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" Hey! Mine isn't a cactus! You said i reminded you of a cactus!!! " Kel complained. " That's because a cactus would hurt your head, Kel! But don't worry, the flowers are from the cactus. " Basil explained. Kel looked confused. " i hope you like yours, Sunny. " Basil smiled at me. I nodded and put it on. Aubrey already had hers on, it looked like she loved it. " It took a while to make but.. I think it was worth it. " Basil handed Mari the flower crown he made for her. " Aww thank you, Basil! "Mari put it on and put her arm around my shoulder. " Now we all match! " Mari grabbed Basils camera and took a picture. Basil smiled warmly. " Thank you Basil! ThankyouThankyouThankyou!! " Aubrey spoke really quickly. She jumped onto Basil and hugged him really tightly. Basil looked awkward but seemed happy. " ..Hehe- No..worries..! " Basil managed to squeeze out with his last breath. Aubrey let go and Basil tokk deep breaths. " Aubrey, don't kill him! " Kell yelled at Aubrey. " Oh shut up Kel i'm just hugging him! " Aubrey yelled Back. Kel rolled his eyes. 

" Calm down you two! " Hero patted Kels shoulder. Kel mumbled something I wasn't able to hear, but Hero and Aubery were. I could tell since Hero looked shocked and Aubrey smacked Kel on the back of his head. " OW! " Kel whined. Basil backed away and crawled over to me to get away from the commotion. Basil sat down at the criss cross next to me. " Alright, Alright! Break it up you two! " Mari commanded. Aubrey quickly walked back to where she was sitting and smiled at Mari. Kel sat up, but still looked visibly upset. Mari smiled. " Thank you. '' Mari said sweetly. " Mari, I'm bored. Let's go exploring! " Aubrey complained and whined. " You guys can go off on your adventure. I have to stay here though, my bad knee won't let me tag along, haha. Sorry. " Mari spoke sweetly. Aubrey looked like she was on the brink of tears. " b-but.. '' Aubrey looked to the floor. " Hey it's okay, all your friends will be with you! And Omori will be there to remind you of me if you need him to! " Mari looked over at me and gave me a thumbs up. " Just imagine him with long hair, and then he will look exactly like me. " Mari hugged Aubrey. Aubrey looked over at me. She looked like she was solving a puzzle, but then her eyes lit up. " You are right! He does look exactly like you! " Aubrey smiled. " Yeah, see? Dont worry about me. " Mari smiled. " But then it will be like Omori isn't there... " Aubrey whined. Mari looked confused and worried. She didn't know what to say. " It's fineee, come on we've had no trouble going out before! " Kel grabbed Aubrey's arm and pulled her up. '' Fine! ..but where are we going..? " Aubrey asked. Basil and I stood up. " Uhhh, I don't know, humphrey? " Kel questioned. " NO WAY! He tried to eat us! " Aubrey looked at Kel with a mix of anger, scared and annoyed. " Well come on now, we can't blame him! What, would you like to starve! The slime girls didn't feed him! " Kel argued with Aubrey. " Either way, the slime girls will be there!! " Aubrey yelled. " Humphrey ate them, Aubrey! " Kel yelled louder. " ...Oh, " Aubrey said. " How about you let Basil decide? He hasn't been on your adventures so he should go to the place where he has wanted to go to the most, now that you guys are here to protect him from monsters! " Mari suggested. We all looked at Basil. " O-Oh! U-um.. I guess we could.. Uh.. " Basil looked at me nervously. I shrugged. 

" I guess... umm.. " Basil stopped for a second. " Humphrey it is! " Kel started walking to the shore. '' K-Kel! Hold up! " Hero ran towards Kel. Aubrey followed behind. Basil looked at me and smiled. We walked together towards Hero, Kel,and Aubrey.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now