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" Alright, well it's getting dark. Thanks for helping me clean this up, Basil! " Kel playfully smacked Basil on the back. Basil almost fell forward but was able to catch his feet and he smiled awkwardly. " N-no worries Kel.. i should be leaving now, i haven't watered my flowers today.. '' Basil mumbled. " Sure! " Kel patted Basil's back. " I'll come with you. " Aubrey stood up. " Alright, do you want to take some cake with you? " Kel smiled. Basil shook his head in no way. " I'm full and I'm pretty sure my fridge is full.. " Basil glanced over at the cake. " I guess I'll take some. But I'm not lifting it all the way back to my house. " Aubrey scoffed. '' Fine, me and Sunny will go with you guys. " Kel cut the cake in half and then cut the cake in half. He then grabbed a plate and then placed one of the elfs on the plate. " Alright let's go. '' Kel handed me the plate and then we headed outside. " I really have to run back home.. I'll see you tomorrow. " Basil waved and smiled at me. He quickly then started a rapid walk towards his house. " Alright, let's go to mine now. '' Aubrey signaled us to follow. Kel tried to take a strawberry off the cake for him to eat but I kept slapping his hand every time he did. He looked so sad and disappointed when I did. When we arrived Aubrey opened the door and made way for us. " Aubrey.. " Suddenly a voice inside her house spoke. I looked over and her mom was looking directly at us. Aubrey signaled Kel to wait outside, but I was already inside so there wasn't much we could do now. " What. '' Aubrey rolled her eyes. " No boyfriends till you move out.. " Her mom said as she ate a potato chip. " Why are you bringing this up now? " Aubrey said aggressively. " Isn't that your boyfriend? Isf so.. Break up. Boys only bring suffering into the relationship. " Her mom pointed at me. Aubrey quickly turned to face me. She looked red. " WHAT!? He isnt my boyfriend nor will he ever be! " Aubrey yelled and covered her face. " Oh! But ma'am, they might have a crush on each other . " Kel shoved me aside and poke his head through the tiny space he made for himself. '' NO WE AREN'T! He is just stupid and makes up lies. " Aubrey smacked him on the back of his head. "... Since none of you will admit.. I want to hear it from the boy. " The woman frowned at me. Aubrey looked at me desperate, and Kel smirked at me. " Don't worry ma'am. He doesn't like to talk. So just believe me! " Kel smiled and then pushed us inside. ".... Mom, you just met him. Why would you believe him? '' Aubrey snacked the plate off my hands and quickly placed it on the kitchen counter. " Alright, you can go now. Just wanted someone to carry the cake for me. " Aubrey quickly signed for us to leave. I QUICKLY PUSHED THROUGH kel and grabbed him by the wrist. I dragged him all the way back to his house.

" Oh come on Sunny, I was doing you a favor! " Kel whined while I held his wrist tightly. "Sunnyyyy your hand is so cold " Kel whined again. I didn't stop for a second. When we arrived back at his house I let him go and he immediately placed his other hand on his wrist where I had placed mine. " Why are you so cold? " Kel complained. I shrugged. " Well, now that we're here, do you want to eat something for dinner? " Kel smiled. I shook my head. " OH! Right I have a present for you, " Kel quickly ran off. I heard footsteps coming downstairs. It was a Hero. " Oh. Hey sunny. " Hero mumbled. I waved at him. " Did you enjoy your cake? " Hero asked. I nodded. " Good to hear. " Hero walked into the kitchen. Kel quickly ran back and held the arm that had a cast. " The doctor told me to give you this paper! " Kel handed me a paper with many paragraphs. I scanned through the paper and apparently I can take the casts off. " So, let's head over to the doctor! " Kel quickly grabbed my non-cast arm and dragged me away to the doctor. When we arrived he waited in the room while the doctor took the casts off. Kel always held a smile and never broke it for a second. " Alright. Now even though the casts are off, you need to be careful or they can get hurt again. " The doctor sighed and then left us. " Is that all? " Kel asked while he watched the doctor leave. I shrugged. " Great! I'm so tired. " Kel yawned. I nodded. " Well, let's go! " Kel jumped off his seat. I did too and we walked to his house. 

