The hooligans

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When I left I immediately thought about spending time with Basil, since he is my best friend. I headed off to Kel's house, even though they had probably already woken up and started searching for me and Aubrey. Right as I got into the streets I felt a rock hit my head. " ow.. " I muttered. " Hey Sunny! " A voice that belonged to Kim yelled. I looked over at the source. Kim and the hooligans were throwing rocks my way. The only successful throw was from Kim. " Come here! " Kim yelled. I sighed and kept walking to Kel's house. " Sunny dont make us come there! " Kim yelled in a threatening tone. I rolled my eyes and didnt stop walking. Suddenly I felt someone tug on my shoulder. I looked back and Kim was holding a wrench. " I will hit your head if you don't stop! " Kim threatened me. The hooligans smiled behind her. I stood still. " Finally. Now listen here you, i want you to tell me why Aubrey liked you so much. " Kim spoke in a jealous tone. " Are you dating her? " Vance asked. " What?! No way Sunny got a girl like Aubrey! " ' The maverick ' yelled in an angry tone. " No. " I replied. Kim pushed me. " Then why does she like you! Are you two crushing on each other but not dating yet? " Angel chimed in. The hooligans kept asking questions similar to that. Suddenly Kim helped her arm up in a ' stop ' way. 

" Sunny, see this wrench? " Kim asked me while holding it one inch away from my face. I nodded. " Well it will hit your nose if you don't tell us anything useful. '' Kim poked my nose with the wrench. " So, why did Aubrey ditch us for you and the other nerds? " Kim smirked while holding the wrench. " I don't know. Maybe because we don't get jealous as much as you guys do. " I replied. I must have said it in a abad tone because the hooligans looked at me like I just murdered someone. " Oh now you are getting it! " Kim yelled while pulling her arm back. I closed my eyes and placed my right arm in an x way in front of my face. It was a new reflex I had never done before, but I guess it was okay to stop a wrech from reaching your nose and potentially breaking it. " Kim, leave him alone. " Aubrey said in a very calm tone. I lowered my arm and opened my eyes. Aubrey was holding my right shoulder. She walked in front of me but left a little space to the left where I could poke my head and see what was happening. " Oh.. hey Aubrey. '' Kim dropped her arm. " Can you leave the guy alone for one day? " Aubrey rolled her eyes. " You are so obsessive. " Aubrey scoffed. " Well.. Aubrey and Sunny together are sunburned. " Kim complained. " What does that even mean? " Aubrey giggled in a mean way. " You know.. Sunburns are annoying and hurtful. I remember you always complained about them in the summer.. " Kim faked a smile. Aubrey suddenly reached for my hand and held it in front of Kim. " Well nice to know I have a friend that bothers you, Kim. Now I'll bring him everywhere I go. He'll work as an anti Kim repellent. " Aubrey smirked in the evil way she always did. " ...This isn't fun anymore, Aubrey. Please come back. " Kim looked sad and disappointed. 

" What do you even mean? " Aubrey asked, confused. " .. bye Aubrey. " Kim looked at Aubrey and left with the rest of the hooligans. Aubrey scoffed. Suddenly she realized what she was doing and dropped my hand as quickly as she could. " EW YOUR HAND IS ALL SWEATY! " Aubrey yelled. I looked at my hand, it didn't look sweaty. I saw Aubrey looking at me in the corner of my eye. She smiled. I looked up at her and she immediately pushed my face back with the palm of her hand. " I'm sick of your face. " Aubrey giggled. I caught the fall and held my nose. She somehow hurt it, maybe she pressed it down too hard. That or just weak. Suddenly I heard Kel yell behind me. " OOOH! SUNNY DID YOU SEE THAT! AUBREY WAS SMILING AT YOU BEFORE YOU LOOKED UP AT HER! " Aubrey started to give that annoyed face she always gave off when she got embarrassed. " No i wasn't Kel! " Aubrey yelled back, but she wasn't fighting back as hard as she usually does. She suddenly turned to face me. She smiled again. " You did it again! " Kel yelled while smiling. " Yeah, so what? " Aubrey said in a sassy tone that definitely caught Kel off guard. 

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now