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When we finished the pancakes, Polly picked up the plates and put it in the sink. Kel walked over and offered his help. I felt awkward not doing anything so I approached the sink to help with the dishes, but Kel didn't let me. "Oh! Don't worry about it, Sunny. I've got it covered." Kel smiled. I looked at him and then at the dishes. Polly smiled and so did Kel. "I'd like to help." I said. Kel's eyes widened. "In that case, let's get to work!" Kel smiled. "Oh, thank you boys!" Polly beamed in a proud tone. "No problem! It's our pleasure." Kel replied and I nodded. Polly went to clean the table. I looked over at Basil to make sure he was okay, and he was sitting on the couch chatting with Aubrey. He seemed at peace, so my attention went back to the dishes. Kel grabbed the gloves and put them on. He looked for another set but when he couldn't find any he stood still for a few seconds to think. He took them off and handed them to me. "Here, there's only one set and I think you should wear them." Kel crooned. I grabbed them. To be honest, I didn't really know why they are used when washing dishes, and Kel somehow caught on. "Soap can damage your skin, and your skin must be sensitive after spending four years inside. I don't want your hands to get dry or the skin on your hands to crack." He explained. I put the gloves on and we began to wash the dishes. When we finished I took the gloves off and put them back and we walked over to Aubrey and Basil. Kels arms were on his side like t-rex arms to not get anything wet. "You guys done?" Asked Aubrey. Kel nodded. "Alright, let's thank Polly and get going." Aubrey said. "Okay." Kel shook his hands to dry them, but it got Aubrey wet. "KEL!" Aubrey yelled. "Oops.. sorry, my bad."Aubrey and Basil got up from the couch and we walked over to Polly. "Thanks for everything, Polly! We're going to get going now!" Kel exclaimed. "My pleasure! Thank you for your help too!" Polly smiled. Kel waved and we left.

When we got outside Kel took a beep breath and smiled. "Kel, Sunny, can I talk to you guys for a few seconds?" She asked. "Sure." Kel replied. She walked over to a place far enough for Basil not to hear. I glanced at him and he seemed nervous. He was twiddling while looking at us. When I looked at him, his gaze quickly went down to the floor. "Ermm.. Aubrey I'm sure you have nothing bad to say, but did we really have to exclude Basil? ..you know he might think we're talking badly about him.." Kel said concerned. Aubrey nodded. "It's a surprise for him." She pulled out money from her pocket "Woah! Aubrey, how did you manage to get some much money!?" Kel said surprised. "I have been saving up for a Polaroid ever since I got on better terms with you guys. I wanted it to be a 'im sorry' gift for him." Aubrey said. "That's.. surprising nice..!" Kel said. Aubrey scoffed before putting the money back into her pocket. "Issue is, I'm short of a few dollars. Two shifts at fix it and Gino's should cover it." Aubrey said. "You want us to do those shifts, right?" Kel asked. Aubrey nodded. "Two of us will take a shift at Gino's and the other two will do fix it." Aubrey suggested. "Okay. Let's go tell Basil about that." We all headed over to Basil. "Basil, do you wind if we all work for a bit today?" Aubrey asked. Basil shook his head. "N-No.. I don't mind at all." He said. "Awesome. I'll take a shift at Gino's since I have a scooter. Kel your energetic. You should work at Gino's too." Aubrey said. Kel nodded. We walked over to Gino's and we split up. "Welcome!" The fix it guy broadcasted. "Sunny! Basil! Good to see you two again. What are you looking for?" He asked. "A-ah.. well.. we're looking for a job." Basil said. "You've come to the right place." He said and pointed to the tools on the display wall thing "organize the tools to the correct walls, I'll give you your paycheck when you're done." He explained, me and Basil got to work and organized the tools. When we finished we got our pay, and we left the shop. When we left we went to hangout outside of Gino's to wait for Aubrey and Kel. When they came back, they got their paycheck and we gave the money to Aubrey, and she counted it. Her eyes lit up and she smiled at us when she finished counting. Kel smiled. "Alright! I'm going to go get something. You guys wait here. I'll be back in a sec." Aubrey ran off and we sat down on the sidewalk, we chatted for a bit until Aubrey came back hiding something behind her. "Basil, can you close your eyes for a few seconds?" She asked. Basil nodded and closed his eyes. For extra measures, Kel put his hand over Basil's eyes. Aubrey grabbed Basil's wrist and put his palm facing up. She smiled before placing the Polaroid on Basil's hand. "Okay, open them." She said. Kel uncovered Basil's eyes and he opened them.

His eyes lit up. He smiled and stood up. He looked at Aubrey awkwardly not knowing if he could hug her or not, so Aubrey hugged him first. Basil looked surprised before hugging her back. "Hey! Don't forget we also helped pay for it!" Kel spoke up. "To be fair, Aubrey paid for most of it." I said. "Exactly. You don't get credit Kel!" She grinned at Kel and he stuck his tongue out at her. "I'm sorry it took most of our day to do.. I would have waited but I really didn't feel like working more this year." Aubrey apologized. "Don't worry. It was fun!" Kel smiled. "Thank you so much Aubrey!" Basil held his Polaroid camera as if it was his prized possession. "Don't mention it.." Aubrey scratched the back of her neck. "Well, let's find out what we can do with the rest of the time we have left with Sunny." Kel took out the paper and scanned through it. "Aha! How about this one?" Kel pointed to something on the paper and showed Aubrey and Basil. They both nodded. "Awesome! Let's go." He said. We began walking down to his house. My mind slowly began to drift to Omori even though I didn't want to think of it. He couldn't get off my mind. What am I going to do without him? ...Can I even make progress without him!? What am I going to do!? Then I felt something uncomfortable on my knee. It was my wound. The cotton was itchy so I unwrapped the bandage and got rid of the cotton and put it in my pocket to throw away later. "Hey, shouldn't you wait for Hero to do that?" Aubrey asked in a soft tone. I jumped. I wasn't expecting to be talked to.. I kinda forgot I was with friends to be honest. I was distracted by Omori and the itching. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." She said and her gaze returned forwards. "..it's okay." I looked to the ground. I took a deep breath. "Aubrey..?" I muttered and looked over at her. She quickly looked over at me. The light from the sun made her eyes sparkle. They looked really pretty, angelic even. "..Sunny?" She asked and I quickly snapped out of the trance. "S-sorry.. um.." I looked back at the ground. "I'm glad you're making an effort to get closer to Basil." I said. "..Thanks. It was the least I could do after almost killing him.. and bullying him..." Aubrey's nose wrinkled in shame and disgust mixed together. "..neverming.." Aubrey sighed. "To be honest.. I should have done more." Aubrey said and I looked over at her. "I'm just.. really sorry. Sorry, Sunny. I am really, really sorry. I shouldn't have been selfish.." She looked sad, but angry at the same time. "It's okay. I'm glad we're on good terms now." I kicked a rock on the road. Aubrey smiled.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now