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I could hear creaking from the dock as Kel ran towards the edge. " Kel.. maybe we should go somewhere else..? The dock doesn't seem very safe anymore. " Hero slowly walked over to Kel and held his shoulder. "What do you mean? It's very safe!" Kel stood proudly. Hero sighed. " Even if the dock was safe, I agree with Aubrey. " Aubrey's eyes light up. " Yay! So we can go somewhere else!!! " Aubrey jumped in excitement. ''I don't get it, are you scared of humphrey? " Kel said as he walked towards the shore. Hero sighed in relief knowing that Kel was off the dock and safe on the shore. " No! " Aubrey yelled at Kel and made her way over to me and Basil. "If none of us can decide, then Omori will. " Aubrey stood proud. There was a small silence while everyone waited for me to reply.

" Sunny! ...Sunny! " a voice I recognized spoke. I woke up.

I slowly sat up from the position I fell asleep in while rubbing my eye. I opened it and saw Kel who was shaking me awake. " Oh, you're finally awake! " Kel smiled at me. I could hear crying in the distance. I looked at him confused. It seemed to be around midnight. " Don't worry about crying.. It's just.. Sally! She woke up early and my parents are taking care of her right now.. Anyways, want to go for a midnight stroll? " Kel smiled. He was clearly lying. I could tell since the crying belonged to an adult woman, and I have an idea of who that woman could be.

It wasn't like Kel to want to go on a night stroll. I slowly nodded and stood up. Kel opened the door and gestured for me to go out first. " I... I'm sorry you have to deal with my crying every night.. It's just been so hard for me. I feel like i've failed both of my children. " a voice belonging to my mother cried before Kel pushed me outside and shut the door. I looked to the ground. I knew I was the one to make her feel worse. She was doing a good job of keeping her smile for me and being brave so that i wouldnt worry about Mari's death, but my suicide attempts must have broke her. I'm to blame for all of this. 

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now