Still going.

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I opened the door, quickly falling to my knees with my view to the ground. Eventually two feet appeared in front of me. " Am I back to where I started four years ago? Am I going insane?!" I slowly looked up at Omori. Omori knelt down in front of me. " I don't know. '' Omori said. " What do you mean?! You know everything, you are part of my head, can you go dig through my emotions or something?! " I felt my eyes tearing up. '' Sunny, I know most things but there is a line I can't cross. Like black space. " Omori put his hand on my shoulder. " ..But, Omori, I already forgave myself for what I did, my friends did as well... " I whipped my tears. '' Sunny whatever is bugging you will eventually show itself. For now, all we can do is wait until you find out what it is. " Omori sat down next to me. I nodded. " Omori... I'm tired. Will this even end? I've been trying to find the end of this for years. " I pressed my head on the door leading to my neighbor's room. Omori shrugged. " The end of this is really up to you, Sunny. You had the option to keep going many times before, sometimes you chose no, but deep down you wanted to. Just like your fight against Omori. Now you just have to do the same. Do you want to keep going? " Omori replied. I looked to the ground. " I know you must be tired, Sunny. But trust me, all this hard work will eventually pay off. " Omori stood up and held his hand out to me. " So, want to keep going, Sunny? " Omori's cliffhanger expression changed to a very, very slight smile. I reached out to his hand and when I did I woke up.

When I woke up, I had small tears rolling down my face. I sat up and whipped them away. I looked to the ground, Kel was fast asleep in his sleeping bag and next to him was an empty sleeping bag that looked used. It was Basils. I got up and opened the front door. I heard distant crying and when I glanced towards the source, I saw Basil sitting on the concrete floor next to the road. I slowly walked over to him. " Oh...! H-..Hi Sunny.. " Basil said in a shaky voice once he spotted me. I slowly sat down next to him and Basil tried to keep his smile and his eyes from watering again before he eventually broke down. " ..Sunny, what we did has an immense weight on our shoulders, even if we both now carry it... Sunny, we can't get a therapist, we killed someone!! ...We can go to jail. " Basil covered his face with his hands after he spoke. He carried on crying hopelessly and i didnt know how to help him. " I never wanted this.. " Basil uncovered his face and his tears fell onto the road. " Basil.. None of us did. I can't exactly give you the best advice at the moment though.... " I said before sighing. " ..It's okay. I don't expect you to. We are both struggling at the moment.. " Basil said before giving a slight giggle. His smile slowly disappeared. I stared at his broken smile before instinctively hugging him. Basil was processing what just happened and tearing up again. Basil began sobbing and hugged me back. He cried into my arm.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now