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I layed down on the couch and covered myself with a blanket. Before I knew it, I fell asleep. I opened my eyes. I was laying down in white space and omori was petting mewo. He was being very friendly with her.i sat up and looked at him and he looked up at me. "Oh, hello Sunny." He spoke. He was sitting with his legs crossed and mewo was laying down in between them. "..Omori?" I said while I sat up. There was a long pause before I got up. "Wasn't I just with Mari?" I asked. Omori stood up. "Yeah.. but let's just say your brain started well, putting stuff away." He replied. "What do you mean?" I asked. He stood up but carried Mewo in his arms to continue petting her. "Sunny, my task has always been to help you. I've helped you escape into a dream world and now I'm trying to help you leave it, but I'm not good at that." Omori explained. "..How come? Wouldn't you be good at it if your only purpose is to help me?" I asked and Omori shook his head. "See, I was made by you to help you cope using the dream world, but not much aside from that. Recently I've tried to help you by going against my original purpose so it hasn't worked. You don't use a hammer for any purpose for which it was not designed or intended to be used for, do you?" Omori explained. I sighed. "So, recently you've been helping yourself. Mari has tried helping you out, too." Omori continued. " ..I understand.. But, Omori, what does this have to do with my brain putting stuff away..?" I asked. Omori paused for a few seconds. "Sunny, you're almost out of this. You don't need dream world or your dream friends anymore, do you?" After omori said that, I scrambled for an excuse to stay in my dream world, but I couldn't come up with anything. "..and, when you made dreamworld everything that didn't fit its use or didn't belong in dreamworld went to Black space." Omori said. My heart dropped. "...did you put them in black space because I didn't need them anymore..?" I looked at Omori. My emotions were a mix of fear and anger. I knew one was stronger than the other, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I rushed over to Omori and grabbed the collar of his shirt, lifting him off the ground a bit. "Why would you do that!? They were helping me Omori!! You said it yourself! Mari is helping me!" I yelled with a quivery voice. Before Omori was able to reply I noticed the top right of his head began to slowly turn into small shards that flew around a bit before disappearing. I dropped his shirt collar and he landed on his feet and watched him. " ..O-omori?" I muttered. "Sunny, Your brain is sending stuff that is now useless to black space. Now that you are enjoying life again and you subconsciously don't want the dream world to be your coping mechanism, I am useless and unhelpful to you. ..i'm also a constant reminder of the thing you want to get away from, so im being sent to black space.''

I fell to my knees as I watched Omori's body slowly turn into the shards that disappeared. His left arm was the second thing to turn into shards, starting with his middle finger. Then, his right arm. His feet also slowly began turning into shards. But, it seemed like he was still somewhat here, and he was only turning invisible. He sat down and continued to pat meow with his invisible arms. " ..Wait, but omori.. Aren't you just turning invisible?" I slowly crawled towards him and sat down on my knees. "You could say so. The process of sending something to black space goes something like this: First, the physical appearance of the thing you're trying to send to black space is sent to black space in small pieces like the shards I'm turning into right now. The thing or person being sent to black space can still do things like talk, blink, move, ect. Until the last shard of them disappears. The only reason I can think of is why sending stuff to black space works like that.. Is it because you wouldn't be able to just see someone or something disappear right in front of you before you could be able to say goodbye to it or something." Omori looked up at me. I felt like I just got punched in the stomach when I realized what this meant. I couldn't help but cry. I covered my eyes and tried wiping them with my arm as I wept. "Sunny." omori said in a soft voice. I looked up at him while tears streamed down my face. "It's okay, Sunny. Aren't you glad you're finally going to put most of this behind you?" He said. By now, the only thing left of his arms were the part above his elbow, and for his legs, the part above his knee. His head looked more complete, but that was probably because the back of his head was currently disappearing. I sniffed and tried to speak but all that came out of my mouth were wails often interrupted by gasps for air. I quickly shut myself up though. "O-omori.. I don't want you to go.." I somehow managed to say. Omori didn't reply and kept his eyes on me. "Please.. I don't want to lose you..!" I tried wiping my eyes, but tears won't stop coming. Omori sat up. He sat in front of me on his knees like I was. "I understand you're upset, but it's for the best. If it helps you heal, then I think I would have done my job." omori said to me. "..Omori.. In a few seconds I'm going to lose you.. You helped me cope with Maris death for four years.." I said while sniffing. " Of course not. Sunny, like I've said before, everyone here is a part of you. Take that as you will. But also, its not that easy for me to just disappear from your life just by being sent to black space. In reality, you have to be the one to get rid of me.. but you have to do it willingly. Until then, Omori will still linger within you for a bit. but, i know you can do it." He spoke in a very soft, comforting tone before giving me a slight smile. He hugged me. I was shocked at first, but quickly melted in his arms, hugging him back. "It's okay, you can cry Sunny." He spoke. I took a sharp breath before slightly opening my mouth, as if preparing to reply, but just like before, only wails escaped from my mouth.

I shut my eyes and hugged him tightly, until I was only hugging my stomach. When he had fully disappeared, my torso fell forward. I kept the hugging position. I opened my eyes and looked forwards before looking around. White space looked the same.. But it wasn't. It was missing Omori and Mewo. I couldn't help but fall to the floor and continue crying.

Four years of dreamworld, gone.
Omori, Aubrey, Kel, Hero, Basil... Gone.

Mari is most likely.. Gone.

Mewo... gone.

All my adventures.. Gone.

"..Of course not, Sunny! ...they are all with you." A soft voice, most likely Maris spoke. I quickly opened my eyes and gasped in surprise. "Woah! It's okay, Sunny.. Calm down." ..I had woken up. Kel was sitting beside my bed. It was still dark, so I knew it was night. I was breathing heavily, and I was very shaken up. Then I realized something warm was on top of my hand. I looked over, and Kel was holding my hand. Kel looked at me concerned. I felt something damp on my cheek, and when I wiped it and looked at it, it had a little tear drop. "..Sorry for waking you up Sunny.. I just.. Heard some quiet wailing coming from downstairs and when I went to the source, you were crying in your sleep. I didn't want you to suffer from whatever dream you were having, so I woke you up." Kel gave me a smile but he still looked worried. " Thanks... what time is it?" I asked while wiping my eyes and sniffing. "Oh, it's around 2am." Kel said. "Oh.. I'm sorry for waking you up." I mumbled in a guilty tone. " Don't worry about it! In fact, I'm glad you woke me up, otherwise who knows how much longer you would have been in that dream." Kel smiled and he spoke quietly. ..of course.. I havent lost my friends or my adventures... They are right here with me.

(Authors note)

For those who didn't understand "everything that didn't fit its use in dreamworld was sent to blank space '' i just wanted to say that's how i interpreted black space, if you know what i mean. Like, for example your pencil is too short to use now so it's useless or you made a drawing you didn't like so you decide to throw it in the bin. I think of black space as the bin.

I may have over-thought how understandable it was, but just in case I decided to add the explanation.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now