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When we entered the swimsuit store, a gray and orange swim truck caught Kels attention, causing him to run over to it. "Woooah..Sunny look!" Kel called me over and I walked over to him. "What do you think?" He asked while holding it an pointing to it. I thought about how Kel would look while wearing it. I nodded and gave him a thumbs up. "Awesome! Now that it's got Sunny's seal of approval, it must be the best one in the store." He smiled before running off to the changing rooms with it. Aubrey looked around and basil and I just followed her like lost puppies. She eventually glanced at us before quickly looking back at the swimsuits. I don't know if I overthought this but I took that as a 'go away please' and I quickly went to the other side of the store. Basil followed behind me. Now I actually have to look for something. I looked around and found a blue and grey swim truck with a matching shirt for swimming. I grabbed them and showed them to Basil for his opinion. "Oh..! Those are nice!" He smiled before his eyes lit up as he saw the same pair but in green. He took that and he shows me in the same way I showed him. I nodded. We went into the changing rooms and tried them on. When I exited the changing rooms Kel was looking in the mirror at the end of the hallway. "Oh! Hey sunny!" Kel smiled and he looked at me up and down. "Oooh! Good choice!" Kel complemented. Then Basil exited. "Oh cool! You got similar ones!" Kel smiled widely. "You guys done yet?" Asked Aubrey. "Yeah!" Kel replied. "I asked the lady at the counter if we could leave with the, on and she said yes. I already payed for them but you guys owe me." Aubrey said. Kel nodded. Aubrey was wearing a backs with pink flowers swimsuit. We left the store and Kel immediately ran over to the ocean. To be honest it seemed like the ocean was his natural habitat and he was finally retuning to it after years of being separated from it. It was a funny thought so I let a chuckle out. "I'm going to go put the towels on one of the chairs. I'll be there in a sec." Aubrey said. Me and basil nodded and we went to join Kel in the sea.

"Come on in! It's not warm but also not freezing cold." Kel said while floating. I must have lost a ton of leg strength in my four years of isolation since the waves were extremely close to tipping me over. Even basil seemed to have more leg strength than me since the waves weren't affecting him at all. When I got into shoulder deep water a wave did slap me in the face and I fell backwards into the water. I quickly went back up to the surface and took a deep breath, then I felt something leach onto my arm and pull me over. I wiped my eye and opened it. Kel was smiling while holding my arm. "I figured you could use some help." He giggled. "Come on let's go deeper!" He said. "K-Kel I don't think I'll reach if we go any deeper..plus I can't swim.." Basil laughed awkwardly. "..right! I forgot.. sorry." Kel laughed and scratched the back of his head. "Basil!" We heard Aubrey yell and we all turned to look at her. "Are you sure you wanna be in the ocean?! I can join you on the shore if you don't want to!" She said, Basil smiled. "It's fine! I can reach the bottom here and I have Kel in case a wave drags me away!" Basil replied. Aubrey nodded and she got into the ocean and joined us. When she got here she pulled out arm floaties and she smiled trying to hold in laughter. "Just in case I brought arm floaties for you and Sunny." She teased. Basil giggled. "Good idea!" Kel said. Aubrey, Basil and I looked at Kel with the same expression of 'he does know it was a joke.. right?' Kel grabbed one of the four and pulled my left arm up. He gently pushed my arm through the floatie. "Kel I was joking.." Aubrey said. "Oh.." Kel slowly pulled the floaties off. "..I knew that." He put it behind him. Aubrey's face palmed. "Kel your littering." Aubrey said. Kel quickly went for it and returned it to Aubrey. After a few seconds of awkward silence Aubrey, Kel and Basil laughed. I saw a certain silhouette to my right where the shore was and I turned my head to look at it.

Mari sat in one of the chairs and smiled at me. I looked at my friends before my view returned to Mari. Mari gave me a thumbs up. My indecisiveness quickly left me after that. I gave a slight smile before I looked at my friends again. "What's up, Sunny?" Kel asked with a smile. "Hm?" I looked at him. "What put you in a good mood?" He asked. I looked at the ocean surrounding us. "You guys did." I smiled at them. Not even a second afte I said that Kel hugged me tightly, then Aubrey and Basil joined. "I'm gonna miss you, Sunny!" Kel squeezed tighter. I patted his back as a way to tell him he was squeezing the life out of me. "Sorry!" He quickly let go and I took a few deep breaths. Everyone let go of me after a while. The sun began to set but no one cared. We were splashing each other and having a blast. At some point I somehow got onto Kels shoulders and he held me up. We both fell when a giant wave struck us though. The second Aubrey pointed the Wave, Kel grabbed Basils wrist tightly and when we got hit by it, I fell back and got slammed back to the shore. I shook my head and looked over to my friends. Aubrey was laughing as Basil climbed onto Kels arm like a cat. Eventually Basil and Kel laughed too. "Where's Sunny?" Asked Kel after calming down. Aubrey looked around and exploded into laughter as she pointed at me on the shore. Kel and Basil laughed too. I smiled and chuckled. "Sunny!" Aubrey called out barely being able to say anything since she wasted her breath on laughter. I laughed quietly as I stood up. I admired the scenery. My friends are laughing, the sunset behind them, the beautiful ocean.. I sighed. I was going to miss this all.

I eventually got back to my friends. "Sunny, your hair is full of sand now!" Kel ruffled my hair. "Dive into the water and come back out. It should get rid of it." Aubrey instructed. I took a deep breath before diving into the water, shaking my head and coming back out breathing out. "Did I get rid of it?" I asked. Aubrey ran her fingers through my hair and looked at them. "Seems like it." She said. "Guys it's getting cold and it's almost night... Unfortunately Sunny leaves tomorrow so we should get back." Kel said. It wiped the smiles off everyone's faces. "Your right. Come on guys, let's go." Aubrey smiled softly. It caused Kel and Basil to smile softly too. When we exited the ocean, Aubrey handed everyone towels. Kel helped wrap the towels around me and Basil. We looked like human burritos. We were unable to do anything with our arms, but it felt nice. Like I was being constantly hugged. We went to the showers and showered before changing back into our casual clothing. When we got back into the Car, Kel and Basil sat at the front so me and Aubrey sat at the back. I watched the sunset. We had the radio playing and we all sat in silence. I looked at my friends in the car. I felt like tearing up but dug my nails into my wrist to stop me from letting them come out. "Sunny?" Aubrey broke the silence. I turned to look at her. "I'm gonna miss you." She smiled at me. She turned to face her window before I could reply. My gaze also returned to the sunset and I let my eyelids shut themselves.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now