A home for flowers

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Hero sighed and went upstairs. Basil and i were left on the couch. Basil got up and looked at me. " Sunny, I'm sorry I forgot to give you a birthday present yesterday.. I was actually still setting it up. So can you come over to my house? I'll give it to you there. " Basil handed me his hand. I took it and he helped me up. He held my hand as we left the house. The second we did we heard yelling. Basil seemed to ignore it, so I tried to as well. It seemed easier to do since basil was here, for some reason. " So, what do you want to do in your last days here, Sunny? " Basil smiled at me. " I don't know. I don't like the city, I wish I could just stay here. " I answered. When i finished the sentence we were able to catch a glimpse at Kel trying to get ahold of Aubrey while she tried to snach her bat out of Kim's hands. Basil quickly turned around and continued walking to his house as if he wanted me to ignore them and not cause any problems. Sadly that wasn't possible. " Hey! Aubrey, how about you go back to your psychopathic friend! " I heard someone yell. I looked back and Basil walked faster, dragging me along with him. " Dude, leave them alone he isn't even carrying a knife at the moment. Listen, just give us Aubrey's bat. " I heard Kel negotiate. '' Lets just continue, Sunny. Ignore them. " Basil continued walking with me. I nodded. We continued walking until we reached his house. I heard the yelling in the background but I made sure not to focus on it. 

Basil opened the door, and let me in. The house was full of flowers, every type. Roses, daisies, cacti, and more. Basil continued walking so I followed. Polly was in the kitchen cooking. She quickly caught a glance and smiled. " Oh, welcome back Basil! I see you brought Sunny with you. Polly said excitedly. " ..Hehe.. yeah.. '' Basil said. It seems that Basil still wasn't very close to polly. Basil quickly carried on and we went to his room. The blood stains from when we fought were gone, the room was replaced with fresh new wallpaper. The same as the last but it was much brighter and cleaner. The sleeping back from when I last slept here was still here folded up next to Basil's bed. " Hold on, let me get your gift. '' Basil kneeled beside his bed and reached under it. He pulled out a white tulip. He struggled to get back up while carrying the heavy pot so I helped him up. " It's not much.. But I hope you like it..! " Basil handed me the pot and smiled warmly. " ...Thank you, Basil. I'm fond of it. " I smiled back. " Well, I also happen to have an extra watering can. M-Maybe you would like some fertilizer too..? " Basil pulled out a watering can and a small bag of fertilizer from under his bed. I nodded and placed the flower pot on the floor. I walked over to basil to help him pick things up. " Take care of it, okay? " Basil Looked at me. I nodded. Basil smiled. We got up and Basil looked out his window to see if the hooligans had left and if it was safe for us to go. " Looks like they're gone, come on, Sunny. I'll help you carry things. " Basil went over and picked up the fertilizer and the watering can. I picked up my white tulip. 

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now