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Me and Basil both took the same path together until we had to split up. I waved goodbye and started to head to mine. I immediately stopped when I saw Aubrey coming my way. It was 9 pm, what was she doing all by herself? Without her gang? Without Kim? Aubrey spotted me and I started to back away and then quickly started walking towards Basil's house. Maybe I could stay there for the night? I mean, anything but having to see her angry self again.. I was stopped by some pulling on my collar. I looked back and sure enough, it was Aubrey. 

Aubrey looked disgusted. Why had she stopped me? " Sunny. Why did you do it. She was your sister, she was our friend. " Aubrey snarled while she looked to the ground. I started to feel guilty. Aubrey sniffled. " Aubrey.. I- " Before i was able to finish my sentence she pushed me away. " If i hadn't pushed Basil and almost had the same thing happen to me i'd be beating you up right now. " Aubrey looked up at me furiously. 

" Aubrey, i'm sorry. I was just.. Angry and.. Well- " I tried to calm her down and try to shake the guilt off of me but she pushed me again. " Sunny.. Forget itl. Nothing that you say or do will bring her back or make me forget the fact that you did that. Go home. " Aubrey looked serious. I sighed and quickly walked back home. I was going to have to face it all again. I opened the door and quickly ran upstairs. I closed my eyes while jumping into my bed, and the only sound i could hear was my heart beating.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now