Dear little brother...

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I need to go back into white space to talk about this to Omori. I looked at my friend behind me. They were chatting and they were smiling before Aubrey caught a glance of me. " Oh, right! When do you leave Sunny? " Aubrey asked. I shrugged. " We should ask your mom so that we can plan out our activities. " Aubrey suggested. Basil stood up and so did I. We started heading to Kel's house and when we arrived, Kel's mom was talking to mine on the couch. My mom looked at us when she heard the sound of the door swing open. " Sunny! " My mom quickly stood up and ran towards me, hugging me. I was surprised and hugged her back after a few seconds of processing what was going on. " Uhh... Miss Sunny's mom? " Kel spoke. My mom stopped hugging me and looked at Kel. " Sorry, to interrupt, but can you tell us when you guys go back to the city? " Kel asked. Aubrey facepalmed and Basil sighed. " Oh.. Right... I think we will stay here for two more days.. Then we have to go back. " My mom smiled slightly. " Ohhh, Alright. Thank you. " kel smiled. My mom looked at me, slightly smiled and slowly walked towards the kitchen, Kel's mom following behind her. " Sooo. What do you think they were talking about..? " Kel mumbled. " Kel.. obviously your mom is trying to help Sunny's mom move on from Mari's death and.. Well... Sunny's recent..attempt.. " Aubrey looked at me. Although I had an expressionless face, I felt bad for my mom.

Kel's smile slowly faded away, but after a few seconds of silence Kel's smile quickly returned. " Well.. Now that we know when Sunny leaves, we can planout our activities! " Kel said. Basil nodded. " Oh! What if we made the activities a surprise? " Kel suggested. " Sure. Sunny could write a list of activities he could want to do before leaving and we can mix them up. " Aubrey said. I nodded and Kel ran to go get paper and a pen. I sat down at the couch, Aubrey and Basil joined me. " So, what were you guys discussing before I went to hang out with you guys? " Aubrey asked. " O-oh.. Nothing important.. " Basil quickly replied. I disliked how Basil disregarded his feelings. Basil wasn't getting enough support and comfort, although i am sure Aubrey and Kel made sure to make Basil feel valid, and comforted while i wasn't here, and they will continue to do so, he still needs to be a big priority while i'm around. Kel ran out the kitchen and gave me a piece of paper and a pen. " Alright, now just write the things you want to do! " Kel smiled, sitting beside me. I began to write, Aubrey, kel and Basil watching me.

When I was done, I handed the paper to Kel. Alright, we can make that work! Now just rest, while me, Aubrey and Basil plan the rest. " Kel got up and went to his room, Basil and Aubrey followed behind him. I sat there all alone and listened to the clock, and distant chatter both from my mom and my friends. The sound slowly became muffled, and smaller. " Omori. ''I heard Mari say. I closed my eyes not wanting to see any disturbing images again. " Omori. " Mari repeated over and over again until I opened my eyes. I wasn't in Kel's house, instead I was in a dream world. I was standing in front of Mari's picnic area. It was serene. " Hi again, Omori! " Mari smiled. " Did you get lost on your way again? Don't worry! You've already gone this far, you can go back now! Just remain calm, and remember the path there. You've already gone there before, correct? So just carry on, little brother, I am sure you will remember the way there! If you want, I can accompany you! " Mari said in a cheerful tone. Slowly my view began to blur until I saw Kel's house again.

I looked around to make sure this wasn't another hallucination, and saw Her walking down the stairs. " Oh, Hello Sunny. " Hero smiled slightly before heading my way. He sat down next to me and sighed. I heard you are leaving in two days, correct? " Hero asked. I nodded. " Well..on your last day, we could all spend some time before you leave with Mari. " Hero suggested. " Of course, if you want to. " Hero smiled. " ..Yeah. I would like that. " I mumbled. Suddenly loud footsteps ran down the stairs. It was Kel. " Alright, we're done! We have all the activities set for tomorrow. For now, we just need to waste time until we fall asleep.. Hehe.. " Kel said.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now