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Kel yawned and I looked down at my hands. I felt empty. We sat in silence before I looked at Kel. "..Kel? Don't you want to go back to sleep now? seem tired." I spoke. Kel looked at me and smiled warmly. "Thanks for your concern, Sunny but I want to stay with you till you go back to sleep, you know, just incase you have another nightmare I can wake you up!" Kel gave me a thumbs up. I nodded before laying down and shutting my eye. I sighed and drifting off to sleep. I had a dreamless night.

When I woke up, I sat up and wiped my eye. I heard footsteps rush downstairs. "Gooood morning, Sunny!" Kel smiled. "Morning." I replied. Kel smiled and Then turned around to face the staircase. "Oh, hello Hero!" Kel smiled. I heard a distant yawn followed by footsteps heading downstairs. "Hello Kel." Hero said before peering over Kels shoulder. He looked at me and slightly smiled. "Good morning sunny." He said. I waved at him. He walked away and Kel walked towards me. Kel sat down next to me. "Sunny, would you like to talk about your nightmare? If not, then I won't persist. I respect your boundaries, but I just want you to know I'm here if you need to talk. Again, I won't ask twice, don't worry." Kel smiled. I thought for a while. Kel is my friend.. he's right, I can tell him anything and he probably wouldn't tell anyone else. Come on, Sunny. Help is being offered to you, all you need to do is accept it... don't mess up.

I closed my eye and took a deep breath before opening my eye and slowly looking up at Kel. I opened my mouth, and was about to speak when I saw Hero comping towards up with his med kit. I quickly closed my mouth again and Kel looked confused and concerend. "Alright, it's time to replace your-" Hero stopped when he looked over at Kel. I could only guess Kel made a 'Wrong time' face. "Sorry, did I interrupt something?" Hero asked. I shook my head. "Alright." Hero walked over and he tend to my wounds before leaving. Kel sighed before facing me. "Anyways.. I'm listening to you." Kel smiled as he awaited my reply. I wanted to say something, and I was about to open my mouth but I bit my tounge. I gave him a slight smile and shook my head. "..alright." Kel replied. There was a bit of silence before Kel stood up. "Well, since there's nothing you need to get off your chest, it's time to go get the others." Kel walked over to the door. I got up and followed him. He opened the door and we walked to Aubrey's house. When we turned the corne, Aubrey was standing in front of her house and was hanging out with the hooligans. Kim glanced over at us. "Oh..! Aubrey your friends are here." Kim groaned. Aubrey turned around and saw us. "Oh! Hey, guys. Your quite early." She giggled with the hooligans. Kel put his hands on his hips. "No, actually we're quite late." Kel smirked. ...he loves contradicting her. Aubrey rolled her eyes. "Same thing." She said. "Not it's not!" Kel raised his voice. They argued for a while, but to be honest I was too lost in thought's  about Omori to know what it was about. Kim looked bored and slightly inconvenienced. "Ugh.. sorry Aubrey, but we're gonna go now. I don't think I can share the same air as crazy knife boy and cacti legs for more than a minute." Kim giggled and her hooligans did too. Aubrey gave Kim a disappointed look causing Kim to stutter. "Ah... sorry.." she mumbled under her breath before looking to the ground in embarrassment. She looked like a kid that had just been grounded by their parent.

Aubrey patted her shoulder. "It's fine. Well I'll hang out with you guys tomorrow after a sunny leaves. Bye!" Aubrey smiled and waved at them before walking towards us. "Tell her to be nicer, I mean..." Kel whispered something into Aubrey's ear,but I managed to hear him say "..she already kinda motivated Sunny's suicide attempts.." Aubrey looked stunned before she pulled Kels ear. "OW-OW-OW!" Kel yelled. "What! I'm correct aren't I!?" Kel grabbed her wrist. Aubrey rolled her eyes and let go of him. "What?! I'm protecting the baby of the group!" Kel yelled at Aubrey. "Are we really still calling him that?" Aubrey looked at Kel and Kel looked at me. I shrugged and Kel smiled. "Yes."

