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I enjoyed listening to the sound of nature, the wind, the water, the birds chirping. It was peaceful. I just hoped it wouldn't get ruined by another illusion. " Oh, hi Sunny! " I heard Kel say happily behind me. I turned around to see him and stood up. " Sorry if I interrupted you, I woke up early and when I went downstairs I saw you weren't on the couch... and I got a bit worried about you. " Kel giggled awkwardly. He sat down at the dock and i quickly sat down next to him. We sat in silence for a while and we stared at the water. " I'm glad mostly everything is atleast a tiny bit better. Like, Hero is starting to be nice to you again, Aubrey is hanging out with us again. But.. that's how I feel about our current situation, how do you feel? " Kel asked me. I looked at him, then at our reflection. My reflection looked like me, except instead of my left eye being blind, that side of my face was Omori's. I nodded in a way to assure him I was fine, even though I wasn't. I didn't want him to worry. " I'm glad! ..But still.. If you even need anything, i am here for you. " Kel put his arm around my shoulder, pulled me close and hugged me. Before i was able to hug him back he let go and got up. Alright, so we have today and tomorrow until you leave faraway, the list should be in my room. " Kel spoke.

We headed to his house, but Kel stopped right around the corner. " alright, how about I go get the paper and you recruit the others? We will meet at mine. " Kel suggested. I nodded and we headed separate ways. As I walked down the road I couldn't help but admire the sunrise. It's... a good thing I'm not dead quite yet. I would have regretted not expecting a common but beautiful sight. After a few seconds I got back on track and headed to Aubrey's house since it was the closest. I knocked and it took a while but Aubrey opened the door. She looked half asleep, and I would guess that she had just woken up. " oh.. hey Sunny. What are your doing up so early? " Aubrey asked as she stepped out and closed the door behind her. " ..I went on a walk and found Kel, so we decided to start the day early. " I said. " oh alright. Let's go get Basil then. " As Aubrey and I walked down the street I could feel her glare at me as I tried to avoid her eye contact to seem as if I haven't noticed. " hey... Sunny? " Aubrey broke the silence. " ..well.. you know I want the best for you, you are my friend... and.. " Aubrey paused trying to find the right words and I looked at her. " If you ever need anything, I am here for you, okay? I just.. don't want my past actions to distance you from me.. and besides you are going to go to a new school and are going to make new cooler friends but... " Aubrey paused and sighed. " you get the point. " Aubrey gave an awkward giggle. I looked at her. ' new cooler friends ' ..No.. I don't want new friends.. I want the ones I already have..! Before I could continue my thoughts, the sound ofAubrey knocking on Basils door snapped me out of it. The door slowly creaked open, and you could barley see Basil poking his head out. " Hey Basil. Sunny and Kel decided to start the day early, so we are going to begin the activites, if that's okay with you? " Aubrey said. " oh..! right! ..just give me a second. " Basil shut the door and we sat in silence for a few seconds until Basil stepped out and shut the door gently behind him. ''Sorry, I had to leave a note for Polly. " Basil said. ''No need to apologize. Let's go. " Aubrey reassured Basil.

We made our way back to Kels house and Kel was standing outside waiting for us. " Hello guys! Ready to start the day? " Kel asked in an edited tone, like a performer trying to hype up his crowd. He was met with mostly silence, but a quiet " ..yay..! " from Basil. " okay. Now, Sunny you didn't give us much to work with.. like five activities that we are supposed to split between two days. " Kel said while looking at the paper he held in his hand. " But hey, we made a plan. First things first, cover your eyes. " Kel said. I did as he said and felt a pair of hands grab onto my shoulders and turn me around to face the other way before leading me around. I had no idea what was going on or what I was doing aside form the instructions Kel gave me, like ' to the left, ' or ' Ack! Careful, Sunny, go around that pebble. ' which wasn't very helpful since I had no idea where the pebble even was, but I didn't say anything and tried my best to follow his vague instructions. " alright, we are finally here! " Kel said in a edited tone. " you can uncover you eyes now. " I did as told and I saw pots with solid and some bags with seeds next to them. We were at our hangout spot, to the left of the pond. " you said you wanted to try some gardening with us again, so we set up this little place here just for that. " Kel smiled. " I brought gloves and we asked Aubrey for gardening pliers but it seemed she didn't have any. " Kel said. " why would I? Basil is the gardening expert! " Aubrey complained. Kel quickly leaned in her ear and whispered something. I could only make out some words like 'Basil' 'eye' 'sunny' and 'traumatic' Aubrey looked to the side in a little annoyance but also a little bit of guilt. "Anyways, it's not like we will need it. We are just planting seems and watering it the putting them to the side. " Kel said. " that's kind of boring, don't you think? Let's paint the pots. "Aubrey suggested. " and where do we get paint form, Aubrey? " Kel raised his voice when he said Aubrey. '' From the art kid in the neighborhood, Kel. " ..Aubrey said and raised her voice while saying Kel as well.

" ughhh too much work. I can go get a pencil and some coloring pencils too. " Kel stood up and left " alright, what seeds do we have.. " Aubrey grabbed some of the bags and read them. " they are all followers- And cacti.. I bet Kel is going to plant that one. " Aubrey scoffed. " I'll plant a sunflower. You? " Basil said when reaching for a sunflower seed. " hmm.. a gladiolus. What about you, Sunny? " Aubrey asked. "

" a lily of the valley. ''I replied. 

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now