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" Give them time, Sunny. It is something that's hard to wrap their head around. " Omori sighed. I didn't reply. " Get a new violin to distract yourself. '' Omori spoke. " What? Do you know how expensive those things are? " I yelled at him. " Then save up for one. Simple. " Omori shrugged. I didn't want to burst his bubble and tell him how much that was going to take, so I just stayed silent. " How long is one minute here? " I asked curiously. " If I had to guess, one minute would be thirty minutes real time. I'm not sure though. " Omori rested his eyes. I sighed. " How long have i been here? " I questioned. " About 3 or 4 minutes. If you were to wake up, it would probably be close to midnight. " Omori replied. " good. More time I can get away from my real life. "

Omori sighed. " Well, do something productive while you are here, okay? " Omori spoke. " like what? There isn't anything productive to do here. " I looked over at him. " You haven't been at school for four years, correct? Then, study. " Omori suddenly pulled out a notebook and a pen. He placed it in front of me and watched. I opened it up and it was full of math questions, english questions, geography, ect. Boring things you do at school. " Well, go on. I'm here if you need any help. '' Omori looked right at me. " You aren't a teacher, Omori. '' I sighed. " Well, it's something to kill time. Don't worry, I'll stab you when it's morning. " Omori shrugged. I sighed and got to answering them. I didn't have anything else to do.

I kept flipping the pages and answering more and more questions. It was never ending, wasn't it? " Omori, when will I finish this? " I asked him. " Oh, it's endless. " Omori said without any emotion. " What!? Omori, this is a waste of time! " I yelled at him loudly. " Well, would you look at that. Took you the whole night to find out. Well, time to go wake up, Sunny. Say hi to Basil for me. " Before I was able to reply, Omori stabbed me. And I woke up.

I woke up and saw that Basil was watering the plants in his room. " Oh! You're awake! Sorry if I woke you up with all my footsteps.. Heh.. " Basil said in a very happy tone. I smiled. " Don't worry Basi, you didn't wake me up. " When Basil was done watering all his plants, we left the house and found Kel. " so, Sunny, since your time is almost up here, let's go do something you want to do! '' Kel smiled. '' O-oh.. that's right.. One more week counting today and Sunny is gone.. " basil sighed. " Don't worry Basil! I'm sure Sunny will come visit us!! " Kel looked at me and winked. " Right Sunny? " Kel spoke in a very confident tone. I nodded. We don't have much time left. Right now, I just want to plan my goodbye. Not just to them, but to everyone and everything. I don't have much time left.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now