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I kept trying to wipe the tears away until I gave up and accepted the fact that they wouldn't stop until I felt better. Every now and then I could hear thunder and gusts of wind. I hugged my legs and buried my face in them. " Sunny!!! " I heard a distant voice that belonged to Kel yell. It came from outside. I slowly looked up at Maris' grave while listening to Kels distant yelling. He was searching for me. I slowly got up and whipped tears from my eyes. I took a deep breath, made sure I stopped crying and headed out. I took a second to warm up in the church before heading out into the rain again. I walked down the street to where Kel was but I bumped into Basil along the way. " oof- Oh, Hi Sunny. Where have you been- " Basil quickly stopped and looked at me in a concerned way. " ..Sunny... Have you been.. Crying..? " Basil asked. I didn't reply. " Hey! There you are, Sunny! " Kel came over with his positive energy. He looked at me and looked confused. " Why is your face red, Sunny? " Kel asked before looking shocked. " Wait.. Do you have a crush? " Kel playfully shoved me. " ..Just allergies. " I replied. Kel smiled " Don't worry. I was just playing, hehe. " Kel giggled. Basil smiled at Kel and looked at me before hugging me tightly. I couldn't help but hug him back. " Hey, so guess what I found! '' Kel smiled before running over to the street next to his house and pulling out two umbrellas and his old raincoat. Basil walked over to Kel and picked up an umbrella while Kel squeezed into his raincoat. " I don't remember being this small.. '' Kel jokes. Basil laughed, grabbed the second umbrella and walked over to hand it to me. He had an orange umbrella and he gave me a baby blue one. " Sorry if they are a bit small, The orange one was my old one and the blue one was Heros... the orange one is smaller since i stopped using them when i found out about raincoats hehe. " Kel said. " It's okay, thank you for the umbrellas. " Basil smiled. He could barely fit under the short umbrella, he had to hold it up.

" Kel! " A voice interrupted. Kel looked over and it was his mom " Kel, come inside! You are going to catch a cold.. " Kels mom spoke worriedly before catching glance of me and Basil. " Oh, Sunny! Basil! Do you two want to come inside as well? " Kels mom smiled at us. " Sure...! " Basil smiled. " Oh you poor dear Kel, why did you give Basil such a small umbrella! " Kels mom scolded Kel. Basil stood there uncomfortably. " Anyways, come on you guys! ..Safe from the rain.. " Kels mom slowly walked away. 

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now