Happy birthday

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Aubrey walked up to Kel, and basil walked up to me. " ..So, today is your birthday, inst it, Sunny? " Basil smiled. I nodded. My fifth birthday without Mari. She always helped bake my cake with Hero. I stopped eating cakes after she died. " Oh yeah! I was finally able to convinse hero to bake you a cake Sunny! " Kel simled. " Also i woke up when you wrote on my arm, you are really cold, Sunny! " Kel gave off a funny surprised face. So it was just me. " Well, Aubrey, didnt you want to do something before we had the party? " Kel jokingly pushed Aubrey with his elbow. " ..Not that i remember? " Aubrey looked at him confused. Kel whispered into her seat and she rolled her eyes. " Fine then lets get a move on. " Aubrey grabbed Kel's wrist and dragged him in the direction of his house. Basil sighed and smiled over at me. He smiled like he did in the photo from back to school. " So, want to come over to another mart to pick up some strawberries with me, Sunny? " Basil asked. I nodded. We chatted on the way there. " Your eyepatch is dirty.. You should wash it. " Basil looked at my eyepatch. " ..You know, the night I stabbed you in the eye and you walked into my room... I was.. Well.. going to stab myself with the pliers. Until you walked in and.. You technically saved me, Sunny. I just thought I'd say thanks for that. " Basil smiled. It was nice seeing him smile. " And, thank you for getting Kel and Aubrey to be my friends again.. I don't think I would have been able to survive back to school without any friends.. " Basil looked over at the ground while we walked.

" Sunny, can you please promise me something..? " Basil looked over at me. " Promise me that we won't leave eachother like last time. Even though you live in the city now.. We won't stop texting or visiting each other... " Basil's voice shaked a bit. I knew he was nervous asking this again, since last time he asked me I broke the promise. I left him alone at school.. And to deal with the guilt by himself. I nodded. Basil quickly stopped in his tracks and hugged me quickly. I couldn't help but hug him back. 

Suddenly Basil let go and we continued walking. When we arrived, Basil immediately caught sight of an aisle with some gardening things and seeds. " The strawberries should be somewhere near the gardening things. " Basil spoke. He grabbed my hand and walked over to the aisle. He looked through all the products. Suddenly I heard some giggling coming from another aisle. I looked over and saw Mari with Aubrey. " Mari! What if we dyed our hair together! " Aubrey said happily while her eyes lit up. " That would be awesome, Aubrey! What if I dyed my hair purple, and you dyed yours.. " Mari stopped in suspense. " Pink! " They both yelled and laughed. I felt a tap on my shoulder. " Sunny? " Basil looked worried. I looked over at him. " Are you okay? " Basil asked. I quickly nodded. I looked over at where Mari and Aubrey were. They weren't there anymore. " Well.. I have the strawberries, we can go pay now. '' Basil grabbed two packs of strawberries and went over to pay. We were about to exit when I heard someone yell. " Sunny! " A voice that reminded me of Mari yelled. I looked back. No one was there except for the cashier. " ..Sunny.. " Basil said, concerned. I quickly looked over at him. " Sunny are you okay? You're worrying me.. " Basil muttered. " Yeah.. don't worry about it. I'm just.. Tired. " I quickly made up an excuse. " Alright.. Well, let's head back to Kel's house. " Basil and I continued walking. 

When we were close to Kel's house, I caught the eye of kel watching through the window. When he noticed I saw him he shut the blinds. " AUBREY HURRY UP! HE'S HERE! " Kel yelled from inside his house. " OKAY, OKAY! I'M FISHED YOU DUMBASS! " Aubrey yelled back. " ... Don't worry about it Sunny... they are probably just having another of their arguments. " Basil gave off a slight giggle. I got jumpscare by Kel, since he swung his front door open as quick and loud as possible. " Hey hey hey! Sunny, would you mind waiting outside for a little while? Basil you can come inside with the strawberries! " Kel gave a smile. Basil nodded and quickly went inside Kel's house. Kel winked and gave me a thumbs up before shutting the door. 

