Back to the "hospital"

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When we left, Hero was walking in the direction back to his house. " Hey Hero! All done walking Hector? " Kel yelled in a cheerful tone. Hero looked back at Kel and glanced at me and Basil. " Y-yeah.. I will be heading back now... " Hero said before quickly going back to his house. It made me feel very guilty, and by the looks of it, it made Basil feel guilt too. " Jeez.. I get he's mad but... he should understand it was an accident.. You didn't mean to push her! You guys were young and scared! You never meant for that to happen to Mari! " Kel spoke a bit too loud.

" What the fuck?! " spoke one of the hooligans. I looked back and so did Basil. " Oops.. " kel mumbled " He.. Killed his own sister? " Aubrey looked worried and somewhat angry. But she was angry at me. Aubrey pushed me and grabbed my shirt by the collar then began yelling. " Why did you do it, Sunny?! She was your older sister and she was like the older sister I never had. " I looked to the ground. " tchh. " Aubrey pushed me onto the ground. " Aubrey, you already knew and we already went through this! You even gave him your phone number because you wanted to stay in touch! " Kel stated. '' I was being naive- I now regret giving you that. " Aubrey pulled my arm, signaled to one of her hooligans to give her a wet wipe and began trying to wipe it away furiously, hurting my arm a bit. Basil saw my face and knew it was hurting. He then did something I never knew he'd do, he pushed Aubrey to the ground.

When he noticed what he did his angry face turned to fear. Aubrey growled at him and the hooligans started to gang up on him. Aubrey was talking her time to get up and right as she was gonna grab her bat. I took it from her. I swang the bat towards the hooligans and hit Vance in his head. " OW! " He yelled. " S-Sunny! " Kel yelled, surprised that I would even think of hitting someone in the head. It took me a second to process what I had just done but when it hit me my heart dropped and I began to shake. ..What was I doing!? " Vance!! " Kim quickly went over to him to tend to his wound. " ..Why you little...! " Kim quickly snached the bat from me and hit me on the head... hard. Since my legs were wobby after I panicked when I hit Vance, I fell to the ground. " Sunny! " Basil and Kel quickly rushed over to me. I hit my head hard on the asphalt and my vision got blurry. My head began to thump and I felt my heart speed up. " Sunny!! Are you okay!? " Kel quickly lifted my head up and sat me up. Basil looked terrified while he sat next to me unknowing on what to do. I groaned a bit as I touched the part of my head that hit the floor. I looked at my hand and it was red from blood. As I blinked I slowly began to lose consciousness while I heard muffled reassurance from Kel that I would be fine.

" Goodbye. Didn't you say that when you decided not to jump? " I opened my eyes and looked up. It was Omori again. I'm in white space again. " You hit the ground really hard, " He spoke and sat down next to me. " Why am I still going here. " I asked him in a soft voice, but slightly annoyed. " You're not happy. Didn't we touch this subject last time? " He asked and looked at me. I rolled my eyes. " Again, you can stay here for a while. But not enough for you to come back here every night.. " Omori got up and left to dream of the world. I was left alone with my thoughts. I wonder what basil and Kel are doing. Am I bleeding a lot? Am I going to die? Who knows.

I slowly opened my eyes again, I was getting lifted up into one of those hospital vans. Basil was holding my hand tightly with a terrified look and Kel was clutching onto the bed. More muffled sounds. I tried to keep my eyes open for as long as I could, but eventually they did shut.

I woke up in the hospital. My wounds were already treated and my eyepatch was replaced with bandages. " Finally awake, huh youngman? About time. It's been a week. " He spoke in a worried tone. '' Really.. A week.. are my friends here? " I asked. I blinked and the doctor wasn't there anymore. He was replaced with Omori. " Oh, no. Were nowhere near them. " Omori walked up to me. I blinked again and it wasn't the hospital. It was white space. ''Why am I me and not you? I'm always you when I come to white space." I asked in an annoyed tone. " Oh. Do you want to be an Omori again? I thought you were happy as sunny. " Omori spoke as he patted Mewo. " That was a great greeting to white space Omori. Really thought I was in real life. " I was being sarcastic. And I'm sure he knew I was disappointed. " Well it doesn't matter anyways. I know you're disappointed, but you aren't at the same time. You even asked me why you weren't Omori Sunny. " He was right. " Might as well enjoy my company, Sunny. " I looked at Mewo. " Has it really been a week? " I asked him. Omori chuckled. " No, just four days. You might not believe it but you were also asleep here. " Omori looked at me. " You can become Omori again, but that will make you fall back into the hole you fought so hard to get out of. " I looked at Omori dead in the eyes. He knew what I wanted. " Very well the- " Before he was able to finish speaking I became Omori. I got up, and was ready for another journey.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now