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This chapter includes mentions of vomiting. Although it's not described in graphic detail, If you feel disturbed or grossed out by it feel free to skip the second paragraph 

"Sunny! We're here!" I felt a gentle shake on my left shoulder. I quietly groaned as I opened my eyes. Kel smiled. "Come on, it's like three AM. Basil and Aubrey already left to go to their houses but we didn't want to wake you." He gave me a thumbs up. He helped me out of the car and we went inside his house. Without another word I flopped onto the cough and fell to sleep. When I woke up it was 1pm. I sat up and yawned. It smelled good. "Sunny! You're awake!" My mom peered over to look at me from the kitchen and smiled at me. She walked over to me and hugged me. "Sunny... we leave in three hours." She said. ..that's right.. I'm going back to the city. ..without Aubrey. My head began to bang. Without Kel. I felt dizzy. Without Basil... My stomach get into a knot. Without Mari. I got nauseous.

I felt the urge to throw up. I quickly got up and went to the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. I hurried towards the toilet and I began to throw up. I coughed in between until it was finally over. I patted and wiped my mouth with some toilet paper. My stomach was doing all sorts of stuff.. it wasn't helping at all. Plus, I now had a headache. I flushed the toilet and made my way to the sink where I splashed my face with water and washed out my mouth. I washed my hands and when I dried then I headed over to the door, but as I reached over to the door knob I quickly paused.

I heard my moms shaky voice. "..I- I don't know what to do!" I could tell she was trying not to cry. "It's okay, it's okay, shhh.." Kels mom tried her best to comfort her. "It's just... I can't do anything to help my son, can I?! I'm the worst mothe-" before I could continue listening to my mom I heard a knock on the door. "Suuunnnnnyyy? Ya thereeeeee?" was Kel. I opened the door and he was standing there smiling. He grabbed my hand and quickly got out of the house. "Kel" I said after we got a few steps away from the house. Kel looked over at me with a smile. "Yeah?" He replied. "What smelled so good? Was Hero cooking?" I asked. "Oh! Yeah, he actually made waffles. His waffles are amazing! We can come back for some later though, I asked him to save some for us." He winked. While we were walking we heard a yelp. It seemed to belong to Aubrey.

Kel held my hand and began to book it to her location. I was trying my best to keep up but I tripped along the way. Kel stopped in his tracks. "Sunny! You okay?! Sorry.." Kel knelt down to cheek on me. I got up and inspected my knees. I had lightly scraped my left knee. "It's fine. It nothing serious so it doesn't matter." I said. Kel nodded and he continued to Aubrey's location. I followed behind. When he arrived, Aubrey was holding her bat in her hands. It has been snapped in two. Basil was sitting next to her trying his best to comfort her. "Aubrey! What happened?" Asked Kel. "My mom happened!" She yelled. "She just snapped my bat!" She sobbed. I could see tears form in her eyes. Kel sat down next to her. "Well.. it's just a bat..?" Kel said trying ti be comforting but Aubrey punched him in the stomach with her elbow. "It's not just a bat! Kim gave it to me a while after I joined the hooligans.. it's precious to me!" Aubrey said. "Right, right right right!" Kel said. He dug around in his pockets before pulling out a ton of bandaids. "Here we go!" Kel opened one and while Aubrey held her bat together, he put the bandaid on the cracks and then opened another one and another one and put them around the cracks. "..Kel, what the actual fuck..?" Aubrey mumbled . "What?! I always get injured in my basketball games. I always carry some around!" He smiled as he continued. Once he had applied all the bandaids Aubrey gently swung it. "Don't do that! My bandaids might be strong enough to hold it together for a while but if you swing it around they will obviously break off!" Said Kel. Aubrey sighed. "I guess it works. Thanks." "Oh, wow! Finally you thank me for something!" Kel's eyes lit up but quickly retuned to normal when Aubrey gave him a death stare. "Anyways, Sunny leaves in three hours, we have to make the best of it!" Kel said determined. "Hmm..what do you want to do, Sunny?" Basil asked as he peered over to look at me. I got lost in the kindness of his eyes but quickly shook my head, bringing me back. "I'm alright with anything as long as I'm with my friends." I said.

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