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I opened my eyes and yawned. I'm not used to doing so many activities a day, I've gotten used to just sleeping most of the day but I'd feel guilty not to hang out with my friends and sleep instead. ..I don't know when they will return or how long they will take, but I am craving some shut eye right now. I closed my eyes just to rest them, but ended up falling asleep. I was awoken by a gentle poke on my cheek. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up. Kel stood over me and smiled when I saw him. " took a little nap, sunny?" He said. I sat up. "...sorry." I mumbled while whipping my eye. "Don't worry about it! I understand why you're tired. If you want to, we can postpone this activity for tomorrow." Kel said. I shook my head. " No, I would like to hang out with you guys before leaving.." I replied. Kel looked at Basil and Aubrey. "Well, if you want to, but you better not fall asleep while we do it!" Aubrey looked over at me and spoke. I nodded and stood up. "Alright, let's go then!" Kel smiled. We left the house and walked up to the playground.

When we arrived, bug nets and small net cages were waiting for us. "We're going bug hunting! ..of course, I know you're scared of spiders and I can't guarantee we won't find one.. so it's perfectly fine to back out if you want to." Kel awkwardly smiled. "If there are any objections to bug catching, speak up now or forever close your peace." Kel put his hands on his hips and closed his eyes waiting for someone to speak. After a few seconds of silence kel smiled and opened his eyes. "Alright then, let's go!" Kel walked over to the nets and picked up an orange one before handing a green one to Basil, a pink one to Aubrey and a blue one to me. He also picked up an orange net cage and rushed into the forest. Basil picked his cage up and quickly followed behind Kel. I knelt down to grab the net cage before Aubrey grabbed my wrist, catching my attention. I looked over at her and she looked concerned. "Sunny, are you sure you want to do this? I know Kel checked but you are pretty good at disregarding your feelings for the sake of us having fun." She said worried. My gaze slowly went over to the net cage before returning to Aubrey. I nodded. Aubrey let go but her face didn't change. I picked up the net cage and so did Aubrey. "Fine, but don't come running to me if we find a spider." Aubrey snickered as we asked over to Basil and Kel. ..I should probably tell them I don't have arachnophobia anymore..

When we entered the forest, Basil had already caught a mosquito. "Hey, how come you've already caught something, Basil?" Aubrey asked. Basil gave an awkward giggle before smiling. " It was bothering Kel, so I caught it." Basil gave a side eye. ...he was only telling half the story.

Flash back on Basils perspective

While me and Kel were heading into the forest, he began swatting something in front of him and he stopped in his tracks. "What's wrong, Kel?" I asked and tilted my head which gave me a slight view of what was in front of him. "A mosquito is bothering me!" He said annoyed while swatting violently before instinctively walked backwards and bumping into me. He quickly turned around. "Ah! Sorry Basil! I didn't mean to bump into yo-" Kel stopped talking and began swatting violently again. I slowly backed away as i watched Kel struggle to keep the mosquito away from him. "Basil! Help me out! Catch the mosquito please!" He pleaded. "R-right!" i swang my net forward, but i missed the mosquito... and hit Kels face instead. "Ouch!" Kel grunted and quickly went to cover his nose which was the part i hurt the most. "A-ah! Im so sorry Kel!" I quickly rushed over to his aid before stopping in my tracks. The mosquito was on Kels shoulder. I quickly swung my net and caught the mosquito. "Well done, Basil!" Kel smiled and patted my shoulder. " That was totally worth getting hit on the nose for." Kel grinned as he continued walking forward. I stood there stunned for a while before catching up to him. "Are you sure your okay?! Your nose is all red.." I asked in a concerned tone. "Yeah, ofcourse! Dont worry about it. In the end, it was for a good cause. And besides, you didnt mean for it to happen, you just wanted to help me out." Kel smiled. I stopped dead in my tracks. Kel noticed and stopped walking. "Hey, whats wrong, Basil?" He asked in a concerned ton before walking towards me and putting his hand on my shoulder. I could feel tears coming, so to avoid crying i looked up at the sky. "N-nothing.. Its just... the sky is really pretty, huh?" I said. I couldnt help but smile. Kely looked up at the sky before smiling. "Yeah! It really is! Now, come on Basil, we have some bug catching to do." Kel replied in a cheery tone while turning around and walking forwards. I looked forward and watched as Kel walked. I sniffed and wiped my eyes before catching up to him.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now