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When I returned, Hero was helping Kel and Aubrey while Basil just smiled while mixing the wet ingredients together. I walked over to him and he smiled at me. "There we go, all cleaned up." He said and I nodded. "Alright, the dry ingredients are ready, once you guys are done with the wet ones we can mix them and then form the cookies." Hero said. "We're all done." Basil replied. Hero nodded and poured the wet ingredients into the dry ones and mixed. Then we all made small balls from the dough. It looked appetizing so when I thought no one was looking I swiped my finger through the mostly empty bowls side and ate a bit of the dough. I looked at the corner of my eye and Aubrey was holding her head up with her hand on the counter and was warmly smiling at me. I felt my ears getting red. I quickly tried to look busy and went to the sink to wash my hands. Aubrey walked up to me and put her hand on my shoulder. I glanced at her hand but my head didn't move."Don't worry, I won't tell."she ruffled my hair before walking next to Hero. I turned to and stared at her for a while. Then Hero took the tray full of cookie dough and put it into the stove. "Now we wait." Hero patted Kels head. "...the worst part." Kel said. Hero laughed. "I'm sure you guys can make the most of it." Hero smiled at everyone. It was incredibly surprising how much he had changes in a few days.. I couldn't tell if he was faking it or if he was actually having fun with us. "Also, time to get that removed." Hero said. He walked towards me and got rid of the cotton covering my injury.

"Well.. Aubrey, Basil we have a bit of an issue! Kel pulled them close. "What?" Asked Aubrey. "We have run out of activities.." Kel sighed. "..what?" Aubrey's eyes widened. Kel nodded. " now what?" Basil asked. "I dunno. Ask sunny what he would like to do." Kel suggested. Basil looked over at me. "Sunny is there anything specific you would wanna do?" He asked. I thought for a second and an idea popped to mind. "..I'd like to see Mari.. if that's okay." I mumbled. "Of course!" Kel smiled. We went over to the cemetery. When we got to Mari's grave everyone went silent, the only thing filling the silence was the sound of the wind. I looked at the grave and my stomach dropped. I don't know why it was happening now, I've visited her before many times but I felt a hollowness in my stomach yearning to be filled. ...then i felt tears coming to my eye. Why am I crying? I have reason to be sad, sure, but I haven't cried much when visiting before. I tried to steady my breathing while tears filled my eye and I tried not to blink to not make the tears spill. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I could tell it was Kel. "Sunny, if you would like some time alone.. we could always come back." Kel spoke softly and rubbed my back. I clenched my fists and let out a small quiet sob and nodded. I heard footsteps distancing themselves from me until I heard a door open and close. The second I heard that I dropped to my knees and pulled on the grass, but it wasn't heard enough to pluck it. I grit my teeth and didn't open my mouth whatsoever trying not to make any noise apart from sharp breaths. I shivered and closed my eye letting the tears drop. I felt someone hug me and pat my head. "Shh.. it's okay.." Mari's voice spoke comfortingly. I held the spot where her hand was supposed to be and let the tears out.

I cried for a minute or two before finally feeling better, I kept my eyes closed for the entire time and while I slowly began to open them again, the feeling of Mari hugging me began to fade. My vision was a bit blurry because of the tears so I wiped them away. I looked up at her grave. 'Mari. The sun shined brighter when she was here.' I wiped my nose and got up. I heard faint footsteps behind me. I turned around and Mari was smiling at me. She was walking towards the doors to the church but waited for me to come with her. I wiped my eye and walked over to her. I opened the door and I left the church. Kel, Aubrey and Basil were waiting for me outside. "You okay?" Asked Aubrey. I nodded. Kel pulled me into a hug, but he had to bend down because of the height difference. I patted his back and he let go after a while. " now what do you want to do Sunny?" Aubrey asked. I shrugged. We all thought for a few seconds. "Hey! Sunny I want to hear you play the violin again!" Aubrey said. We all stared at her for a few seconds. "..where are we even going to get a violin?" Kel asked. "Music store!" Aubrey fibber gunned him. "..where can we even find one!?" Kel asked. "Well, you drive us so,where there is one, duh." Aubrey replied smugly. "'s going to be a long ride though." Kel complained. ..Kel can drive now..? "Oh! Right, sorry you probably didn't know but I got my drivers license a few days before you came back to faraway!" Kel gave me a smug smile. "..yeah, and when he took me and Basil out for a ride for the first time we almost crashed." Aubrey scoffed. "..but im more experienced now!" Kel said. Aubrey smirked. "I guess I could drive for 15 minutes and back.." Kel scratched his head. "Yep!" Aubrey said. We headed to his moms car and we got in. Kel and i sat at the front while Basil and Aubrey sat at the back. It was quite the long road trip,but I enjoyed it. I could see the beach and picturesque neighborhoods. We were chatting while Kel drove (by we I mean Aubrey, Basil and Kel while I listened in and occasionally nodded or shook my head) and then we finally arrived. I was nervous to be honest. When we walked In we were greeted by a bunch of instruments. The store was full to the brim so I had to stand up on my tiptoes to try to catch a view of some of the instruments. Kel grabbed my wrist tightly before charging into the crowd. Before I was swallowed whole by the crowd, I quickly reached out my hand for Basil to take it, and he instinctively did. I saw him grab Aubrey's hand and we were all connected like a train so we wouldn't get lost.

