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I opened my eyes. My left arm and leg had a cast. I'm Still alive.. I looked to my left and swayed Aubrey, Kel and Basil waiting patiently outside. They looked really sad. Basil looked up at me. The second he saw I was awake he swiftly got up and ran into the room, Aubrey and Kel followed. " Sunny! " Basil hugged me tightly. " Sunny you idiot.. " Aubrey tried her best not to tear up. " I'm glad you're okay Sunny... well.. Most of you are okay.. Just your arm and leg is kinda.. Well.. Broken. " Kel giggled. I sighed. Kel went to hug me with Basil. Eventually Aubrey patted Kels back. " Your mom is coming soon.. She's going to go talk to the doctors and pick you up and then.. You'll say bye to faraway town.. " Kel sighed. " But he will visit, I mean, if he doesn't I'll kill him. " Aubrey tried to lighten up the mood. Kel nodded. I saw my mom dash through the hallway and into my room. " Sunny! Oh my sweet boy.. " My mom hugged me tightly. " Oh.. wait here for a while, okay? I'll talk to the doctors and then I'll get you far away from here.. Love you! " My mom anxiously spat out and rushed out of my room. " We should sign his cast! " Kel quickly said. Basil looked around and found a pen, he wrote his name and passed the pen to Kel, then Kel passed it to Aubrey. Basil was normal, just his name. Kel had a smile and a thumbs up next to his name and Aubrey had a little smiley face. I sighed. Basil sat next to me on my bed and grabbed my hand tightly.

" Well, I have to say, I'm glad you're alive.. " Aubrey looked to the side. " Really? If I recall 1 week ago you wished he was dead. Did the plushie change your mind? " Kel teased. " N-NO! Are you really that dumb? He almost died! That changed my mind.. " Aubrey quickly spat. '' So you wanted him dead before his suicide attempt? " Kel looked surprised. " I- STOP MAKING THINGS UP KEL! You know I care about him.. " Aubrey sighed. I heard her mumble something that I couldn't make out. " Jeez! Sorry. " Kel looked over at me with a ' you seeing this?' look. I sighed. Suddenly a doctor walked in. " I've talked to your mother, and unfortunately I have to let you leave the hospital. All you need to do is make sure the casts dont get wet, and you can't run. If you do anything like football or any sport you will need to drop out for a while. " The doctor didn't say anything else and just left. He must have been annoyed at how many visits I've had in a row. Then, my mother walked in. " Oh.. I just now realised you were all here. " My mom looked at Basil, Aubrey and Kel. " Heh- Don't worry, miss. '' Kel smiled. " Oh Aubrey, what happened to your hair and eyes? And my my Kel you're so tall! And Basil, you look so grown up! " My mom exclaimed. Aubrey looked annoyed. " ha.. Yes I dyed my hair, and I'm using contacts.. " Aubrey snarled. She looked over at me for help. But I didn't know what to do. I coughed to get my mom's attention and leave Aubrey and the rest alone. " Oh! Sunny are you okay? Don't tell me you also have a cold.. Were leaving in two hours and sweetly hang in there! " My mom dashed out of the room. Right as she did, it went silent.

Kel helped me up the bed and grabbed crutches nearby. Basil made sure I didn't slip up and fall. We left the hospital and waited for my mom at the park. I sat down on one of the swings, and Basil sat down on the swing next to me. He kept checking on me to make sure I was okay. Aubrey sat down on the floor next to me, and Kel bounced a basketball in front of us. Aubrey Helf the casted hand while she sat. Kel was talking about life. And.. hero. Suddenly Aubrey interrupted Kel. " Sunny, since when are you so warm? " She asked. I looked down at her and she pressed my hand against her neck. I felt myself getting a bit red. " HEH!? " Kel shouted in a funny way. " What? " Aubrey smiled. She knew what he ment. She was doing it to tease him at this point. " Oh you know. " Kel smirked back. Aubrey rolled her eyes. I heard Basil giggle. " So do you like him or not? " Kel suddenly spoke. I felt myself getting even redder. I saw her get red too. She pushed my hand away from her. " WHAT? NO! UTS FRIENDLY THINGS!! " Aubrey yelled at him. Kel laughed. Then my mom walked outside the hospital. I saw her wave over at me and signal me to come over. Basil quickly got up, grabbed the crutches and handed them to me. He helped me up and we all went over to my old house..

I saw my mom get into the car. We walked to the car and stopped when we were in front of it. It was time to say goodbye. " Sunny.. I will miss you. " Kel sighed. He hugged me and patted my back. I hugged him back. Basil went over to me. " ..I will miss you.. My best friend. Come to visit.. Please. " Basil hugged me tightly. I hugged him tight as well. I rested my head on his shoulder while we hugged tightly. " I'll miss you Basil. " I whispered silently. He stepped back and let Aubrey say goodbye. " You better visit okay!? " Aubrey grabbed me by the collar aggressively. I didn't flinch. She suddenly quickly hugged me. ".. if you dont i will burn your new school down. " Aubrey mumbled. She suddenly broke the hug and placed her hands on my cheek. She suddenly got red. Whatever she was going to do she backed out and decided to go stand by Basil. " What was that? " Kel teased. " Nothing. " Aubrey smiled. ''Were you going to- " Kel was interrupted by Aubrey. " NO! " I heard my mom honik the car. I waved at my friends, but before I entered the car I caught a glance of Hero watching by the window. When he noticed I saw him he shut the blinds. I sighed. I got in the car, and when it started to move forward, I waved to my friends and they did too.

I left a faraway town. To start a new life somewhere else. I wonder if I will free myself from Mari and the guilt. I'm not excited, but I guess there's not much to do about it. Goodbye, Basil, Aubrey, Kel. .. Hero. I will be seeing you again. If the guilt of Mari's death does not consume me again from all those years ago.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now