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Hi! before this chapter begins i am sorry for the unrelated name to the chapter. i couldnt think fo anything else.

Basil kept crying while I sat there in thought. He was right, we could go to jail for our actions and we can't seek a therapist for that same reason. " S-Sunny..? '' Basil spoke softly. I let go of him and looked at him. He had stopped crying, but tears were still rolling down his face. " Do.. Do you have to go..? Can you please just... Stay...? '' Basil asked while wiping tears away. I knew he knew my answer, but yet he still tried asking me to stay. " I'm sorry Basil.. I can't stay. " I looked to the ground. " I understand.. '' Basil sniffled. Just then we heard Kels front door swing open and we both turned around. Kel stood outside the doorway yawning and stretching. " Oh, hey you two! " Kel caught a glance of us. Basil quickly turned to face forward avoiding eye contact with him to wipe away some remaining tears. " Hey, are you okay Basil? " Kel placed his hand on Basil's shoulder. " Y-Yeah! It's just.. " Basil tried to think of an excuse. " He got dust in his eye. " I chimed in. " Oh, it happens to the best of us. " Kel sat down next to me.

 " R-right! " Basil said. " Does anyone know what time it is and how long we slept? " Kel asked. I shook my head and Basil shrugged. Suddenly We heard a loud crash followed by a grunt. Basil, Kel and I turned to the source. Aubrey had fallen off a scooter. " Aubrey! You okay?! " Kim quickly got off her scooter and ran towards Aubrey. Yep.. I'm fine..! " Aubrey slowly sat up. " If... you scraped your arms. " Angel said. " Yeah, no shit Angel! " Kim bickered back. " Let me help you up. " Kim said. " Nah, I'm alright.. Hey, I really should get going.. Sunny is going back to the city in a few days.. And I want to spend time with him before he leaves and I have to wait to see him again. " Aubrey explained. Kim looked disappointed but nodded. Aubrey smiled and waved before heading down the street. " You know, Aubrey is really confusing. When we first met her, she was sweet and all, but when Mari died, she became all gangster. When you confessed that you ki- " Kel quickly stopped his sentence, looked at us and took a second to rethink his wording. " ...that you had something to do with Maris death.. She became all violent, and now that she accepted the fact that it was a mistake, She is still a gangster but sweeter?? " Kel spoke. Basil and I looked at each other a bit confused before Aubrey's footsteps were heard. We all looked up at Aubrey who was walking down the street with her bat in hand. " Hey guys, what were you guys chatting about? " Aubrey asked with a slight smirk." Oh, nothing.. " Kel quickly replied. " Really? Sounded to me you were presenting a history of my behavior! " Aubrey said. " Well, can you really blame me? Your behavior changes every 2 months! " Kel stood up and spoke. Aubrey and Kel began bickering while me and Basil watched in silence. Then, I heard a group of three yell in horror and worry. I quickly turned to look at the source. Dream world Aubrey, Hero and Kel were all yelling in horror as they rushed over to something that was laying on the ground, I could only assume it was Mari.

Headspace was taken away from me again, and I don't know why. Maybe since i'm not needing it as much anymore, Omori tried to scare me enough to avoid it. He knows how much I dislike thinking of that day.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now