " Hero suggested. Hero smiled and just like the rest of my friends, he changed between his dream world and the real one before settling on his real one. " Hey Sunny!! You alright? " Kel interrupted the silence. " Oh hey Hero. " Kel waved as he stood beside my swing. " Anyways, the pizza is almost finished. If you want any you should hurry and come eat some before we finish it! " Kel winked. " im.. Not hungry. " I replied. Kel nodded before he hurried back inside. The wind got colder and Hero looked up at the sky. " looks like it's going to rain in a bit. '' Hero stated before standing up. " Sunny, please consider my suggestion. I will be at my house if you need me. " Hero smiled before leaving. I watched him leave before being hit by a cold gust of wind. I stood up and walked inside to see my friends.

I opened the door and saw Kim arguing with Kel. Basil was trying to reason with them while Aubrey silently ate her pizza. " Aubrey! Tell him to stop! " Kim pleaded. I slowly walked over to my seat and sat down as I watched everything unfold. " Kimmmm! Please, just let us enjoy our pizza while you enjoy yours! Aubrey chose us instead of you guys so deal with it! " Kel spoke up but kept his voice low enough not to cause a scene, ..Kim on the other hand... " Aubreyy! Come on, we need you! You're my best friend! I'm tired of this petty drama and i'm tired of avoiding each other!! " Kim spoke loudly. I looked around and every other customer was watching them awkwardly. " G-Guys..! Come on, don't do this now.." Basil whispered loud enough for our table to hear him. Kim kept talking until Aubrey looked upset. " Kim, calm down. I.. was thinking about talking to you about this for a while now, and i will, just.. Meet me at the park in a few, alright? We can talk more about it there. For now, just let me enjoy my pizza with my other friends..? " Aubrey gave a slight smile. Kim's eyes widened and she quickly nodded. She shoved Kel before heading back to the table where the rest of the hooligans sat. Kel stuck his tongue out at Kim before taking another bite of his pizza. Basil sighed. " Welcome back Sunny. " Basil smiled at me. I slightly smiled back.

" What does ' a few ' mean? " Kel asked Aubrey. " a few means a few minutes. " Aubrey sighed. Kel looked in thought. Kim looked excited and headed outside with the rest of her gang. I watched as they left. " So.. how many minutes do we have left with you today, Aubrey? " Basil asked. " Probably not many, Kim is already heading out. " Aubrey slightly smiled. Before giggling. " ..She was always impaciet. But don't worry. After i'm done talking with her i will try to regroup you guys if i Kim decided to go home and not hang out with me afterwards, which i doubt. " Aubrey smiled. Basil nodded and Aubrey got up and left. " ..That wasn't even two minutes- '' Kel complained. After a few seconds of silence, Kel sighed at the sound of rain hitting the roof. " awh, I was going to walk Hector! " Kel complained. " ..Kel, you used to love rain! You Can walk Hector another day. " Basil tried to cheer Kel. " Oh, I still like the rain, it just sometimes ruins my plans.. " Kel pouted. " I should go make sure Hector isn't wet and doesn't smell like a wet dog, otherwise I will have to wash him with mom. " Kel stated. Basil nodded. " I should take advantage of the rain and gather some plants outside while it rains, I'll take a few minutes. '' Basil stood up, waved at us and walked out. Kel quickly got up and ran to join him on his way home. I sat for a while before standing up and heading outside.

When I walked outside I watched Basil and Kel as they headed down the road before Kel walked away from him towards his house. The air was fresh and the wind was cold. I heard a few voices and looked over at the source. Kim was huggin Aubrey while saying something I couldn't make out, my ears were focused on the sound of the rain. Aubrey smiled and hugged Kim back. I carried on with my day and walked over to Fix-it. I walked in and bought a small lily of the valley. When I walked out of the shop I headed down the road towards the church. I slowly opened the door and saw a lot of people inside taking refuge from the rain. I quietly made my way towards the cemetery and to Mari's gravestone. I sat down on my knees and laced the lily of the valley on the gravestone. I stared at it while I felt rain droplets hitting my head, making my hair wet. I didn't mind though. " ..I miss you.. " I whispered. I began to tear up but tried my best to whip the tears away, but my eyes kept flooding with tears. All I heard was the sound of the rain and my silent sobbing. It was strangely peaceful.  

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