The city

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Its been 3 months since I moved to the city away from my friends, away from my house and away from fond memories. But, have I left the guilt behind? I'm too sure. Every now and then I get dreams, but not new ones. The dreams are mainly just repeating old ones. Like the slime girls, sweetheart, and everything before confessing. My mom got me one of the newest phones just to text Kel, Aubrey and Basil, Though we can use voice mails. But i cant really complain. The new home was tiny. It was in a apartment with 5 floors, but because of my recent suicide attemp my mom decided it should be best to get an apartment on the first floor. My new school was.. Well.. average. It was the classic school you'd see in a movie. The current date is july the 18. the day I go to test my new school. which was kinda weird since its already my new school, but the principal insisted... the school is very confusing since school usually starts in early august, but I guess I cant do anything about it.

" Alright, have fun Sunny! Hope you make lots of friends. " My mom kissed my forehead and patted my head. " Almost your birthday, too. " My mom gave me a warm smile. " Hopefully you enjoy this school, because even though it's a test day, that will be the school you go to for the rest of your school years. " My mom spoke. I nodded in disappointment. " Alright, off you go. " My mom patted my back and I left. I got out my phone to find Kel texting me. ' Top of the morning to you, Sunny! Almost 17! ' Kel always texted me in the morning. ' hi. ' I replied. I felt kind of bad replying with a simple hi, but it's better than nothing. The new phone was confusing, texting was difficult with it, but at least I could communicate with my friends with it. I entered the school and immediately started looking around. There was a blonde boy yelling at a shorter, brunette boy. There were many people running around the halls. I got pushed around a lot so I decided to walk in front of a wall, but not resting on it completely. It was made out of brick so if i were to get hit by it it would hurt. Alot. ' Hey baby! Almost 17? May want the days to go by faster, because your birthday is coming up, and you never know what can happen that day. ' Aubrey sent me a text. I'm not going to lie, the 'baby' in that sentence caught me off guard so I completely ignored the rest. A few seconds after she sent that she started typing again. ' I didn't mean baby in a romantic way you idiot. I meant it as a mock, like you're the baby of the group, you know? Not romantic. Idiot. ' Of course. Suddenly I heard some loud laughing, then I saw the blonde boy walk past. I started to stare at him. He looked just like michel. He noticed me watching and quickly turned to face me. " What are you looking at? " He spat. I didn't reply and looked back at my phone. ' Basil wants to talk to you, I'm going to pass him my phone so the rest of the messages from here will be from him. ' Suddenly I felt a push against the wall. I felt immense pain on my head, my elbow and leg, since those were both casted. My head because, well.. It's my head. I tried my best not to grunt or say anything, since well it was a response he wanted. " Apologize for staring! I mean, I get it honestly. I'm just too beautiful not to look at, but you pretended you never saw me once I caught you. " The boy yelled at me. I couldn't make sense of anything he said. I didn't know if it was because my head got pushed against a brick wall or because he made no sense whatsoever. I looked up at him with a confused look. " I know what you are thinking, who am i? I am the leader of this school! I make sure no one messes around. " he spat loudly. I didn't reply. " Now, APOLOGIZE SCUM! " ' The leader ' yelled. I could see other students making a crowd around us. Some whispered and some gasped. " isn't that a new student? " a whisper escaped the crowd. " yes, looks like he already met ' the leader ' " another whisper. When he noticed I wasn't going to apologize anytime soon he pulled me away from the wall and pushed me again. ' The leader ' walked towards me and pressed up against my ear. "I see you have casts and an eyepatch. That tells me more than enough. You've messed with people like me, aka, people you should not have messed with. So, I will cut you some slack and leave you alone. Hopefully this will have taught you a lesson. " ' The leader whispered. He backed away and left. The crowd slowly started to scatter. I sighed. It's kind of funny. He had no idea my best friend was the one to give me the eyepatch, and the cast was all me. I heard a loud bell, and went to the starting class.

Time skip: six hours later.

The second the bell rang to the last class, I was the first to leave. When I left the school I was greeted with loud sounds. I guess I should get used to them, this is the city afterall. I got out my phone to finally reply to Basil's texts. ' Hey Sunny! How have you been? Hopefully good. We have all missed you.. Especially Aubrey. One time me and Kel were waiting outside Aubrey's house, when Kel caught a glance of Aubrey hugging the cat plushie you gave her. She's also asked me many times if I have any photos of the full group. ' I was typing when suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I hesitated but turned around. Something watching me. I blinked and it was a light brunette haired girl. " Hi! Sunny, is it? " She spoke with a very happy tone. I nodded. " Well, I just wanted to be friends! ' The leader ' also picks on me so I just thought we could stand up for each other when he bullies us!! " She smiled and quickly walked up to my side. I didn't reply. " So, what's your favorite color? How old are you? How many friends do you have?? " The girl spoke very quickly. I looked at her a bit confused. " You got any siblings?? " She asked. I felt my heart stop. But it quickly resumed. I didn't say anything and just kept looking at Basil's text. " Sorry, did I say something wrong? " She asked. The questions were a little bit overwhelming. I shook my head and started to walk faster until I lost her. 

There were alot of roads to cross to get to my took about five minutes to cross it since there were many cars crossing. The second I arrived I dropped my backpack and sighed. I sat down on the new couch and closed my eyes. I suddenly heard footsteps and someone sitting on the couch next to me. " Welcome home Sunny, how was your day? " my mom asked. I opened my eyes and looked over at her. " It was okay. '' I replied. ''I know you don't like the city, and.. Your birthday is coming up.. So I guessed you wanted to go to faraway town for your birthday? " My mom smirked. I wasn't excited. " sure. '' I replied. My mom seemed disappointed at the fact that I wasn't hyped. She sighed and left to go to the kitchen. I got up and went to my room. If there's anywhere I want to be, it's my dream world. It's a fun place, and it's also.. Comforting. Even if i'm revisiting old dreams again.

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