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We filled up our pots with soil and when Kel got back we had already finished planting the seed and giving it everything it needed to sprout. " Hmmm... I'll plant a cactus. " Kel decided and picked up the bag with seeds while putting down the artsy things he got. Aubrey picked up a pencil and began thinking while basil picked one up and got to sketching. I picked one up and thought for a second. ..What do I add? I don't know what a fitting design for a flower pot is.. I slowly began to draw something. More like I let my hand do its own thing. I looked at kel with the corner of my eye. He tried his best to draw us. It was wonky, but it's not like I'm any better at art. I looked at Aubreys. She was drawing her eggplant plushie and she made it very purple and pink. It reminded me of how Mari and her wanted to dye their hair. I'm pretty sure that was what she was going for, since by the looks of it she was drawing things close to her heart. It made me feel a bit guilty, but I knew that wasn't her intention.. At Least i hope it wasn't. Basil was drawing flowers. The flowers we picked plus a white tulip and a rose. I looked down at mine. ..I had drawn sprout moles. I don't know why but I just did. Kel looked over at mine and giggled before pointing at one of the sports moles. " What inspired that one, Sunny? " He smiled. I shrugged. Time passed by and we had finished the pots.

We put them somewhere near where Mari's blanket used to be. We looked at them for a while. We were silent but not in a bad silent way, more like a peaceful way if that makes sense. Then, I felt something cold hit my head. I quickly reacted by touching the spot with my hand. Basil and Kel were the first to notice, and looked at me. " Something wrong Sunny? " Kel asked. I looked at my hand. It was wet. I looked up at the sky, and sure enough the clouds were gray. " ..It's raining. ''I replied. Basil looked up with me, and so did Aubrey. Kel put his palm facing skyward and waited. I looked at him. When Kel felt a raindrop touch his palm, he smiled and stuck his tongue out. Aubrey raised her eyebrows confused before catching on to what he was doing. " ..Kel? You never stopped drinking drops of rain?? " Aubrey asked. " Hm? Well, it's not harmful, is it? It's fun. " Kel smiled. Aubrey faced palms and me and Basil watched. Basil smiled and closed his eyes. It seemed like he wanted to enjoy this moment, and the feeling of rain touching his skin. Aubrey gave a slight smile at Kel and Kel grinned at her. Aubrey quickly wiped off her smile and replied " It's bad for you. Rain carried bacteria, and it's linked to disease outbreaks. You can get sick, yknow. " Kel stopped sticking his tongue out and sighed. " ..I don't want that. If i get sick, Hero would have me stay in bed all day. He wouldn't allow me to go see Sunny before he leaves. " Kel crossed his arms. Aubrey nodded. " Exactly. "

" ..What about puddles? '' Kel asked. Aubrey looked at him confused. " What about them? '' Aubrey looked at him. " Well, those aren't bad, are they? '' Kel replied. " Well.. Not really but- " Before Aubrey could finish her sentence, Kel grabbed onto both Basil's and my wrist and bolted off while yelling " Well in that case, we should be fine to play with them, right?! " I looked back at Aubrey and she looked surprised. Kel led us to the playground's road side where a few puddles were. He walked over to a puddle next to the road and jumped into it splashing both me and Basil. " ..Hm. not as fun as it used to be, but i am sure it will be fun with friends! '' Kel smiled widely. I looked at him for a few seconds before giving him a slight smile. I stepped into the puddle with him and he kicked water my way, causing a big splash. I tried to kick water towards him as well and it only made a small splash. " Try jumping. Kel said. Aubrey walked out of the hangout spot and Basil joined her. " Guys, come on. The puddle isn't big enough. '' Aubrey said. " Can you find a bigger one? '' Kel asked. Aubrey looked around and spotted a large enough puddle for us four. " There. '' Aubrey pointed at the puddle. Kel grabbed Basils hand and walked over to the puddle. I followed behind with Aubrey. " ..You are going to get sick. '' Aubrey said softly. I looked at her and then at Basil and Kel. " Kel and Basil thought, so I guess you should be fine to hang out if you are both sick. '' Aubrey said. Our conversation was interrupted with water splashing us both. " KEL! '' Aubrey yelled. Kel looked at Aubrey before kicking water towards her, soaking her feet. Basil stood on the water and stared at his reflection. I walked into the puddle and gently kicked the water, not strong enough to cause any splash.

An hour or so passed by before it had stopped raining. My hair, socks and other clothes were soaked, so were Basil's and Kels. ..especially Kels. Aubrey had not really joined in, so her clothing was drier than her hair. When the rain stopped, Kel smiled and walked over to Aubrey reaching into her pocket. He pulled out a piece of paper that somehow survived the rain. He also pulled out a pen and gently crossed something off the list which was surprising since he was holding the paper up. " hmmm... What can we do next... '' Kel groaned. Aubrey looked over and mumbled something to Kel. " That won't work.. It just rained. Most of these wont work.. Kel said. " Hmm.. What about this one? '' Aubrey pointed at the page. Kel nodded. " I'll go set up the stuff. Kel said before folding the paper and putting it in his pocket. " Alright, I have to go get some stuff ready, I'll be back to tell you when it's all ready. Kel said and began walking down the street. " Hey Kel! You know, the water in the puddle was cold, and that lowers your immune system. You have been outside playing in the water for an hour or so in cold weather. You will most likely get sick. '' Aubrey said. " HUH!? '' Kel yelled. " Why didn't you say anything?!? " Kel whined. '' I was going to, but you bolted away with Sunny and Basil before I could finish my sentence. " Aubrey grinned. Kel pouted before walking away.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now