Although Kel cleared a path for us, it was still hard to get by without crashing. I had three things to focus on: dodging people, squeezing by them and looking for a violin. ..but I'll admit I wasn't trying as much as I should have when trying to look for the violin. I was scared I'd disappoint my friends, I mean I haven't played in ages and if I'm bad they would have wasted their time by driving here and getting their hopes up.'s better for us to not find a violin than for me to disappoint them. Then, Kel stopped suddenly, causing me to crash into him falling back a bit. Basil was surprised at the sudden stop and tried to help me up but it caused him to fall back a bit too. It was like we were dominos but Aubrey quickly caught Basil and helped us both up. "Kel, you have to warn us before stopping! Otherwise you'll make us all fall." Aubrey complained. "Thanks, Aubrey." Basil sighed with a smile. "No problem." Aubrey smiled back at him. "Sorry, sorry." Kel scratched the back of his head. Aubrey smiled before replying "It's okay, Kel. Accidents happen."

"So, why'd you stop all of a sudden?" Asked Aubrey. Kel smiled. "I have found a violin!" He smiled and pointed forwards to a violin. I gulped. They pulled chairs from around the room and placed them in front of me. I shivered a bit. Kel was smiling. A worker walked past us but before she left Kel quickly called for her. "Uh..! Excuse me, ma'am?" He quickly looked over at her. "Oh! How can I help you, sir?" She stopped and smiled at Kel. "Could You help us find a violin big enough for him?" He asked. The lady turned to look at me and thought for a second. ..It made me nervous that I was getting closer to playing. She nodded and went somewhere. We waited for a while and the lady came back with a violin that was perfect for me. "Here we go! Now, play a note." Kel smiled. I didn't remember any songs apart from the one I was supposed to play with Mari to be honest. I took one deep breath and closed my eyes, positioning my hands and the bow properly before playing the first note, then the next.

(Video completely optional and doesn't affect the story. )

One I finished playing I slowly opened my eyes...that was worse than I thought. It's not like I didn't know this, but the piano really made the song sound complete... Well, the violin can be the only instrument played but it needs some work to really complete the song. I looked at my friends and they were just... staring at me. I got nervous and placed the hand holding the bow to my side and looked to the ground to avoid eye contact. Kel began clapping. "Well done, Sunny! Amazing as always!" He stood up and hugged me. "That was really good, Sunny." Aubrey smiled at me. Basil didn't say anything and just smiled at me. " Sunny..the past four years I've been working and saving up some money and I do in fact have enough to buy a violin..." Kel spoke. ..what? Did he really just offer to give me his savings from the past four years for me to get a violin? I looked at him dumbfounded. "No.. keep it." I said. "I insist! Really, I don't have anything else to do with it." He said. "Save it for the future Kel." Aubrey suggested. "What will I need so much money in the future for?" Kel looked over at Aubrey. "I don't know, a house?! To sustain a family!?" She began sarcastically. "Eh. That's far away. I'm only seventeen." Kel brushed her off. I kept shaking my head. "Okay, okay..." Kel replied. "Well! That was fun, we are heading back home now?" Asked Kel. Aubrey face palmed. "..really?" She said Kel looked confused. "..what? What else is there to do?" Kel asked. Aubrey sighed. "Kel, we're close to the beach." Aubrey scoffed. "Ooooh! Right!" Kel smiled. "I forgot to bring swimsuits though.." Kel scratched the back of his head. "I knew you would. It's fine, though. I'm sure there's a store for swimsuits somewhere around here." Aubrey said. Kel smiled and he left the store.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now