Day 5

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I woke up, basil wasn't here. I went outside and found Basil with Aubrey and Kel. " Finally awake, sleepy head! " Kel laughed. " It's been minutes! " Aubrey complained. " Sorry. " I spoke. " Well, I thought maybe today we would hang out at our old hangout spot? " Kel asked and smiled. I nodded. We headed there and sat down at the end of the dock. Kel decided to host a rock skipping competition and the winner won.. Something.. Kel was able to get the farthest throw, and he just avoided my question about what he won. Aubrey watched Kel fool around and I stared into the water while me and Basil chatted. I was reminded of what happened here, Basil almost drowned, I was almost able to drown myself... I felt the air get colder. " Aubrey! Ohh Aubrey! " I heard a yell that snapped me out of it. We all looked back and saw Kim emerge from the bushes. " Aubrey! There you are, come on, let's get ready for our stargaze tonight! " Kim smiled. The rest of the hooligans emerged from the bushes. " Kim, can't you see I'm hanging out with some of my old friends? " Aubrey yelled. ''Do you consider us friends? " Kel asked. Aubrey rolled her eyes. " But.. there's going to be shooting stars tonight! " Kim smiled. '' Kim, there's always a second time. " Aubrey spoke annoyed. '' Aubrey.. I don't get it. We Used to pick on these guys! And, you're hanging out with the guys that killed someone so dear to you!? " Kim yelled. Kel looked pissed.

" What the hell Kim! It was an accident! " Aubrey yelled at her. " It wasn't five days ago! " Kim yelled back. Kel threw a basketball at Kim and hit her in the head. " What the fuck Kel! " Kim yelled. " Go away Kim. " Aubrey spoke. Kim frowned and left. " don't listen to them, they don't even know the half and still have the guts to use that against you two. " Kel sighed. Basil nodded and looked at the water. Many hours passed, all we did was chat until it was sunset. They kept chatting, but I fell asleep. Like always.. I wasn't used to waking up at 9 am, if anything I would wake up at 1pm.

I opened my eye, and I was in a black endless void. Not white space. No omori. I got up and looked around. Atleast im not having a dreamless sleep again. I looked around until I saw someone in front of me. It was Mari. She smiled so warmly. I walked towards her, but she just walked back. I reached out to her and my walk turned into a run. Mari turned around and ran away from me. She kept running, every step faster than the other. I kept running, even though I knew I wasn't going to catch up to her. I reached out to her, she stopped running and looked back at me. Before I was able to stop running I ran into her and a flash of white took over my vision. After that I was in a dream world. I looked around, I was at the playground. It was empty. I looked in front of me and saw Omori. He looked back at me and walked away. I don't know why, but I walked towards him and chased him too. But, we weren't running. All we were doing was walking. I was chasing him. We were walking around the dream world. I looked around and we were at mr. jawsomes. I looked back at Omori, but this time it was Aubrey. Or well.. Dream world Aubrey. She looked back at me and smiled. I realized what this was. I was chasing after everything I wanted. Aubrey counted as the world and friends I created here. I stopped walking. I went back to the dark void. Mari in front of me again. 

This must be an endless loop. I walked towards her, and she ran away again. I stopped and she stopped and looked back at me. " Omori. " Mari spoke. She opened her arms in a welcoming way. She wanted me to come and hug her. I slowly walked towards her. She didn't run away. I hugged her and she smiled. I let myself melt into her arms. I closed my eyes and kept hugging her. " My sweet brother. " she pushed me away and broke the hug. She had turned into a mirror. I could see Omoris reflection. For some reason i couldn't see anything wrong. Was it because i wasn't conscious? I saw Mari standing behind me in the reflection. I turned around and saw something. Before I was able to do anything else I woke up and gasped.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now