We walked over to Basils house, and Kel knocked on the door. Polly awnsered and her eyes light up when she saw us. "Oh! Hello, guys! Here to collect Basil?" She asked and gave us a warm smile. "Hi, Polly! Yes, we're here for Basil!" He smiled. "Aw, I'm so glad he has friends like you. You know what, if you want to you can hang out here today! I'll make breakfast for everyone." She suggested. Kel hummed in consideration before turning to looked at me and Aubrey. Aubrey shrugged. "We'd love to!" Kel turned to face Polly again. Polly smiled and opened the door wide to let us in. We walked inside and sat down on the couch. "I'll make pancakes!" Polly smiled. Kel sat up excitedly. "Yum! I'll help!" He ran over to the kitchen. "I'll help too." Aubrey got up and went over to Kel and Polly.

I sat up and went to Basils room. His door was shut, so I knocked on it and waited for a reply. ...nothing. I knocked again and waited for a while again. ...nothing. My heart began to pound quickly. It felt like it was about to jump out of my chest. I knocked again and again. I started to shake. " B-Basil..!?" I spoke in a worried and shaky voice. To my relief, the door slowly began to open. I saw Basil whipping his eye. He smiled when he saw me. I sighed and calmed myself down. "Hey, Sunny... what's up..?" He yawned. I launched myself into his arms and hugged him tightly. "Hey, Basil.." He stood in place, stunned. "Sorry, did I frighten you?" He asked before hugging me back. I shook my head ina way to say no, but I was lying. I didn't want him to feel bad, though.

"I just..realized how much you mean to me and began to miss you I guess." I pulled away from the hug and spoke. Basil smiled. "You mean a lot to me too, Sunny. I will miss you a lot when you leave.." Basil said. I could see tears forming in his eyes. He quickly wiped them when he realized, but more kept coming. "Can I come in?" I asked. Basil nodded and I entered the room, closing the door behind me.

Basil sat down on his bed and put his hands on his lap, letting the tears flow. I sat down next to him and watched him. He sniffed and sobbed. I patted his back. To be comepletely honest, im a good listener, but not a good comforter. I offered to come in to be nice and well, try to comfort him but I genuinely didnt know what to say. "Su-Sunny?" He looked at me, tears streaming down his face. His cheeks were red, and so was his nose. "U-um.. Do you hate me?" He asked. I was stunned. I shook my head. " No, not at all. You're my best friend." I hugged him. "Oh... I just.. wanted to double check..." he mummbled. " ...I don't want you to go." He said, nuzzling his face into my shoulder. "I don't want to either." I replied. He sighed and we stopped hugging. He wiped his tears and blew his nose. "Breakfast is ready!" Polly shouted for us in the distance. I looked over at Basil. It was obvious he had just finished crying. "Coming..!" He said. We both got up, but before going to the kitchen Basil headed to the bathroom. He walked over to the sink, wiped his eyes for a while before splashing his face with water. He looked into the mirror and at his reflection before smiling. was a forced smile, but like one you'd make to boost your confidence or hype yourself up. He took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen. We sat down at the table and began to eat. I looked at Basil, and he looked like he haven't cried at all. It was very surprising, because he went from a very obvious crying face to a normal happymone.'d he do that? How many times has he used that trick before? How'd he learn to make himself look perfectly fine after crying? ...has he done that before coming to hang out with us before?

Kel ate two pancakes while Aubrey ate one. Me and Basil cut a pancake in half and I've ate the halves. "Oh my.. Sunny, Basil, you sure you only want to eat half a pancake? There's plenty more!" Polly asked conceded. I shook my head. "No, but thank you Polly." Basil smiled. Polly looked more calm after Basils response. "Well okay.. but remember, your all growing boys.. So you need protein. You too, Aubrey." Polly said. Aubrey leaned closer to Kel and put her hand over her mouth, but left a gap in the direction to Kels ear while her gaze stayed on Polly. Kel also leaned closer to Aubrey and looked at her. was surprising how in sync they were.. like Kel knew Aubrey wanted to say something to him."I'm eating more than them, why am I getting a lecture?" Aubrey whispered. Kel shrugged and they returned to their original position.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now