I sat down near the road. " See that? Your friends have finally noticed how terrible you are. They have finally realized the fact that you killed Mari. they left you out here all alone for a reason. " A voice spoke. I shook my head, shut my eye and covered my ears. " ...Sunny. " A voice like Mari's spoke. I opened my eyes and looked up. Mari was standing in the road. " Sunny, come here. I baked you a cake! " Mari smiled and she stretched her arms out while she held a cake. I got up and watched her. " Sunny, come here. Happy birthday! " Mari looked so happy. I walked a step forward. " Sunny. Hurry up and come see your big sister. " Mari frowned. She turned into something and charred towards me. I felt a gust of wind on my face when she did. " Sunny. " A voice like Mari's but deeper spoke. I jumped. I quickly turned around and walked backwards. Something was staring right at me. " Car. " Something warned me. I heard a beep coming from the right.I looked at the source. It was a car rushing right towards me. I quickly got out of the way and the car kept going. Suddenly I heard Kel. " Sunny! You can come in now- Hey! Sunny, get out of the road that's dangerous! " Kel yelled while Basil watched behind him. 

Kel rushed towards me and grabbed my hand. When he had a good grip on it he walked back to his house. When we were at the doorstep he stopped and blocked the view from inside the house. " Okay, now shut your eyes-" Kel said excitedly and quickly " I mean.. Shut your eyes. " Kel calmed himself. I did as he said. But for extra measures Kel placed his hand in front of my eye. I could tell it was him since he was so warm. He pushed me forward and I heard the concrete under my feet turn to wood. " Alright, open your eyes! "Kel stopped covering my eyes and I opened it. Confetti was all over the place. Aubrey stood close to the couch and smiled. There was a strawberry cake on a round table in front of the fireplace. " Surprise! " Kel Yelled in a happy tone. ''Happy birthday, Sunny! " Basil smiled. " I helped Hero bake the cake and decorate the house, even though I mainly just spilled confetti everywhere.. Hehe. Aubrey decorated the cake and Basil got the strawberries from Aubrey to decorate the cake with. " Kel explained. I wanted to say something. But, I couldn't bring myself to. I opened my mouth a little bit, but shut it a few seconds after. " Don't worry Sunny, I know you don't really like to talk, so you don't have to say thank you. .... Maybe you can just help me clean the confetti after we finish in a way to say thanks.. " Kel looked at the confetti and smiled awkwardly. I nodded. " Welp! Let's cut the cake! " Kel went to the kitchen to get a knife. I looked over at the cake. ' Sunny ' was written on the top of the cake with strawberries

When Kelly came back he made sure he didn't mess up the decorations as much as he could, even though it was going to get messed up anyways. " First slice goes to you, Sunny! " Kel handed me a plate. He noticed i didn't get a strawberry, so he took one from the s and sighed. " You want some cake, Aubrey? " Kel asked. " of course. Why wouldn't i? " Aubrey smirked. Kel handed her a plate and then asked Basil the same thing. Basil nodded. Kel gave him a plate and he finally got himself one. The slice was almost as big as a mug. " HERO!! YOU WANT SOME CAKE? " Kel yelled loudly. " Later. " Hero replied a bit quieter than Kel. " Alright then. Welp, hope you like the cake Sunny! " Kel said and started to dig into the cake. I ate a bit of the cake. It was technically vanilla but the icing was strawberry. It was a really good mix. " Like it, Sunny? " Basil asked and smiled. I nodded. " Thanks. " I said quietly. " Aw man, now I have to clean the confetti by myself! " Kel complained. " I can help you Kel. " Basil offered. Kel's eyes widened. " Thank you Basil! " Kel took a big bite of his slice. Eventually we all finished the cake and Kel turned on the tv to cartoons. " Well, you guys enjoy watching tv. Me and Basil will clean the confetti. " Kel smiled. Basil got up from the couch and started to pick up the confetti one by one off the floor with Kel. " Hey wait... Let's go get a broom! " Kel quickly got off the ground and ran off with Basil. I quickly got bored of the tv. Aubrey seemed bored too since she started to fidget with her bat. Then I realized I had the knife from the cake right next to me. I picked it up, grabbed a napkin and cleaned it. When it was all clean I started to fidget with it too. Aubrey caught sight of the knife and swiftly took it away from me. " Sunny, don't play with knives! Remember the time you cut my hand with one? Yeah, we don't want that happening again. " Aubrey scolded me. " Sorry. " I replied. '' If anything you can only take it out when Kim and the others mess with you. " Aubrey handed me the knife again. I looked at my reflection. Something stood behind me. I swiftly turned around. Nothing was behind me. It was just my imagination... " S-Sunny everything okay!? " Aubrey held her bat ready to hit someone with it. I slowly nodded while I went to face the TV again. I scared Aubrey. She sighed and shoved me playfully. " You scared me. I thought someone was behind you.. " Aubrey teased me. Kel and Basil came back and started to sweep.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now