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Hero stood up from the couch and walked past Kel, Aubrey and Basil upstairs. Kel looked at me and i shrugged. " Well, what do you want to do, Sunny? " Kel asked. " ...sleep.. " I mumbled. I was feeling a bit tired. " Oh, alright. Come on guys, lets let him sleep. " Kel walked over to the door, Basil and Aubrey followed. " Alright, have a good nap, Sunny!! " Kel said before opening the door and it was exciting. Aubrey followed. Basil looked at me and smiled. " Have a good sleep, Sunny. " Basil left and slowly closed the door behind him. I laid down on the couch and stared at the ceiling before eventually drifting off to sleep. I woke up to Omori laying down and staring at the lightbulb. I followed his gaze. The lightbulb was a little empty, meaning that only the top lightbulb was white, the rest was black. " Uh.. Omori? " I looked at him, while kneeling up. Omori turned his head to look at me. " What is up with the lightbulb? " I asked. " Oh, you know how people say, don't bottle up your emotions? The lightbulb is the bottle. You were filling it up for the past four years, now you're slowly emptying it. Or i guess you could say you are figuring out what is going on and how to fix it. Last time you fought Omori you smashed it. Your bottle overflowed. " Omori explained. '' Omori you keep saying I'm doing well, but I feel like I haven't done anything to help. I've just been gloomy, and taking your advice. Im...helpless and useless...! " I said. I sat down and curled up. I hugged my legs and sank my head into my legs. " useless.. " I mumbled. I felt a hand on my head. " Sunny. I've said it before. Omori is technically you. You have been taking advice from yourself, or in other words, your subconscious. " Omori said. I slowly looked up at him, and then at the lightbulb. " I know it's tiring, and it's taking some time, but you are getting there. '' Omori continued. I slowly let go of my legs and sat down normally on the floor.

 " You have a lot of patience, Sunny. I hope you can keep it for a bit longer. " Omori said. " Omori, what would happen if I went out to a dream world? " I asked. Omori shrugged. " Can I? " I looked at him, Omori sighed. " Sunny, I know I've said I cant stop you from going before, but it may not be the best idea to do so. Sure, you've been getting better going out, but the way the dream world is helping you has been a bit.. " Omori thought of the right word. " I get it, but without it things have been taking too long. " I said. " Omori sighed. " Sunny, you are stubborn, but I really recommend you listen to me this time. Last time you went out you came back here very upset. I don't want you to be like that again, it was not as bad as the first time you came to whitespace, but it was still pretty bad. " Omori said. " If that's what it takes to finally escape this nightmare, then I'll do it again. " I stood up and walked towards the door. I was about to open it when Omori spoke. " Sunny, think of your trauma as a bruise. If you touch it it hurts. You have to keep yourself from touching it for it to stop hurting and heal. By entering the dream world and seeing Mari and everyone else you keep reminding yourself of that, keeping it from healing. Sure, it's helped you but it has hurt you. " Omori said. I looked over at him. We sat in silence for a few seconds until I spoke. " ..I have my friends to help me go through the trauma I gain from my dream world.. That way I can heal it quicker. " I slowly twisted the handle to the door to dream world. " You can think that way if you want to, I can't stop you. But, wouldn't you be slowing it down? " Omori asked. I didn't reply and opened the door to a dream world.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now