When we arrived Kel threw himself into the couch. Before I could do anything he had already fallen asleep. I sat down at the foot of the couch and rested on it. My eyes slowly started to shut and I fell asleep. 

I opened my eyes to whitespace. Like always. But, Omori wasn't here. It was just Mewo, the lightbulb, the computer and the tissue box. Meow climbed onto my lap and meowed. I layed on the floor and patted her. A few minutes later, I heard the door to the dream world open, but I didn't look back. I felt a tap on my arm. " Sunny. " Omori said as he tapped my arm. I sat up and looked over at him. He had a mountain of nicely wrapped presents behind him. " Happy birthday, Sunny. Everyone in the dream world got presents for you. " Omori pointed at the presents behind him. Omori sat down next to me. " Open them. " Omori grabbed Mewo off my lap and patted her. I crawled over to the mountain of presents and got up to get the one at the tip top. There was a note attached to the present. I grabbed it and read it. ' Happy birthday Omori. Tell my Hero I'm still waiting for him. - Sweetheart. ' No wonder the present is tiny. It's from sweetheart. " How did you get a sweetheart to give you a present? " I looked over at Omori. " I didn't have to do anything. She just gave it to me. " Omori continued patting Mewo. I looked back at the note. I threw it to the ground and opened the present. A golden watch. Useless, but it can be sold for a lot of clams. I placed it back in the box and placed it on the floor near the mountain of presents. 

I grabbed another one, this time it was medium sized. ' Hello, kid. Happy birthday. -Pluto ' I opened the present and it was a piece of paper that was drawn on. It was a bad drawing. Pluto was fist bumping me ( omori ) in the drawing. I quickly got through the presents until I had five left. I grabbed one with a long note. ' Hi Omori! Happy birthday! I hope you enjoy the present, and I will be waiting for another adventure together! Also, I'm glad you have a strong memory, because if not we would have all forgotten about Ba- ' i stopped reading the note. I looked at the ending of the note and it was signed by Aubrey. I opened the box and there was the plushie from the last resort. It had a note. ' it reminded me of you but in other clothing and colors, but hey same hairstyle! - Aubrey ' i threw the box into the empty box pile and handed the plush to Mewo. like she was going to do something with it. I grabbed another one, with a shorter note. ' Happy birthday Omori! Have fun! - Basil. ' I opened the box. It was a white tulip in a pot. I placed it near the computer. " Sunny hurry up a bit. It's been 12 minutes. " Omori complained. '' Omori, you try going through a mountain of presents from everyone in your dream world. " I looked over at him. " Then hand me one. " Omori stood up. I grabbed one and gave it to him, then I grabbed one too. ' Hey Omori! I hope you have a happy birthday! -Kel ' I opened the box and it was a basketball with Omori's face drawn on it. " Happy birthday Omori! You are growing up so fast! Now you are going to have to get a job soon! -Hero " Omori read outloud. He opened the box and pulled out a cookie. He handed it over to me. " You can eat it. " I pushed his hand back. Omori started nibbling on the cookie. " Open the last one. It's probably from Mari. " Omori sat down and shared his cookie with Meow. I grabbed the present. A note written on a napkin. ' Happy birthday little brother! I hope you enjoy your birthday! P.s Please spend some time with Aubrey, she's been telling me how much she wants to go on another adventure together. - Mari, I opened the gift. It was a cake. I sat down next to Omori and grabbed his knife from his pocket. Omori watched me as he ate his cookie. I cut a slice and handed the knife back to Omori. I grabbed the note and used it as a plate for the cake. It was written on a napkin, afterall. 

I took a bite. It was chocolate. " Well, You should go now. " Omori grabbed the napkin with the slice and placed it on the floor. " What about the cake? " I looked at him. " You can eat it again when you come back. " Omori grabbed his knife and cleaned it before handing it to me. I sighed and stabbed myself. 

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now