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I woke up in white space. Omori was looking through the keyhole of the door to dream word, his knife was stabbing the ground next to him. " ..Omori..? " I silently spoke. Omori separated his view from the keyhole and looked at me. " What are you doing? " I asked. Omori pulled the knife out of the ground and put it in his pocket. " witnessing the disappearance of some items in the dream world. '' Omori replied with a straight face. " What? " I questioned and I sat down on the ground crossing my legs. Omori kneeled down and looked at me. " Dream world is a dream, you will eventually forget most of it like other dreams, but since you haven't had a different dream in the past four years you haven't forgotten anything about it. " Omori explained. " But, since I haven't had any different dreams, why have I started forgetting them now? " I asked. " I don't know.. Maybe because you are moving on? " Omori sat down and Meow climbed onto his lap. I felt sad. I really didn't want the dream world to leave. Omori notinced and he put his hand on my shoulder. " Don't worry, it will take a while before you forget most things. But even then, you probably won't forget about Omori, Aubrey, Kel, Hero, Mari, ect. " Omori tried to cheer me up. I sighed. " It can't be helped, Sunny. I would appreciate the dream world while it's still intact if I were you. " Omori picked up Mewo and put her next to him. " What about you? Don't you want to enjoy your world before it's gone? " I stood up and so did Omori. " Sunny, even if you become Omori I am still a part of Omori. " Omori said. I nodded and my view changed to Omori's. I watched as I- or.. Sunny,  slowly vanished and opened the door to a dream world.

The first thing I saw when I opened the door and Hero was comforting Aubrey as she cried in the corner. Kel was sitting next to them while organizing his cards before catching a glance of me. " Omori! " Kel yelled. He stood up but he was much taller than before. He was.. His real height. The second after Kel stood up I saw Aubrey get up and run towards me. She hugged me and cried, I looked down at her and she had a pink strand of hair. " Omori!!! " Aubrey sobbed. ''Look at this! " Aubrey cried while picking the pink hair out of the rest of her hair and showing it to me. Hero sighed and stood up. " Omori.. This has been happening to all of us! Well... except for Mari. " Hero spoke. " We need to go check on the others! Things have also been disappearing, too.. " Aubrey let go of me and wiped her tears away. I nodded, and my friends joined me as I walked upstairs. I was scared to see what had disappeared. I got my allowance and left. 

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now