Bad knee

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When I left the tree stump, nothing looked out of place, but I felt like something was missing and I couldn't put my finger on it. " Help! I got stuck again!! " Aubrey yelled. I turned around to look at her. Kel's face palmed and Hero sighed. " I'm not helping her again! I've done it too many times. " Kel crossed his arms and pouted. Hero walked over to Aubrey but she whispered something into his ear before yelling my name. " OMORI!!! I'm stuck, and no one wants to help me! Please help me!!! " Aubrey yelled while smiling. I walked over to her and helped her out, she hugged me and went over to yell at Kel. " Kel! Why didn't you help me! " Aubrey wailed. " It's not my fault you get stuck! " Kel yelled back at Aubrey. " You know what?! I'm telling Mariii! " Aubrey threatened before running over to Mari's picnic basket. Hero sighed and quickly followed, so I did too. Aubrey screeched at the sight of Basil and ran over to hug him before saying things i didn't not understand. " Slow down, Aubrey! Let Basil breathe!! " Kel argued. Hero and Mari both sighed. Aubrey sat down in front of Basil giving me some view of him. He wasn't wearing his flower crown, and instead had a single flower in his hair. " R-right.. I was just walking over to Mari, when random white flashes happened, and the aftermath of that was the disappearance of my flower crown. " Basil explained while having a sad face. " Don't worry Basil, it looks great on you. " Mari smiled. We all looked over to her to search for a difference, but nothing was found. " Mari? What change occurred with you? " Hero sat down next to her. " Oh, I found out my bad knee is gone! Isn't that amazing? " Mari smiled sweetly. I couldn't help but feel a knot in my throat. I knew what comment was coming next.

" MARI! MARI! " Aubrey quickly crawled over to her. " Yes? " Mari replied. " Does that mean you can join us in our next adventure!? " Kel interrupted Aubrey before she was able to say anything. " What the heck Kel!? I was gonna say that.. " Aubrey pouted. Mari patted Aubrey's head before nodding joyfully. " I can't believe I can finally adventure with you all! I will get to see how you befriend everyone. " Mari smiled warmly. Everyone but Basil and Mari looked confused but we shrugged it off. " Well, when do we go? " Mari asked. " well.. Er.. Oh! We normally follow Omori around, meaning we go when he wants to. " Kel smiled. Everyone turned to look at me. I shook my head causing everyone to look surprised. " What!? We are exploring? " Kel sighed in disappointment. " Oh, pretty please Omori! We finally have Mari AND Basil with us.. " Aubrey hugged Mari tighty. Hero and Basil tried to cheer everyone up but I just sat down. Mari looked at me before speaking, " Omori, I get that you must be worried about my bad knee, but don't you think you should loosen up a bit? Now that it's gone, who knows how long I can finally stay with you little brother. " Mari smiled warmly and patted my head. I sighed and nodded. Aubrey quickly noticed and celebrated. " Yes!! We got Omori's approval, let's go! " Aubrey pulled MAri up and ran off into the forest, Kel and Hero followed. Basil slowly stood up and so did I. " It seems we are the only ones left behind, huh Omori? " Basil smiled as he walked towards me, holding his hand out waiting for me to take it. I did and we walked to meet our friends. 

( Authors note )

Hello! I am sorry for writing short chapters, I've been writing pretty late at night on school days so I quickly write and publish a chapter when I get an idea. I have another idea for the next chapter but I am too tired to write it at the moment, so I will write a long chapter tomorrow for those of you who are tired of waiting just for short chapters to come out.

Thank you!

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