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The second I left the house I was greeted with silence. I looked around. The only thing I could hear was the birds chirping in the trees and the wind blowing. I let go of the door knob and slowly walked towards Kel's house. Suddenly I started to feel uncomfortable. The whispers and the distressful humming came back. In the corner of my eye I could see something walking next to me. I walked faster. So I did something. I shut my eyes and started to sweat. I continued walking rapidly hoping the noises would go away. I felt hopeless. The sound only got louder and louder until I tripped on a rock on the road. Out of reflex I tried to catch myself with my arms, saving my head from damage, but I scraped my left arm and my knees. I slowly pulled myself up again, and when I looked ahead, Mari was there. " Sunny! Are you okay!? I told you to be careful while using your new skates! '' Mari quickly walked in my direction with a worried look. I slowly took a step towards her. That's when I heard crying behind me. I looked towards the source. It was me. Well.. younger me. He was on the floor crying while he held his knees. Just like I have been doing all the time. I turned around to face Mari again. She quickly kneeled down and grabbed his hands, helping him up. " hey, it's okay. It's going to be okay, want a piggy ride back home? '' Mari suggested. He slowly nodded. Mari crouched and got her arms ready to catch him. He slowly wrapped his hands around her neck and tried his best to jump into her arms without slipping. He was on roller skates, after all. Mari got up and started walking away. I could still hear faint whines from him while Mari slowly carried him away. Suddenly, Mari looked back at me. She was smiling, until her eyes started to fill up with a black goo, and they started to overflow. She opened her mouth to show a bigger smile, but black goo also flowed out of her smile. The sweet calm feeling I had felt turned into horror. I watched as she kept walking and smiling. I wanted to yell, but I couldn't bring myself to. Suddenly Mari slowly looked forward again, but she never stopped smiling. As she did, Mari and younger me started turning transparent, until she wasn't visible.

I was in shock until the adrenaline kicked in again. I slowly started to run towards Kels house, but I felt burning on my knees. I stopped and groaned quietly while I lifted my right knee to see what had happened. I forgot about the fact that I had slipped and fallen. It was a medium scratch, but I think the pain was caused more by the fact that my skin was pretty sensitive from the lack of sun over the past years. I tried to limp but both my knees were hurt so I sat on the sidewalk and tried to figure out how to get to Kels house. I could walk it off and be a man.. but I'm too tired. I looked at the scratch on my arm, and it was smaller than the ones on my knees. After a few seconds of silence, I started to hear footsteps coming towards me. I looked over to the source and it was Hero. He happened to be walking Hector and I guess she just found me hopelessly sitting on the sidewalk and decided to help. ...at least I hope that's what he is here for. I watched him getting closer, and as he did I tried to stand up. I was almost up until Hero lent me his hand. " Need a hand? '' Hero offered. I looked up at him and slightly nodded. I slowly stood up preparing myself for pain, but surprisingly I felt minimum pain aside from the burn. Hero wrapped his right hand around me to support me, while we slowly walked towards his house. Hero had to reassure me with " it's okay " and " almost there Sunny '' every time I quietly groaned in slight pain. When we did reach his house, he helped me onto the couch and went to get ointment. I closed my eyes and sighed. Out of nowhere I started to hear giggles.

I opened my eyes and saw a younger me sitting next to the glass door. He was playing with a blade of grass until younger Aubrey ran over to get him. " Hey Sunny! Can you help me bring my stuff up into the treehouse? '' Aubrey placed her arms behind her back and tilted her head while she looked down at him. He nodded, quickly got up and walked away with Aubrey. I moved to the edge of the couch to get a better view. It was the tree house. Back when it was getting built. I must have hit my head hard when I fell, because this wasn't even my house. The tree house wasn't built here. Mari and the hero were up on the treehouse, placing the table. Mari turned to face hero and they both smiled warmly. I saw Aubrey lead the younger me to the pile of the things she wanted to take up. I could see him look shocked at the amount of stuff at the pile, but Aubrey insisted. Kel and Basil were climbing up the ladder. Basil was holding his polaroid and Kel had Basil's photo book. Everyone was chatting and smiling, it was so.. Comforting. I felt warm and happy. I wish I could go back. Suddenly these thoughts creeped into my mind... again. " You killed her. Look at all of you, you were happy. Until you killed her. " A little voice at the back of my head spoke. ..No. it was an accident. Stop blaming yourself. I heard a yell. I quickly sat up and looked around to see who it was. When I realized it was all in my head I looked back to the treehouse. Instead of the treehouse I saw a tree. The tree where Mari was hung. I saw her body sway with the wind. I saw her looking up at me. It gave me chills. I quickly moved away from the glass door. The second I did, I heard Hero coming back. " Hey, you okay Sunny? " Hero asked while he sat next to me. I nodded slowly while Hero spread the ointment on my scratches. " i've seen worse. How come you had trouble walking? Kel is able to run a marathon with the biggest scars on his arms and legs. " Hero questioned. I honestly had no idea. " Have you not gotten used to getting hurt? " Hero looked up at me. I shrugged even though I knew that was not the case. I broke my bones and jumped off the third story of a hospital. 

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now