Goodbye Mari

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When we returned to the city and came back to our cold house the first thing I did was go to my room and flop onto the bed. "Sunn.." my mom was going to speak but it seemed she decided against it. I looked out my window and looked at the loud city. I hate it here. I stood up and closed the blinds. I looked around my room. I hate it here. How can I like being here if Mari and my dad aren't here? feels like I left them behind in faraway. My stomach wasn't appreciating these negative thoughts, I could tell because it felt like there was a void that couldn't be filled. I hated that feeling. I felt my nose and cheeks burn up and then the tears began to form. It was the worst possible time to cry. My mom would hear me through the paper thin walls and I was tired so I would yawn in the middle of sobbing. I wiped my eyes aggressively but the tears just formed again. I got into my bed and fell asleep before thinking more about it.

I opened my eyes. I was greeted with the clear blue sky and the familiar scent of faraway. I sat up and the first thing I saw was Mari sitting in front of her gravestone. "Hello, Sunny! I was waiting for you!" She smiled while she took a sip of tea. I looked around. We were sitting on her picnic blanket. "It's okay, don't worry. It's a nice dream!" She smiled. "Mari.." I looked at her. "So, how are you?" She tilted her head and put the tea down. I teared up. "M-Mari!" I threw myself onto her and knocked over everything except her tea cup. She hugged me back. She felt real, she was warm, I could smell her and hear her breathing. "I missed you, Sunny! It's so nice to hang out with you again!" She squeezed me. "But we don't have time for it." She said, I stopped hugging her and looked at her with confusion. "Sunny, you're trying to overcome your trauma and I couldn't be prouder! But unfortunately you're not out of the woods yet.. I can help you find your way though. But, we have to get going." She explained. "...But.. can't we stay here longer? I used to be able to spend as long as I wanted in my dreams.." I asked. "Sunny.. that's because you didn't have school. You could oversleep as much as you wanted but you return to school tomorrow, don't you?" She smiled at me. I groaned and she giggled. "If you want to stay in dreamworld.. I guess I can't stop you. But I can guide you on the correct path." She stood up and she held her hand out. "So, will you come with me?" She smiled warmly. I hesitated, but eventually took her hand. She helped me up and ran into the forest. She looked around and eventually knelt down when she found a hole in the floor. "Ready?" She turned to me and smiled. I gulped before nodding. She sat down on the edge and I joined her. "Three.." she counted down. My heart began to thump loudly. "Two.." beads of sweat rolled down my cheek. "One!" We both jumped into the void.

While we were falling I felt Mari grab onto my hand. I blinked and when I opened my eyes, we were in backspace. I sat down on the ground and Mari was standing up, looking around. I stood up and looked around. There were three doors scattered around. "Where to first, Sunny?" Mari looked at me with a smile. I looked at all of the doors. I walked to the closest one and opened it. A familiar melody was played. "white space.." I muttered. ..but it didn't look much like it. It was all dark, like the light was turned off and there were many lightbulbs hanged on the ceiling.. wherever that was. There were also many red hands holding everything down onto the floor. There were some holding Mewo down, the laptop, the tissues, you get the idea. I felt uneasy. I walked over to Mewo and looked at her. I didn't like to see her being help down.. it reminded me of that other room.. "there should be a knife around here somewhere.." I walked around until I found the pair of hands holding the knife down. I tried to get it free and kicked it, the hands got a softer grip and I was able to get the knife free, but it caused an earthquake. I maintained my balance as the ground shook violently, but then hands broke through the ground and reached over to me. I grunted and grabbed onto my ankles and pulled me down. I squirmed and tried to get free. "M-Mari..! Help!" I turned around. She wasn't there. In her place was something. My heart sank. "...H-help..!" I said in a weak voice. I began to panic and my heart began to beat quicker. "I..." I grunted as I struggled against the force of the hands. "I don't want to be stuck here!" I yelled. "It's okay," a wave of tranquility washed over me. "Remember to calm down." Mari's soft and comforting voice instructed. I closed my eye and took some deep breaths and the hands let go before sinking into the ground. I opened my eye and looked down at the cracks the hands left on the floor. One of them had a Key inside. I knelt down and reached for the Key, placing it in my picked. When I looked up I realized that all the hands that were holding everything down had been replaced by cracks on the floor. I looked over at something and it was gone, in its place stood Mari.

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