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Basil quickly showed up and sighed with relief. " W-we thought you were going to.. You know.. " Basil ran up towards me and hugged me. Aubrey didn't have her bat with her when she showed up. " Glad you are okay Sunny.. But now we have to go get my bat back! " Aubrey snarled. " What? No! That would provoke more fighting! " Kel yelled at Aubrey. " But it's my bat! Do you know how much the bat and the nails cost?! " Aubrey yelled back. Kel rolled his eyes. Aubrey rolled her eyes back. " I-I don't think we should fight while Sunny is back here.. '' Basil mumbled. " I agree! " Kel poked fun at Aubrey.

I looked at the pliers before I dropped them. I shook my head and reminded myself that Mari was dead. Basil looked right at the pliers when I dropped them. He knew exactly what I was going to do before they showed up. Basil's heart dropped. His expression changed really quickly. He quickly grabbed my hand and walked towards Kel and Aubrey. His hand was shaking. Did I remind him of when he stabbed me with his pliers? Or is he just scared that I was thinking about it?

" W-we should go now... U-Um.. we should probably go to our old hangout spot.. For old times sake.... " Basil stuttered. He probably thought there was nothing there that could hurt me or possibly kill me. He was wrong. I had already tried drowning myself there. But then the hero saved me. I was close though. " Oh! Sure! Good idea, Basil! " Kel smiled and started walking while Aubrey complained to him. The second they were far enough, Basil threw himself onto me. " ...Sunny.. Why do you keep wanting to leave us...? " Basil mumbled sadly. I felt guilty. I'm being selfish. I'm only thinking of myself again. I need to focus on others instead.. That's what Mari would want... or at least i think it is. " Kill yourself. " A cold breeze followed by the whisper that belonged to Mari hit my neck. I shivered. It gave me goosebumps.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now