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Hi! This is a note from the Author and it isn't that important so feel free to skip this paragraph.  In this chapter, thanksgiving is mentioned and i don't know much about it since im mexican and we don't celebrate that over here so if you do there will most likely be mistakes about what happens during thanksgiving so sorry for that. The information I got was after a quick 'what do you do in thanksgiving' search, and my knowledge on it. The info was about the food and parades, so I most likely missed some details.

After a while Kel returned. "Alright, everything is ready!" He smiled. WE all headed to his house and found the table in front of his couch full of food, as if it was christmas or something.. "You may be wondering, 'what's going on? Why so much food?' Well, since we won't be able to spend special events like Thanksgiving with Sunny, I thought why not have it now?" Kel spoke in a tone that made him sound smart. "Yeah. Well.. a better way of saying it is we don't know if we will celebrate it with you, Sunny, so just in case we don't we have this." Aubrey looked over at me. I nodded. " Thank you, guys." I smiled. "No problem! Now, let's eat. I'm starving and I don't want the turkey to get cold." Kel rushed over and sat on the floor. "Still, we should have waited until night time Kel." Aubrey said as she sat across from him. " Well, we didn't have anything else to do while we waited for the rain to dry." Kel said as he put food on his plate. "Yes we did! You were just hungry." Aubrey replied.

Basil and I sat across from each other, so Aubrey was sitting near the door to the garden, Basil was sitting ignorant of the tv, Kel near the stairs and I was sitting in front of the couch. We chatted for a while, until it got dark. We didn't finish the food, so we helped put food into Kels fridge. "Well, now the puddles must have dried up, so we can go outside again." Kel said as he grabbed the paper from Aubreys jacket. "Oooh! Let's do this one!" Kel pointed at the paper exited. "But.. It's night time!" Aubrey complained. "Yeah, so?" Kel said. Aubrey leaned into his ear and whispered. " Even better!" Kel replied. " Come on, let's go!" Kel said enthusiastically. Aubrey sighed before looking at me. "Wait, Kel! Someone has to stay and entertain Sunny!" Aubrey yelled for Kel. "Oh!" Kel looked over at me and then at everyone else. " its okay, i don't mind being alone for a while." I said. "You sure?" Kel asked and I nodded. " Alright, just cover your eyes, we have to get some stuff outside so you can open them when you hear the door open and shut." Kel smiled before running off upstairs. Aubrey and Basil followed. I closed my eyes and couldn't help but focus on the sounds in my surroundings. "Ow!" Aubrey mumbled from afar. "Here, take this." Kel said. They all sounded muffled, so I guess they shut the door to the room they were in. I heard a closet door creek open. "Ew, why do you keep these in there!" Aubrey said. "I mean, nothings wrong with them." Kel replied. "Yeah, but that thing most likely touched an eyeball and you let it touch your clothes??" Aubrey replied. "Yeah, why not." Kel said. I heard a slam and then it sounded like Aubrey was scolding someone. After a while I heard footsteps going down the stairs. " Alright, Aubrey will come get you once we're done setting up, Sunny!" I heard kels voice as someone ruffled my hair. I assume it was him. " Bye-Bye!" Kel said before opening and closing the door.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now